Xbox 360 Can Scratch Your Game Disks!

I’ve read about this issue a couple of times online, but I didn’t find enough evidence to backup this claim. So, I dismissed it. But it seems that the Xbox 360 CAN scratch your game disks! Yep, its true. As far as you would like to avoid this unpleasant fact, the truth is that if you play your games long enough on an Xbox 360, it might end up getting scratched.

Now here’s the fact. I’m a big fan of Oblivion, with playtime well over 110 hours. Recently the game just freezes up for no good reason and I receive an error message saying that the disk is unreadable. I pop out the disk and upon further inspection, find a couple of scratches on the game disk. Now, I don’t know how it occured. I’ve always stored the game disk back into its protective case and always handled the game carefully. I never lent the game disk to any of my friends. So the most obvious culprit is my 360 and the long hours I’ve spent with it in Oblivion.

It seems that I’m not the only one suffering the same problem. Head online and you are bound to come across some stories similar to mine. Infact, in a recent press release, Microsoft DID say that the Xbox 360 MIGHT scratch your game disks. Not only that, but Microsoft has an offer in their support section to replace scratched Xbox 360 game disks that are published by Microsoft.

So, in the end, remember that prolonged use of a game disk in an Xbox 360 might end up getting scratched. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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Written By on June 22nd, 2007 Categories: My-life, Opinion, Xbox 360 Tags:

2 Responses to “Xbox 360 Can Scratch Your Game Disks!”

  1. […] playing the singleplayer campaign. The disc is squeaky clean, so no, the problem is not due to damaged game discs. Then again, Two Worlds is known to be notoriously buggy. Fortunately, this hasn’t happened […]

  2. […] The cause? If you play long enough on the 360, your game disk could get scratched(more at My warranty period has expired so there’s no option for replacing the disk. I could just […]

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