We Have Moved To A NEW Domain! www.GAMERSWORLDBD.com

This is just to let you know that we have moved to our very own domain http://www.gamersworldbd.com/ from our previous BlogSpot domain. If you type in our old domain address (http://gamersworldbd.blogspot.com/) it will forward to our new domain! Neat, huh?

Along with our domain I have done some improvements to this blog (namely the switch to three-column format) which I hope will benefit you guys to find what you are looking for and navigate the site more quickly. The blog is still under construction so there might be things which are out-of-place or missing. I will continue to add improved features to this blog.

And it was pretty tough on getting this domain. I had some trouble with my previous registrar, had to cancel their package and transfer this domain twice! Later, I had to set it up so that it could point to google’s blogspot server (where my blog is hosted for free). All in all, I am glad that the new domain is working wothout a glitch. Hope you enjoy the new look! Email me your thoughts and suggestions at mrahman[AT]gamersworldbd[DOT]com

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Written By on July 5th, 2007 Categories: Site Updates Tags:

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