BioShock Infinite Gets 4 New Screens

2K has released four new screens for BioShock Infinite which you can view below.

BioShock: Infinite launches in 2012 for PS3, 360 and PC.

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Written By on October 22nd, 2010 Categories: PC, PS3, Xbox 360 Tags:

7 Responses to “BioShock Infinite Gets 4 New Screens”

  1. @TheGamingWiz

    i heard there is no little sisters on this one 😯 😯 😯

  2. @Rabbi

    Yup, what you heard is true my friend. It may carry the name BioShock, but the setting is a bit different this time around. Still, can’t wait for anything BioShock! And let me tell you, the first time I played BioShock 1 I was so scared. Who wasn’t? The first time I faced the Big Daddy (where you see it impaling a splicer through a window) I was thinking, god don’t make me face that. The artistic style of the game was unlike anything else so it was a really unique experience.

    BioShock 2 was awesome but we got used to Rapture at that point, so, dare I say it wasn’t as shocking as the first one.

    Hope Infinite introduces something new and unique.

  3. @TheGamingWiz

    yeah i was scared too even it haunted me on my dreams 😳 Bioshock needs a reboot and its surely done by the next game :mrgreen:

  4. @The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman

    Bioshock Infinite’s plot has drawn my attention ever since it was first announced. Judging from all the screens and gameplay trailers it’s seeming to be one of best game in the series (to me).


    “yeah i was scared too even it haunted me on my dreams 😳 ”

    Looks like you were so into Bioshock those days that you even got a “shock” in your dreams! 😆 :mrgreen:

  5. @sng425

    “Looks like you were so into Bioshock those days that you even got a “shock” in your dreams! 😆 :mrgreen:

    Yup u said ii 😎 Good news that ps3 firmware 3.42 games are now playable on 3.41 :mrgreen: but the payload needs to be updated thats where the essence come in 🙄


  6. @Rabbi

    That was quite a good retaliation, if you ask me. This incisive retorting by the hackers is really going to make Sony pay high this time. 😈 It’s great that now PS3 Jailbreak users can play those games on 3.41 that require the 3.42 firmware. 😛

  7. @Sng425

    I too have my fingers crossed. Just reading the BioShock: Infinite cover story in last month’s GameInformer mag.

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