Heavenly Sword 2: Play As Nariko In Hell

You know who’s awesome? The red-haired warrior Nariko from Heavenly Sword. You know what will be more awesome? The chance to play as Nariko. In Hell.

Speaking to VG247, Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades has hinted on the possibility that Heavenly Sword 2 could have been set in Hell with Nariko returning as main character.

“I had this idea that you would play Nariko who finds herself trapped in Hell by the spirit of the sword,” said Antoniades.

“Kai would be playable in the real world and would communicate with Nariko and try and help rescue her soul.”

He also said how one day in Hell for Nariko would be an entire year for Kai on Earth, with Kai transforming from “teenage girl to old woman.”

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Written By on October 5th, 2010 Categories: News, PS3 Tags:

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