Medal Of Honor Grosses $100 Million In 5 Days

EA CEO John Riccitiello has said to Fox Business Channel that Medal of Honor has brought in sales of $100 million in its first five days:

“I think we can. For instance, a title we released a couple of weeks ago–Medal of Honor? It’s already done, in its first five days, $100 million at retail. Compare that to box office for a major movie. For instance, Social Network is out right now, and three weeks in, it has yet to get to $100 million. So when you have a single game trumping Hollywood box office in five days, it doesn’t look so bad.”

It was also reported that Medal of Honor sold 1.5 million units in the first five days.

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Written By on October 21st, 2010 Categories: News, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 Tags:

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