Ninja Theory Getting Ready For Enslaved 2?
Ninja Theory has posted a job ad for “a new unannounced project” using the Unreal Engine. Could it be Enslaved 2?
The lead designer position will require candidates “to create and maintain an environment within design and the rest of the company that encourages focus and efficiency as well as inspires and motivates.”
A few weeks ago, Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades told Eurogamer that Enslaved 2 could still be developed by the studio, should the opportunity arise.
“We’ve been growing into two teams for the last year. We’ve got capacity to do two games.”
Speaking to CVG, Ninja Theory Studio head Tameem Antoniades told that a sequel could be constrained by the story since Enslaved doesn’t “have a big [story] arc.”
However, things could have changed at Ninja Theory following Enslaved’s top reviews.
There is the possibility that Ninja Theory is upping its manpower for the upcoming Devil May Cry reboot.
Nothing has been confirmed yet.
Oct 25th, 2010 at 5:47 pm
after playing the first enslaved game on the ps3 it will be evitable not to play the sequel
Oct 25th, 2010 at 5:57 pm
And here I am still waiting for Heavenly Sword 2 😛