Xbox 360 Slim RROD’s With Video

Another video has surfaced which shows that even the new Xbox 360 Slim has the dreaded red ring of death.

It’s the E82 error which you can at the 2:45 minute mark below:

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Written By on October 16th, 2010 Categories: Hardware News, News, Videos, Xbox 360 Tags: ,

4 Responses to “Xbox 360 Slim RROD’s With Video”

  1. @TheGamingWIz

    that dude is pissed 👿 like the humor though 😎 sorry folks if you went to buy a xbox 360 slim because there is NO RED LIGHTS then ur absolutely right but then the newcomer [Red Dot] wont make the impression of infamous microsoft that bad.Consoles can break even the PS3 but consoles cant break on you like the xbox 360.I wont be buying another microsoft console again even the next generation until time tells me that times have gone.Have a similar story here check this out is what i call xbox 360 shivering its way to death 😆

  2. judging by reliablity Xbox 360 slim is more vulnerable to red light issue than jasper 😯 did microsoft take a leap of faith to get more profit ❓

  3. i am so happy to be a jasper owner :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  4. @x360assasin

    Me too, but that doesn’t mean that it’s insusceptible to the “rrod”. All the Xbox 360 that have been released till now are still vulnerable to the “rrod”, and that’s what almost every Xbox 360 owner is scared of. 😥 Since it has always been the biggest threat for Microsoft and any Xbox 360 owner, I verily thought that this time MS just might dispose of this problem in their new Xbox 360 slim. But now it seems like instead of getting rid of the problem they just made it more vulnerable to the infamous “red ring of death” (even than the jasper!), as Rabbi said. Sigh! 🙁

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