AMD Officially Delays “Cayman” HD 6970 To December 2010

AMD has officially delayed its “Cayman” HD 6970 to December 13 2010. The card was supposed to launch later this month.

Here’s AMD’s official response: “Demand for the ATI Radeon HD 5800 series continues to be very strong, the ATI Radeon HD 5970 remains the fastest graphics card in the world and the newest members of the AMD graphics family, the AMD Radeon HD 6850 and HD 6870, have set new standards for performance at their respective price points, and are available in volume,” AMD said in a PR statement.

“With that in mind, we are going to take a bit more time before shipping the AMD Radeon HD 6900 series. As of today, the NDA lift for information relating to the AMD Radeon HD 6950 and HD 6970 will be week 50. We will be providing additional information on these products, including the exact date and time of the NDA lift, in the weeks prior to launch.”

Rumors suggest that AMD’s HD 6970 may not be up to par with Nvidia’s recently released GTX 580 and hence AMD is tweaking the card even further.

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Written By on November 13th, 2010 Categories: Hardware News, News, PC Tags:

3 Responses to “AMD Officially Delays “Cayman” HD 6970 To December 2010”

  1. No matter what feeble(and ugly) video-cards you throw in, Nvidia is superior! 😆 😈 😛

  2. No matter what kind of corpse 😆 you throw in most people will buy amd cards 😛 😛 😛

  3. @Rabbi
    LOL nice one! 😀

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