Homebrew PSX Store For PS3 Released

If you’re into the Homebrew scene, then the PSX store is for you. It is a custom PSN store for the PS3 allowing you to download original demos, homebrew software and other stuff onto your PS3 via your PS3’s web browser.

The PSX store looks similar to Sony’s PSN store, however it is at a beta stage for the moment and is short on content.

The PSX store has been built by a group called “DemonHades’, here is a translation of what DemonHades says via his blog:

“As you know long ago our community was proposed in the Open PStore, a project which I unlink seeing the little / no care of their visual system, that is why we see this new project, I felt comfortable visual menu and care of every detail.

The organization is a remarkable point, the refresh rate and speed of access of content make this new system quick and easy way to have the latest without having to upgrade to 3.50.

We also have to say for the moment only has demos of retail games, not homebrew, so it is still that … a copy of Sony’s PSN.”

Here is how to use the PSX Store on your PS3:


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Written By on November 6th, 2010 Categories: News, PS3 Tags:

One Response to “Homebrew PSX Store For PS3 Released”

  1. next up PSX NETWORK online community 😛 and future projects such as PSX HOME 😛 to all those defied and upgraded from 3.41 CHEERS! 😛 😛 😛

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