Reader Question: How To Fix Xbox 360 Random Restarts
Today I got an email from Gamersworldbd reader Twisted_Forever saying his modded Xbox 360 restarts for no apparent reason:
“360 restarts while playing games (even when it is idle) and [the DVD] drive wont respond. It shows open tray in the dash board (even [when] there is a game disc) and [the] eject button wont work at all. [The] middle green light blinks as like it will eject but nothing [happens]. At first after a few restarts i [could] play games, but after some weeks it wont work [that] way. I can play again after some days.”
Here is a video of the problem:
To summarise, the problem that you’re having is:
– The middle green light flashes
– DVD unable to eject
– console restarts half-way through game
– console restarts at dashboard.
A very peculiar problem indeed. First off, I’m going with the official Microsoft solution: “This issue may occur for several reasons, including the Xbox 360 HDD is not installed correctly.”
So, first of all make take out your 360 HDD and make sure to re-seat it properly. You can also try playing without the HDD and see if it helps.
However there are some cases similar to your problem and sad to say there isn’t a clear cut solution.
The majority verdict seems to point that the DVD drive inside your 360 is dying or overheating, so make sure you’re playing in a well ventilated space.
It could also be the power and data cable to your DVD drive is not connected properly. Those can also be damaged due to the mod.
The lens in the DVD drive could also be failing. It is best if you can take it to a shop and have them check it out.
The flashing green light in the middle indicates a problem with your Xbox 360’s DVD drive. The DVD drive’s motherboard (NOT the 360’s motherboard) could be at fault. It is unlikely you can fix it yourself and have to replace the DVD drive.
Replacing the DVD drive has its problems. First you have to identify your model and get the same brand and ROM version. Then you have to flash it with your old firmware code in the DVD drive. Here’s How to Replace/Spoof a Xbox 360 DVD Drive.
One last thing I would like to say is that your flashed/modded ROM is going bad. You can try flashing the firmware again.
Hope your Xbox 360 gets fixed soon.
Nov 4th, 2010 at 3:58 pm
thats why i am gonna buy another xbox 360 before Gears of War 3 comes out maybe not now maybe the moded slim with kinect
as my earlier xbox broke on me 👿 If xbox 360 was a more reliable machine then it could have been a legendary console like ps2 but its hard to see many people’s heartbreaks 🙄 hope microsoft dont rush into nex gen and screw up their console like this gen 👿