How To Unlock Another Hidden Game “Zork” In Call Of Duty: Black Ops

Did you know that Call of Duty: Black Ops has another hidden game named “Zork” besides the Arcade game?

All you have to do to unlock the hidden “Zork” game is:

1. Unlock the hidden Arcade game. Instructions here.
2. Restart the campaign and break free of the chair once again.

1. In the main menu, where you are strapped to the chair. Keep pressing the trigger shoulder buttons on your gamepad or the left and right mouse buttons. This frees you from the chair and you can walk around.

2. Go to a computer screen to the far right where you can input the code ZORK.

3. It will also unlock the secret “Eaten By A Grue” achievement.

Thanks to Gamersworldbd reader gamerkid69 for the tip.

Here’s a video instruction:

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Written By on November 11th, 2010 Categories: how-to, PC, PS3, Videos, Xbox 360 Tags:

One Response to “How To Unlock Another Hidden Game “Zork” In Call Of Duty: Black Ops”

  1. Great .. time to unlock ZOrk right now!

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