”Kinect & Move In Short Supply This Holiday” Says GameStop

Sony and Microsoft’s motion sensing hardware tools Kinect and Move are expected to be hot sellers in the upcoming 2010 holiday.

GameStop president Tony Bartel predicts that it will create a ”Wii” like phenomenon. He also said that Kinect and Move are in short supply for this holiday.

Bartel told on a call to investors, “we are not only excited for both the sales of Kinect and Move, both of which are going to be in short supply this holiday season, but we also like the fact they are bringing the expanded audience and the games that are going out with both of those are attaching well.”

He also stated that Dance Central and Kinect Sports are seeing the best software attach rate. And Bartel also urges customers to buy the products as soon as they find them in a store due to short supply.

This news post has been sent in by Fahim Hossain and edited by me.

via IGN

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Written By on November 20th, 2010 Categories: Hardware News, Industry News, News, PS3, Xbox 360 Tags:

6 Responses to “”Kinect & Move In Short Supply This Holiday” Says GameStop”

  1. Hey guys inform me how is it……i wrote most of it but gaming wiz did some important editings……

  2. nice work bro! :mrgreen:

  3. @fahim_sinister

    Nice bro! keep up the good work 😉

  4. thnx fellas……….

  5. Nah, all credit goes to Fahim. I just re-arranged some paragraphs so it is easier to read and edited some par out. Expect official confirmation of new Gamersworldbd editors soon! (Hint: by now you probably know who it is). :mrgreen:

  6. thnx…glad u guys likd it…….

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