New Kinect Dashboard Update Hides Indie Games Channel, Indie Devs Upset

Did you find the “Xbox Live Indie Games” channel in it’s usual place? No? That’s because Microsoft changed them in their latest Kinect Dashboard update.

Instead of being ‘Xbox Live Indie Games’ and listed as a major part of the store, now they come under ‘Specialty Shops’ alongside the Avatar Marketplace.

Many independent developers are upset as this obscures their games and makes their game harder to find. Without support of a big marketing budget, this will hamper their sales.

“I’d like to know the rationale behind it – at least then the community could try and come up with constructive alternatives, rather than being pushed further into obscurity,” said the Clover: A Curious Tale developer, under the username ‘Deej’.

It makes indie titles less visible to the consumer. “It’s a categorical failure (literally) … I’m hear (sic) to mourn Indie Games being known as ‘games’, which I suppose we must now rename Indie Specialties,” added Weapon of Choice dev Mommy’s Best Games.

via StrategyInformer

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Written By on November 2nd, 2010 Categories: News, Xbox 360 Tags:

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