Black Ops First Strike PS3 Release Date Confirmed

The Call of Duty: Black Ops First Strike DLC will hit PS3 on March 3 2011.

The reason for the PS3 version’s delay is because of the deal between Microsoft and Activision for all CoD DLC to have timed exclusivity on Xbox 360 until 2012.

First Strike on 360 that was released on February 1st was received rather well by Xbox 360 players, clocking over 1.4m downloads in its first 24 hours.

The PC release of First Strike has not yet been confirmed, though Activision assured gamers that it will arrive before March 31st.


Source MCV

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Written By on February 10th, 2011 Categories: News, PS3 Tags:

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  1. why the besties gets the good stuffs in the end 😥

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