Everything about the PS3. News, Reviews, Previews, Opinions, Next-gen Console Wars

Two Worlds 2 Sells A Million Copies In Europe

And that’s just in three weeks. TopWare has said via a press release that their RPG sequel Two Worlds 2 has sold a million copies in just three weeks on sale in Europe. “And, the momentum doesn’t appear to be slowing,” their PR says. Two Worlds 2 is yet to receive a North American release […]

Batman: Arkham City Teaser Trailer Hits The Web, Watch It Now

The long awaited teaser trailer for Batman: Arkham City has finally been released by MSN Games. It is a CG rendered affair but exciting nonetheless. Watch it below. Batman Arkham City is scheduled for release in 2011 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

EA Confirms Dead Space 2 Demo Coming Dec 21

After lots of rumors and speculations EA has finally confirmed that a Dead Space 2 demo is on it’s way to hit PSN and XBL within a few days. In the demo, the players will get to “discover the Church of Unitology and help Isaac defeat the Necromorph outbreak in a gruesome, unforgiving battle on […]

The Agency Release Date Barged Into Late 2011

Speaking with gaming blog Kotaku, Sony Online Entertainment CEO John Smedley revealed that Sony’s spy-themed massively multiplayer PlayStation 3 and PC title The Agency won’t make it till late 2011. “There was a moment in time in our company where we looked at our own stuff with a clear eye and saw we have to […]

EA: Blu-Ray’s Advantage “Resonating” With Gamers

EA CEO John Riccitiello has said that Blu-Ray’s higher capacity advantage is finally starting to “resonate” with gamers. Speaking with Kotaku, he said: “Interestingly enough I don’t think Blu-ray resonated much with consumers when it was first part of the package,” Riccitiello told Kotaku. “I think [Blu-ray] is resonating now in a pretty big way, […]

Watch Raiden Skin In Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood

You can unlock the Raiden costume from Metal Gear Solid in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood for Ezio to wear. You can unlock the Raiden skin by completing the Animus’ new virtual training mode. Watch a glimpse of the Raiden skin below:

Gran Turismo 5 Mechanical Damage Only Available Online

The recently announced Gran Turismo 5 1.03 update added “none”, “light” and “heavy” mechanical damage. However, to clear up the confusion, the mechanical damage feature is only available in online races. It’s not available in single-player mode, nor the arcade mode.

EA: Multiplayer Was “Most Requested” Feature For Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2’s executive producer, Steve Papoutsis has said that Dead Space 2 went multiplayer because it was the “most requested” feature from fans of the series. Speaking in an interview with GamerZines, Papoutsis said: “Given that feedback we wanted to deliver a game that our players would enjoy and listening to what they listed […]

Twisted Metal: “No 3D Planned”, Says David Jaffe

Sorry kids. That flaming clown won’t leap out of your TV and set you on fire, no matter how much you want it to. By the way kids, 3D doesn’t work that way. David Jaffe, Co-Director and Co-Lead Designer for Twisted Metal has said that Twisted Metal won’t support 3D when asked by NeoGAF: “No […]

Twisted Metal PS3 Release Timeline Revealed

It seems that Twisted Metal finally has a release window on the PS3. No exact release date has been confirmed yet, but it is expected that the game will release in 2011 because of a recent tweet by David Jaffe. “TM hits in 2011. We’ll announce our release date soon!”

Fallout : New Vegas “Comprehensive” Patch Submitted For Cetification

Bethasda and Obsidian’s Fallout : New Vegas is riddled with critters, i.e. bugs. The game is great, but it is the least polished game where the glitches range from “corrupted save games” to “unable to finish a mission because you didn’t do it a certain specific way”, the game seriously needs some heavy polishing. Bethasda […]

New Tomb Raider, Details Revealed

Square Enix had confirmed the Tomb Raider reboot yesterday, and just as predicted, the latest issue of the GameInformer magazine has details about the game. Here’s what the cover story from GI reads: “In our world-exclusive cover story, we uncover a brand-new Lara Croft. Rebooting the Tomb Raider franchise through an origin story wasn’t so […]

LittleBigPlanet 2 Won’t Support 3D

Sony marketing manager Mark Valledor has told said that there won’t be any 3D support in the upcoming sequel of LBP. When asked by a reader on the US PlayStation Blog, Valledor replied: “Sorry, no 3D this time around” This confirms that Sackboy’s upcoming adventure will be limited to two dimensions. Nonetheless, there will be […]

Even More LA Noire Screenshots For You To Check Out

Rockstar has just released these 4 new screenshots of LA Noire. Check ’em out below. Rockstar has announced LA Noire for a 2011 release on PS3 and Xbox 360.

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