Everything about the PS3. News, Reviews, Previews, Opinions, Next-gen Console Wars

3D Will Make Games More Accessible According To Sony

Sony believes that 3D gaming will make video games more accessible to a wider audience. Speaking at Develop in Liverpool, SCEE’s Mick Hocking said: “We can make more games more accessible with 3D,” insisted Hocking, speaking in a conference session titled ‘Seeing is Believing: 3D a New Creative Medium for Games’. “Doing things like the […]

Gran Turismo 5: “Extreme Online Congestion” Screws Up Singleplayer Too

Sony has attributed Gran Turismo 5 lag to “extreme online traffic congestion”. Not only multiplayer, but singleplayer is also affected as everything is dependent on online servers. So, now you know why it’s taking forever to load menus in singleplayer games. Apparently delays of “several minutes” even when browsing the game’s menus are common as […]

Black Ops Takes First Position In Japanese Sales Charts

Call of Duty Black Ops (Subtitled edition) has seized the first position on Japanese sales charts shortly within a week after it’s launch in Japan. This comes after it was previously reported Black Ops was still ruling the UK sales chart. The PS3 version outsold the Xbox 360 version by taking the 1st position whereas […]

Tron Evolution Gets 7 New Screenshots

Tron Evolution has got seven new screenshots which you can check out below. Tron Evolutions is set for release on all major platforms on December 7 2010.

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Getting Free Multiplayer DLC December 14

Nope, this isn’t exclusive to PS3 this time around. Ubisoft has announced a free multiplayer DLC dubbed The ‘Animus Project Update 1.0’ which will be released on December 14 2010. For all platforms, mind you. The DLC includes a new multiplayer mode and game map. The game mode is called Advanced Alliance, and builds upon […]

inFamous 2 Is All About Choices

Some new details have been revealed courtesy of the latest issue of PlayStation: The Official Magazine. Seems like Sucker Punch is putting a bigger emphasis on inFamous 2 this time around. You will get to import your save game from the first inFamous which will affect how inFamous 2 plays out but one single choice […]

Report: 82 Percent Of Mass Effect 2 Players Opted For Male Protagonist

BioWare has recently released a handful of interesting statistics for its critically acclaimed RPG Mass Effect 2. The statistics contains the propaganda of the mass effect 2 players choices during the course of the singleplayer campaign. The statistics are as below: *82% play as male Shepard, while 18% as female Shepard. *83% of players created […]

Sony: “We Misjudged Demand For Move”

According to Sony, they didn’t expect PlayStation Move to sell this well and exceeded their pre-expectations resulting in shortages of supply. Even Sony’s senior vice president of marketing in the US Peter Dille, has also expressed that US stores are running out of PlayStation move controller and has urged buyers to act fast when they […]

PS3 Getting Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Patch Today, Xbox 360 And PC Patch Coming Soon

A Battlefield : Bad Company 2 multiplayer patch will be deployed in PSN today, while Xbox 360 users should be receiving the patch “in the coming days.” Rest assured, PC users will get another update too. Included in the [multiplayer] patch are several needed tweaks, the most important of which is the 50 percent weapon […]

Activision CEO: “We Will Never, Ever Charge For CoD Multiplayer”

There you have it, speaking in an interview with IndustryGamers, Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg stated that they will never charge an additional subscription fee for Call of Duty multiplayer. He said, “The experience you have out of the box, connecting with the online community to play Call of Duty is absolutely integral to the experience […]

Gran Turismo 5 Reviews Round Up

Last night, Gran Turismo 5 released in the UK and India and reviews are live. We’ve got it rounded up all in one place for you to check out. More reviews will be added soon as it goes live. == GameSpot – 8/10 == GameInformer – 9/10 == IGN – 8.5/10 == Eurogamer – 9/10 […]

After Waiting For Five Years, Gran Turismo 5 Isn’t Looking So Hot Right Now

Or is it? Gran Turismo 4 released on February 22 2005. That’s more than 5 years from now as Gran Turismo 5 is scheduled for release today. So, how has 5 years treated the game? Not so hot, you say. For starters, GameStop US has said that it won’t be holding a midnight launch event […]

Ubisoft Explains Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Facebook Game

Ubisoft has announced a new Assassins Creed Facebook game named ”Project Legacy”. The Facebook game is a must play if you want to get the full Assassins Creed : Brotherhood  experience. Ubisoft says that the two games are interlinked with each other. For instance, players can send their troops into assignments in Brotherhood and then use them in Project […]

Codemasters CEO: “F1 2011 To See Big Changes, Will Appear On New Handheld Platforms”

Codemasters CEO Rod Cousens has told in an interview  that F1 2011 will be far more than just the inclusion of new tracks and drivers and the next iteration of F1 will also appear on new handheld consoles. Cousens said “F1 2011 definitely not be a few new tracks and a few new drivers. Codemasters […]

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