Everything about the PS3. News, Reviews, Previews, Opinions, Next-gen Console Wars

Treyarch Has “Outdone Infinity Ward”, Says Activision Owner

Jean-Bernard Lévy, CEO of Activision parent Vivendi has said that Treyarch, developers of Black Ops has outperformed previous call of Duty series veteran Infinity Ward. He said to investors: “The Treyarch studio, which made this year’s game, has done better than what Infinity Ward could achieve a year ago.” If sales are any indicators, Treyarch […]

Sony’s PlayStation Move Cost Around $38 To Make

TechInsights, a renowned asset analysis website estimates the PlayStation Move starter bundle cost $38 to make while it sells for $99. Carey suggests the Move Wand and Eye combo account for $34 USD of the bundle cost, with accessories like the packaging, demo CD and other extras estimated at around $4 USD extra. As a […]

Sony Blocks PSN Access To PS Jailbreak Users

Sony has upped its fight against PS Jailbreak users and has blocked access to PSN for users that have PS Jailbreak. Users with the 3.41 firmware were previously able to connect to PSN using various payloads. However, they cannot access PSN anymore. Those with a spoofed 3.5 firmware cannot access to PSN either. PSN was […]

Call Of Duty: Black Ops Xbox 360 And PS3 Patch Live

Treyarch has announced that Black Ops patch for Xbox 360 and PS3 is live and you will be prompted to update the next time you log in online. Here’s the list of changes: PS3 updates as of 11/17 (full title update) * Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster * Improved matchmaking to ensure that […]

Codemasters: “F1 Can Be Our FIFA”

Codemasters have high hopes for its F1 racing series and believes it can be successfully annualized much like EA’s FIFA. Codemasters CEO Rod Cousens has told MCV: “There’s no reason why F1 can’t be as established and important a part of our annual release schedule as FIFA is to EA. I believe we won this […]

Gran Turismo 5 Lacks Race Rewind Feature

First popularized by Codemaster’s GRID, the race rewind (or flashback as it is know over at GRID) has saved our bacon countless times. However, new information has surfaced that Gran Turismo 5 has no race rewind function. This information comes from GT planet member Amar, who has played a leaked copy of the game and […]

Sony Announces Move-Enabled, Downloadable LittleBigPlanet Spin-Off

Sony has announced Sackboy’s Prehistoric Moves, a new download-only title that will support PlayStation Move. The game is based on LittleBigPlanet. Prehistoric Moves will be focused on ten puzzle-based, prehistoric-themed platforming levels rather than the heavy level-customization and sharing options of its progenitor. The game will allow up to four players using the same system […]

Portal 2 Delayed To April 2011

Valve is infamous for delaying games and Portal 2 is no exception. Set originally to release this year, Portal 2 was delayed into next year. And now, Valve has announced that Portal 2 has been delayed once again. Portal 2 will hit North America and Australia on April 20 2011 and Europe on April 22 […]

Ex-Sony Boss: Xbox And PlayStation Could Join Forces In The Future

Dream come true, ain’t it? Sony and Microsoft joining forces to make the ultimate gaming console. And you won’t have to wait too long either. Ex-Sony Computer Entertainment deputy president and ex SCEE worldwide president David Reeves believe that this could happen within the next 15 years. David Reeves is currently the COO of Capcom. […]

LA Noire Previews Round-Up

We’re really excited about LA Noire, and so have rounded-up the latest previews all in one easy place for you to read. == 1UP – “L.A. Noire is already a damn fascinating game, due to stuff like how you play a cop, how it takes place in Los Angeles, and how it focuses more on […]

New Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gameplay Trailer Is Simply Awesome

Why awesome? Because it shows the range of gameplay possibilities in the upcoming RPG Deus Ex: Human Revolution from Eidos. This gameplay trailer shows you penetrating a penthouse and what tools you have at your disposal and how you get to carry out your mission. Fine stuff. Video Games | Deus Ex: Human Revolution | […]

Analyst: PlayStation Move Has “Sold Well Below Expectations”

Gaming industry analyst Michael Pachter has said that Sony’s PlayStation Move has “sold well below expectations”. Move has sold one million units in North and Latin America in its first 30 days. Michael Pachter said in a research note that “Move sold well below expectations in its first month” in the US, and NPD sales […]

New Open World Tomb Raider Reboot

Details have surfaced about a rumored Tomb Raider series reboot. The game is set in an open-world, free to explore setting. This details comes after a fact sheet had been leaked on the internet (which has now been pulled). You get to control an “inexperienced” Lara Croft on a mysterious and dangerous island off the […]

NFS Shift 2: Unleashed Gets 8 New Screenshots

Check out the new screenshots below. These screenshots have been leaked and so the quality may be a bit off. NFS Shift 2 Won’t Have “Bland” Gran Turismo And Forza Graphics. NFS: Shift 2 is scheduled for a 2011 release date on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. via StrategyInformer

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