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Quantic Dream: Horizon Not In Development, Working On New Tech

The supposedly upcoming game from Quantic Dream dubbed Horizion simply doesn’t exist. In an interview with Eurogamer, David Cage, CEO and founder of Quantic Dream said, “I don’t know where this information comes from but there is no project called Horizon featuring a couple in a science-fiction world currently in development at Quantic Dream.” Rather, […]

NPD Sales Data: Xbox 360, PS3, Wii Figures, Alan Wake Sells Under 200K

The NPD sales figures are out. First off, Microsoft. The Xbox 360 sold 195,000 hardware units in May 2010. Microsoft said that Xbox 360’s software attach rate was an “industry-leading” 8.9. The attach rate is the average number of video games sold per a specific console. Sony’s PS3 sold 155,000 units in the US in […]

New inFamous 2 Gameplay Trailer

This is the trailer you’ve all been waiting for. Sony has just released a 3 minute inFamous 2 gameplay trailer packed with goodies. Watch it over at YouTube.

New Gran Turismo 5 Video Showing Off Top Gear Test Track

A new Gran Turismo 5 video has surfaced, showing off-screen gameplay footage of the Top Gear test track.
All we now need is the Stig. Watch it […]

PlayStation Home “A Huge Success”, Says Sony

PlayStation Home boss Jack Buser has told Gamasutra that Home has been a “very good business model for PlayStation, and quite profitable.” He added: “With numbers like we have, it goes without saying that Home has been a huge success for our company, something that we have been very proud of. We’ve released over 5,000 […]

F1 2010 Developer Diary Shows How Cars And Tracks Are Made

Eurogamer has posted a new developer diary video for F1 2010. Check it out to see how the cars and tracks are made in game. F1 2010 releases in September 2010 on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Final Fantasy XIV PC Gets September 2010 Release Date, Plus Collector’s Edition

The PC version of Final Fantasy XIV is scheduled to release on September 30 2010. However, the PS3 version’s release date is still “to be determined”. Square has also announced a collector’s edition for Final Fantasy XIV which includes: # Early access to the game. CE players will get a 8-day head-start on the masses. […]

New BioShock 2 DLC Coming This August

2K has just announced a new DLC for BioShock 2. Dubbed as “Protector Trials”, you take control of the same Big Daddy to protect a Little Sister “against swarms of corrupt Splicers who are hell-bent on stealing the precious ADAM that she gathers from corpses.” The DLC also includes six new maps, three unique difficulty […]

Metro 2034 Will Not Be Out In “A Couple Of Years”, May Release On PS3

THQ’s VP of core games, Danny Bilson, has told IndustryGamers that Metro 2034 will not see the light of day anytime soon. Instead, the game will not be released within “a couple of years”. Previously, we reported that the game will support 3D. The game may also be ported to the PS3. According to Glukhovsky, […]

Mafia 2 Won’t Have Multiple Endings Says Producer

Mafia 2 producer Denby Grace has told IncGamers that Mafia 2 will have only “one GREAT ending” instead of multiple ones that are less spectacular. “We had four multiple endings at one point in the game, and then we looked at it and we had one really outstanding great ending to end our story We […]

New Tomb Raider Game “Downfall” Coming Christmas 2011 – Rumor

Eurogamer reports that Crystal Dynamics is currently developing the next main game in the Tomb Raider series. The game is rumored to be released in Christmas 2011 on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Eurogamer is unsure whether the new game will indeed be called “Downfall”. Currently Crystal Dynamics is split into two teams: one working […]

Next Generation Consoles May Debut In 2012-2013, Says Ex Sony Boss

Ex Sony Europe boss and currently working for Capcom, David Reeves think next generation consoles may release as early as 2012 or 2013. In an interview with, Reeves said: “Two to three years, I reckon so. I don’t have any inside information. All the first-parties have got to be working on something. The tricky […]

Final Fantasy Versus XIII Script Complete, Says Square Enix

Tetsuya Nomura, director of Final Fantasy Versus XIII at Square Enix has told Dengeki that the scenario for FFV XIII is complete. FFV XIII is a wholly independent story unfolding with different characters and a different visual design. Although it is set within the same Final Fantasy XIII universe, it is unrelated to the game. […]

Amazon France Lists Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Uncharted 3 And Quantic Dream’s Horizon

Amazon France has listed several high profile games on its sites and available for pre-order. The site lists Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3) for a release on June 2011. Both Uncharted 3 (PS3) and Quantic Dream’s upcoming game Horizon (PS3) for a October 2011 release date. As of now, no dates are confirmed and the […]

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