Everything about the PS3. News, Reviews, Previews, Opinions, Next-gen Console Wars

NFS heads to a new direction : PROSTREET

EA Blackbox is at it again. After the release of Carbon, EA has announced that another NFS series is in the works, dubbed NFS : ProStreet. With ProStreet, EA has decided to drop out its stereotypical “control the city by taking on the top dogs” setting for a more real-life experience of street racing today. […]

Free And Superb Gaming Magazines You Probably Don’t Read

These are some very good gaming magazines that you probably don’t read. It contains lots of previews, witty reviews and exclusive interviews. So check them out now! is the answer to every gamers prayer, free gaming magazines! It might be free, but they did not skimp on the quality. Each issue is jam-packed with […]

PS3 Sells One Million In PAL Region

Just to show you that the PS3 is back in business A few moments ago, has just confirmed that just about a few weeks back, the PS3 has sold more than a million weeks in the UK, Europe and Australasia. “This makes the console faster-selling than either of Sony’s previous living room machines, the […]

Burning Question: Has The PS3 Already Lost In The Next-Gen Console Wars?

The answer might be more surprising than you think. If you read the gaming blogs during the PS3 launch, Sony was dead on arrival. It certainly wasn’t the smoothest of launches, with console shortages, already lofty pricetags inflated due to eBay auctions, no online strategy to rival Xbox Live, and a dearth of compelling games […]

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