Sirius Broadband / Zip bd ISP In-depth Review
[Important Update] Check the new 512 kbps review of Sirius Broadband/ZipBD here.
I had lousy experiences with most of the ISPs in Dhaka. The service is unreliable, the speed is at a turtle’s pace and customer service is downright unprofessional. But Sirius Broadband is none of that.
I am currently using the Xpress package for TK1,500 per month and I highly recommend this to any home user. My only complain with Sirius Broadband is the TK5,000 start-up fee which is somewhat high compared with other ISPs. Still, Sirius gives good value for money. You get a fibre optic connection and a DSL modem.
The Xpress package has a shared bandwidth of 128kbps download abut in reality you would get around 20-30kbps. This is not bad considering that other ISPs offer a paltry 5-10kbps. Browsing the internet with Zip bd’s Xpress package is fine and web pages load in a snap. If you’re thinking of online gaming at these speeds – you’d better forget it. It lags way too much. However, I do have an article detailing how to play games online with a slow internet speed.
You do, however, get good value for your money. Sirius Broadband does have a dedicated online gaming server but there is a lack of gamers and A-List games support. If you do want to game online, then you might find someone in Zip bd’s online forum and set up a date.
Then there is also music and movies on demand. While I didn’t use those, I did enjoy the IPTV, which is the next best thing I love about Zip bd. Currently, channels are limited to national coverage (such as nTV, BTV), but there are a couple of satellite channels such as Fashion TV.
But I would recommend Zip bd/Sirius Broadband for it’s superb reliability and service. Your connection won’t be down even in a storm. I did notice a dropout now-and-then but it was due to maintenance and was resolved promptly.
I have nothing to complain about Sirius Broadband except for it’s high set-up-fee. Other than that, this is the best ISP I have seen in Dhaka to-date and provides additional service at no extra cost. I would recommend Sirius Broadband/Zip bd to anyone without hesitation.
Check out the official Sirius Broadband for line rates and Zipbd for extra services that you get with your package.
I did aΒ bandwidth speed test at SpeedTest. Since there are no servers availableΒ in Bangladesh, I had to choose the nearest one located at Mumbai, India. Here are the results:
UPDATE 16 July 2008
Since the time of writing this article, Sirius Broadband/Zip BD has stopped all TV channels over internet and video on demand services. This is because of the restrictions put by the current caretaker government. Furthermore, I had a lot of problem with their service last week and the tech person was unable to solve it. Basically, I couldn’t connect to the internet for a long time and the problem kept re-appearing. The connection would also drop in the middle of an internet activity. The problem was finally located (after 5 or more visits from a technician) as a faulty wire and he fixed it. Everything is normal now (as I write this) and I’m hoping it won’t occur again.
The comment section below has some really useful hands on experience from Sirius broadband users and I recommend you to read it too. If you have your own experience, please share with us.
UPDATE 17 February 2008
A couple months ago, someone from Sirius called me up and told me that they would give me a direct connection (previously I got one through their agents). After the switch, the service has improved a lot. I have rarely got disconnected in these few months and get average speeds of about 30 KB/s throughout the entire day/night. I am a heavy downloader and leave my PC on throughout the night and I had no disconnection issues or bandwidth limitation.
Online games on the 360 are also pretty much lag free and playable, I frequently play Gears of War 2 and PGR 4 online (to name a few) without issues. However, the high pings make gaming online on a PC near impossible. Here is the speed test that I have run:
The comment section below has some really useful hands on experience from Sirius broadband users and I recommend you to read it too. If you have your own experience, please share with us.
Update 23 November 2009
For the past few months, I’ve been paying 1,200 Tk/month which seems a good deal, considering the speed I’m getting.
Important Update 3 January 2009
Check the new review of Sirius Broadband/ZipBD here.
Online Gaming for the least fortunate
The Search for a Good ISP
Jan 16th, 2008 at 5:19 pm
yo bro, zip reduces the speed later to 10kb. expect dat 30kbps speed to go away soon. plus vod has been removed, government banned it. and u’ll find out soon dat zip’s cache can cause touble at times. just wait bro, i got the same speed wen i 1st took my connection….things change real fast
Jan 18th, 2008 at 10:28 am
Hi Ayman,
Thanks for your comments. I forgot that Zip has stopped VOD services. And as for the speed, well it’s not terrible. But I recall getting amazing speeds when I first signed up (that was in 2006-2007) and now speeds have gone down.
Mar 13th, 2008 at 8:29 am
Dude, do you get 20 kbps or 20 kBps ? is it Bit or Byte? Cause your speed test shows 194 kbps. Wow, thats pretty good.
I pay my isp tk 3000 per month and get only 90 kbps. What a shame
Mar 19th, 2008 at 10:10 am
Hi Omi,
Thanks for your comment. I think you should switch to Sirius Broadband/Zip as I use them and get good speeds. What ISP are you currently using? And look for ads in the paper, I also found a shared 512kbps for Tk1,600.
Apr 23rd, 2008 at 4:28 am
Thanks for writing such informative post and comments. But I am very very curious. I am in Chittagong I get 20kBps (KiloByte) with my GP connection. These few months I even get 26kBps. I guess in Dhaka you don’t get that. What a shame, I used to use a net connection from Sirius Broadband/Zip in Dhaka, when I was staying there 3 years ago. It was terrible. Anyways, I never though of playing online games with such slow speed. Is that an option? You guys ever tired WoW?
I am a very passionate game fan. I am using a laptop for last one year, so cant upgrade it anymore. So to play new games, I gotta get a console. I am thinking about PS2, cause I am not sure about PS3 and Xbox360 in BD (Pirated blu-ray disks? HD content over slow net connection? and red ring of death? doesn’t look that attractive.). Can you give me an idea from where I can buy game consoles in BD? I guess I have to go to Dhaka. Which one do you guys suggest.
Also, I thought people buy legitimate consoles in BD, I was always curious about how they play pirated games in those. Please give me some info or make a post in this regard. Thanks. (Sorry if this is the wrong post to comment these against!!)
May 9th, 2008 at 6:49 pm
I had terrible experience with Sirius. I was one of their earliest clients (circa 2002) and found their gaming support to be quite terrible. The service was also heavily firewalled meaning that I could not play games such as Age of Empires III on the MSN Gaming Zone (which I used to play on a dial up!). Basically, I considered my ‘Zip phase’ to be a waste of taka 20,000, a considerable waste (especially considering that I was a student) that taught me some hard lessons. On a sidenote, in this country, being a technological laggard has its advantages.
But of course, I must also agree that the service (at least in its earlier stages, and I presume even now) was more geared toward providing a ‘faster browsing speed’ rather than ‘good online gaming’ which I was looking. As such, caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). π
In any case, I do wish my fellow Bangladeshi gamer the best of luck in finding a good ISP and a smooth connection to play online over!
Best, Monwar
May 29th, 2008 at 5:43 am
Hey few days back I took a connection from ZIP.I managed to burden on the setup fee and reduce it to 2000tk.I use DAP for downloads and believe me I got up to 65kb/s….I was satisfied.But after some days It started to give me 3kb/s and a maximum of 8kb/s..and even the connection was not available 24hrs…then some how i found out that ZIP cheated with me.They didnt even registered me because i burdened with them, i never took a further step towards it.Now Im connected with ‘YOU’internet service,da speed is not greate as ZIP but it connects me 24hrs and i get a avarage of 10kb/s.Be careful before u connect with ZIP.
Jun 4th, 2008 at 7:00 am
Hi Ashraf,
Well I don’t know about you but I still get good speed from Zip. I got download speeds of 240kbps (30KBps) yesterday and I use Free Download Manager. Well sorry to hear about that.
Jun 4th, 2008 at 2:29 pm
I use Sirus but according to a nearest Thailand speed check center Agni is much faster than Sirus. However, i am satisfied.
Jun 5th, 2008 at 12:14 pm
hey Mushfiqur,
the reason i think that ZIP did not limited your internet speed maybe bc0s ur not a heavy downloader. [i never turn off my pc at night…im always downloading something]
Zip usually blocks clients after a month of using P2P softwares to download stuffs, and if you use torrents they will immediately block you and u’ll get speeds like 3-8 KB/s
Well, im done with ZIP. Now im using connection from BDCom. its not bad….browsing is blazing fast n i get lyk download speed lyk 12KB/s – 15KB/s. besides, the monthly rent is tk. 1000.
i’ve heard about Sirius broadband from mah friends n dey say itz really good but i wud suggest ZIP broadband to nobody [no hard feelings, eh!]
Jun 6th, 2008 at 8:44 am
Hi Asif,
I just remebered. Yes, Zip does “seem” to limit your speeds. I often had some downloads overnight and Bittorrent running in the background, and next morning I woke up to find that the download didn’t complete because they cut off my connection temporarily. And the speed was really bad the whole day.
Jun 19th, 2008 at 10:32 am
Dear all
Just buy a Edge modem (maximum 5000 taka) + use Grameen Phone Unlimited internet for 1150 taka per month.
its speed is always good. I got average 25KBPS always. torrents works. only problem, when you try to download from rapidshare since its ip shared so u have to wait long time to get chance. sometimes u don’t.
most importantly, u can take ur internet anyware since its a USB modem.
Don’t have to worry about thunderstorm or line cut or server electricity down ! GP server always active.
good luck
Jun 23rd, 2008 at 5:42 am
@ Touhid
But Grameen doesn’t give you as fast speeds as Zip/Sirius Broadband does. Although Grameen’s network is highly reliable, but I often have trouble using Grameen mobile on my mobile.
Jul 1st, 2008 at 4:18 pm
hi. lets post our results. so everyone can see and compare different isps.
Jul 2nd, 2008 at 4:05 am
@ Romi
That is a good idea. You can find my test result above, what speed do you get?
Jul 2nd, 2008 at 9:07 pm
@gaming wiz
download: 152 kb/s
upload: 114 kb/s
Server: bangkok
tests were conducted at NEW DOHS dhaka. forgot the name of the isp supplier…multimedia ….something π
Jul 3rd, 2008 at 5:26 am
Wow, that’s really good. And how much do you pay per month?
Jul 3rd, 2008 at 6:40 am
@ mushfiqur
well results vary…now i’m getting download of 128 kbps and upload 114 kbps.
well your results are much better!!!!
Jul 3rd, 2008 at 8:41 am
My speeds also vary from 80kbps to 240kbps. However, Sirius is giving me problems nowadays and I can’t get connection for like 60% of the time. Did you remeber the name of your ISP?
Jul 3rd, 2008 at 1:04 pm
@ mushfiq
created a forum on this topic…..
Jul 19th, 2008 at 5:14 pm
dude….wat r u guyz talking abt…Zip sucks man….i get 10 kbps…man and i pay Tk 1500 this is an outrage….The only reason tht i am keeping it is for the local gaming zone…though thts my idea…..I created it long before they realized wat it is and they stole my idea…coming back to the point….i built a network for zip internet users once again!!!!!…so tht we can all play together….if u are interested contact me….my email id is [email protected]… π
Jul 19th, 2008 at 5:29 pm
That’s what I wrote in the UPDATE 16 July 2008. I’m receiving good service now, but not all do as you can see in the comments section.
Jul 21st, 2008 at 3:45 pm
Thats funny, my friend in Gulshan 2 have constant speed of 40KB/s. Why does it vary so much?
Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:17 pm
I use grameenphone unlimited with business solutions,and i pay tk920/month. Im staying in ctg. My speed varies, but its most of the time 160kbps download and 64kbps upload. Torrent and other p2p works very well, though seeding is not that good as leeching(i use alternate method for torrenting,but thats another story)
Jul 28th, 2008 at 9:07 pm
@ Adnan
Dude, are you sure? 40KB/s translates to 320 kbps and I never got speeds like that. Maybe your friend lives abroad, lolz.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 9:08 pm
@ Tutul
That’s really a good speed. Mobile phone internet services are best for people living outside Dhaka. And they also provide very reliable service, don’t they?
Jul 29th, 2008 at 4:08 pm
@ every1,
guys, we all r using f******g internet services. these [moderated] r just leeches. they only understand how to grab money from ur pocket and thats it. they don’t even know what a service should be.
i’ve used lots of internet services from different isp. my first connection was 32kByte/s(256kbit/s) for 800tk/month while my father was in army. this connection is now 40kByte/s(320kbit/s) for the same price. as my father has retired i can’t use this connection anymore, but i c my friends using it. the isp of this connection is also zip.
now the second connection was from GP, at that time the speed was 5~6kByte/s(40~48kbit/s) for 1000tk/month, but its speeds has improved now. but for that time it was not a good connection, so i decided 2 switch over wired service again. heard a lot of zip @ that time, so moved 2 zip. wow, the connection was just amazing, i got a avg of 60kByte/s(480kbit/s) down for 1500tk/month and was happy bcuz i can download all my fav games n moviz faster. but the browsing was extremely slow due 2 low up speed(it was around 1~3kbyte/s or 8~24kbit/s). whatever i was happy.
suddenly my connection died showing only 2~16kbit/s(0.25~2kbyte/s) at the beginning of dec2007. my local provider said, zip’s making all their connection through fiber and thatz gonna take a little long, so they offered me bracnet, and having no other choice, i switched 2 bracnet.
bracnet provided only 4~6kbyte/s(32kbit/s) for 1200tk/month. i bcame crazy. after 2 months zip returned with fibre. the local provider said this connection will b even faster than b4. so wasting no time, i changed 2 zip again, but f*****g hell, i was getting only 8kbyte/s(64kbit/s) on avg. after several reports and also bcuz of reduced bandwidth rate probably i’m now getting something near 16kbyte/s(128kbit/s).[shit!!! the recent speed’s even worse…. and the price is still the same as 1200tk/month. i don’t understand what the hell’s the prob. same isp’s taking same price for almost 1/4th of the earlier speed from me. so what should i say??? [moderated] or//what………..
one more interesting thing’s that, the net connection in the computer lab and the library in my varsity is now constant @ 64kbyte/s(512kbit/s) which was 16kbyte/s(128kbit/s) b4 the price reduction.
what we call a broadband line?? 128kbit/s(16kbyte/s)??? with that speed the 1st pg of yahoo would take 4-5 secs max. but if u open another pg @ the same time?? if u browse opening 5~10 pg @ same time then??? would u b calling it a broadband connection????? it’s just their f*****g business. obviously bttb/btcl whoever is also responsible 4 these probs. they take way 2 much per mBit/s of connection. here’s a link go through it, go through google, ur idea about broadband will b changed, u’ll understand what shit do we use. if the isp says that they have nothing 2 do (other than cutting the submarine cable 1ce in every 2/3 months) they’re wrong, if bttb/btcl says they can’t sell it @ ne lower pricae bcuz they couldn’t manage it then thatz definitely a “VAOTABAAZI”. the isps in other countries rn’t providing Mbits of bandwidths 2 home users for loss, isn’t it simple………..????
plz note:
1byte = 8 bit
1mbit = 1024kbit = 128kByte
@ last f**k all c********rs
and obviously LONG LIVE BANGLADESH….plz don’t forget 2 vote 4 COX’S BAZAR…………………..;)
Jul 29th, 2008 at 6:08 pm
@ Hex
Thanks for your comment. Decided to moderate out some parts though, if you don’t mind. π
Jul 31st, 2008 at 6:42 am
So in european countries people get 2megabits/sec=256kilobytes/sec and god knows how much upload speed they get for 10 to 20 euro=1200-2600 bangladeshi taka.and here all these damn isps provides 10-15 kilobytes and take 1500-2000 taka and call it broadband.i recently saw a add of BSNL of india they are providing 2megabits/sec for 250 rupees in indian how can these ISP/mobile companies of bangladesh justify all these crap and so called broad band internet service for this kind of money.they are really ripping people off like us.
i cant seed my downloads because its so sucky the upload speed and i think many torrent trakers keep a record how much one downloads if the ratio of download is way more than upload then i think they lower the download bandwidth which is already so poor here.
i wonder if same speed/price will be provided like now when wimax or 3g service will start here in bangladesh by these isp and mobile companies they will get a new way to cheat/fool people like us with terms like wimax and 3g service as is done now by all of them with edge and shit.Its like they will provide old wine in a new bottle.and i fear many people will feel very bad about it when they will spend 8000-10000(its my guess hope not more than this and hopefully lower than this like 3000-5000) taka to install wimax and see the speed is same.
whats your thought about it?
and how much money may a end user need to spend to setup a wimax line in dhaka(including necessary equipment like wimax?? or wifi modem modem and initial subscription fees) when its service start in dhaka in next 6 months or 1 year hopefully(lol so many things i need to say hopefully)
thanks all cya m8s
Jul 31st, 2008 at 8:02 am
i just dont like wired amany problems with wired internet like disconnection of wire.i wish and hopefully wimax will provide far better broadband service without any hassle of wired internet.Go wimax! π
Jul 31st, 2008 at 8:11 am
To All..
I really appriciate above articles. Thanks to all of u guys. I was planning to take connections from “Zip” but now i’m double minded π …I really don’t understand what I should do. My plan to watch movies online.
So, can anybody suggest me; which ISP i should take.
FYI…i live in Mirpur-10, Dhaka.
Jul 31st, 2008 at 3:14 pm
@ shamim
“i recently saw a add of BSNL of india they are providing 2megabits/sec for 250 rupees in indian cities.”
What? π Makes me wish I lived in India π₯
Jul 31st, 2008 at 3:16 pm
@ Rehan_Dhaka
Hey, thanks for your comment. π Sorry though, I don’t know any ISPs in Mirpur. But I’ve heard many people use the GrameenPhone EDGE service on their PC. I tried it myself, and it’s really good. You should check it out and you can get the unlimited package @ 1150 taka per month. Check out Touhid’s comment here
Aug 1st, 2008 at 10:42 am
hex wrote on 29th july: iβve used lots of internet services from different isp. my first connection was 32kByte/s(256kbit/s) for 800tk/month while my father was in army. this connection is now 40kByte/s(320kbit/s) for the same price. as my father has retired i canβt use this connection anymore, but i c my friends using it. the isp of this connection is also zip.
Hmm so this Zip provides better service for military at lower cost!!!i also guess they provide better service in vip areas like gulshan as adnnan said his friend gets 40 kilobytes.
Now first let me say i have no problem military areas having cheaper internet service.i mean i have no intention to piss off military. π
so i understand people who are civilians arent good enough for Zip to provide 32kByte/s(256kbit/s)or 40kByte/s(320kbit/s for 800tk/month.shouldn’t this kind of business be regarded as discrimination or cheating to users of Zip.
i mean why others have to pay 1500 instead of 800 taka per month to get same internet service as Hex mentioned.
that means this Zip ISP can give users broadband internet service at a lower rate like 800 taka per month but they not doing that.on the contrary they are taking 1500 taka per can Zip justify that?
dont you Zip users feel you are ripped off?!
Aug 1st, 2008 at 10:57 am
i also think all these ISPs provide better service in vip areas like Gulshan for economic reasons.that’s really discriminatory to other users πΏ
although i have no hard feeling against the people of vip areas if they get good net speed i am angry only against ISPs . π π
Aug 4th, 2008 at 11:41 am
@ shamim
Nope, Zip provides very good service to me.
Aug 10th, 2008 at 1:24 am
Sirius Broadband SUCKS.
1. Slow (1500 for that speed?)
2. Although generally good customer service, behaviour is sometimes out of line
3. They do NOT allow sharing in anyway. Not even in the same household. Not even for a PSP or iPhone. And if you share, the line is automatically cut and they WARN you (wtf? warn?) as to not do it again. For reconnection you have to go to their office and sign a form.
Aug 17th, 2008 at 9:09 am
β Holy Mother of F**king Crap β I guess i live in BD Nation. π It Could’ve been a Good Country if those Two F**king Bitch stop quarling to etch other and start doing something for this precious Country. Some ones father and some ones husband did some thing for this nation so those two whore are acting like they own this Country. This is awful. I wish they just die with all political leader (Including There DNA, all family members). So that we can breath easily.
Seriously we could have got good Bandwidth if those two….!!..
I just shocked that we don’t have good Net Speed yet. Although GP giving us some little surviving droops but thats not enough. Only 20 to 24 KB/s ( i got 79 KB yesterday but only for 1 second π π ).
India getting 2 MB/s (from BSNL Ads)just only from 250 Rupi ( 1.5 x 250 = 375 TK) and whats we are getting? I’ve search through the Net and got frightening news 1 MB for 5700 TK(Incd VAT). Thats sucks. Although girls of BD are shortening their dresses like Indian Bitches. But when we’ll get Great achievements like Indians? I think it’ll never happened. Cause you all know women have less neuron then men. So, I’m signing out from The nation of two Bitches.
Hope some day we become the nation on universe.
I Bought a 3G Mobile for Almost two and half years now (Still using, Nokia 6233). But Chearman of BTCL (Former BTTB) told they’ll bring 3G within two to three years ?!!! π― π π‘
. Wow that realy sucks. By the way Gramen Phone disconnecting so much this days. So GP also sucks. I heard IUT (Islamic University of Technology) have the fastest Net connection on BD. They have 2 MB/s ( Iknow coz my bro read there).
Does anyone ever heard of Speed BD? Although they sucks. But they have low connection fee, 1000 TK per PC.
Aug 17th, 2008 at 8:37 pm
I was a Zip user for a long time. At first I was happy since I didn’t know much about internet back then but later I realized that their service is no good.
1. They talked a lot before I took their connection and later I realized some people only talks.
2. Absolutely pathetic service (too slow for so much money and too much fluctuations).
3. Horrible support service.
4. No file-sharing? WTF? They don’t expect us to just check emails only, right?
5. Provides one fcuking IP to all users so basically, no one can download from rapidshare either.
6. There are more reasons I can’t think off right now.
You guys take your decision wisely. It’s your money, you can spend it however you want to…
Aug 20th, 2008 at 2:05 pm
Let me tell you something, Smile is THE isp in Bangladesh. I have the silver package and have speed greater than that shown here( Ihave tested using and it only cost Tk 1035 per month. The connection fee is also low, just Tk 1000. I recommend it to everyone who is frustrated with their ISP.
Aug 21st, 2008 at 2:17 am
Hey users wazz up? Recently Bracnet got the best service. Now they are providing with dedicated speed all the time. They give 256kb/s whrere 128 is dedicated. Download speed is always 32KB/s.
So cool service from them. GP just sucks.
Aug 24th, 2008 at 11:59 am
π Dear all,
Finally I found a very good (i should say best) ISP provider. i am getting download speed @ 30~40KB/sec in the hour (8am ~ 10pm) &
@ 50~60KB/sec after 12am. I also get a special consideration if I need to download some big file, i can request them to increase my bandwidth & they provide me 90 ~ 110KB/sec constant for 2/3hr after 12am. And all this I’m getting for only tk.1000/-.
Isn’t it cool… π π
Aug 24th, 2008 at 7:59 pm
@Rehan_Dhaka hey what ISP you talking about buddy?!!!
Aug 25th, 2008 at 11:23 am
@ Shamim:
buddy..its not any recognized ISP. 02 local boys in Kathalbagan running this ISP. They bought bandwidth and share it to his users. No Rapidshare limitation π
Aug 25th, 2008 at 4:58 pm
I live in Mirpur-1.Here Gp edge speed 25-30kB/s.But not for ALL time.I f…….k gp.
Aug 25th, 2008 at 5:10 pm
Does smile bd provide best speed ALLLLLLLLLLLL over the time?PLZ inform me plz………..
Aug 29th, 2008 at 1:28 pm
I’m planning to take’s silver package from next month and was really looking for some comments abt it from it’s user. I searched the net for it, and got only ur comment! is dere anybody else who is using the same service and can share the experience? btw, where r u frm Hasan and how much download speed u r getting?
Sep 2nd, 2008 at 3:16 pm
I live in Mirpur-1.Here Gp edge speed 25-30kB/s.But not for ALL time.I fβ¦β¦.k gp.
Sep 6th, 2008 at 8:05 am
About smile BD. I’ve talk to them personally. They told me about there connection status. I asked them about 1 MB (Gold Package)line. They told me it’ll be share with 50 people (not sure if it’s more). So basically I’m not getting more 16 KB/ps .Then I took the GP EDGE. But after using for a while i figured it out it’s not that good as it was before (before my previous post). My GP connection time is almost over. So I worried which IP I should use. If I chose GP again I’ll obviously save some money. Cause it’ll need no connection fee (1150 TK at a Time) but has a lose connection. On the other hand should I gamble about Speed BD ? If Speed BD is bad then I’ll lose my 1000 TK which is connection fee. It’ll cost more for the first time ( Maybe 3000+ TK). GP is also portable.
Basically I download to much. Now GP will disconnect you if you take more bandwidth. I can’t use the DAP again. I don’t know what Speed BD will do to me. Now somebody claiming that “True” is a speedy ISP ( I am not sure though. But do they cover my Mirpur-1 Area? I am not sure. It’s so confusing here.
@ Hasan
Are you working for Speed BD? π
Sep 8th, 2008 at 7:54 pm
can any one tell me which net connection is best in baitul aman housing
Sep 9th, 2008 at 3:27 pm
Ami smile bd nitay chaitachelam.Kintu Hasan Vi amak Hotash Korlo!!!!!Smile BD 1Mbps nitay chaichelam.Jai hoke akhon ami gp edge use kortasi.Kintu speed all time valo thakey na.9am-4am 25-30kB/s thakey…..Tobay sob din ai speed thakey na.Evening time a speed 1-2kB/s hoi.Ami huge download kori.Akhon ami ki korbo!!!!!!!!!!!PLZ tell me some suggestion!!!
Sep 12th, 2008 at 1:23 am
Guys, I am using Citycell Zoom . The speed is good but there is no unlimited package and thats the most negative side of it. I am using 3 GB monthly limit package (1500 TK)& I pay 1799 (sometime even more) / month including VAT ! Now I wanna switch to another internet provider which gives ‘unlimited use package’ for low cost. Could someone please tell me which would be best for me ? Smile BD is giving such a great packages for minimum cost . They
provides internet(256 Kbps) only for 348 TK / month though I want silver package (512 kbps)for only 609 TK / month.
What do you say guys? Will I get good speed or if I use Smile BD Internet ? Please, I need your honest opinion .
Sep 12th, 2008 at 1:56 am
BTW, I have bought justec 56 K Modem recently but now I feel down as I see over that someone is selling his 56 K modem coz he is using ‘broadband’ internet now . Does it mean 56 K modem only works for dial up internet ? π₯ Please someone sort out my confusion .
Sep 14th, 2008 at 3:16 pm
Yes brother!!!56k means 56/8=7KB.This modem only use for dialup!!This modem can download a file upto 7kB/s.You cannot expect better speed from it!!!!!!!!
Sep 14th, 2008 at 3:17 pm
What is the download speed of zoom? PLZ tell me?
Sep 15th, 2008 at 1:53 am
Yo guys I’m back. Although it’s not an important thing. But now I’m with “”. It took a day of me to get connected. I told y’all I’m gonna take the gold package and I did. But the connection fee is not 1000 TK. But it’s was 2000 TK. Ok I took it with night package ( 6 pm to 9 am) for a trial reason. It costs me 3100 TK. I thought it’ll be worthy. But HELL NO. Here we got an another blood sucking ISP again. π― I am not getting more that 12 to 14 KB. Although I am using it not more then 3 hours. But hey what’s good, good from the beginning. I am hope less. Cause I’ve just lost nonreturnable 2000 Tk π . My cousin told me to use it for few days then take a decisions.
On the other hand GP wasn’t that bad. π Like it disconnects million times a day :wink:. Speed wasn’t that bad and it was Mobile. You can carry any where in the BD Nation. ”” …nop man. Although it connect directly to “Rapid Share” and I didn’t have to wait. Ok I’ll inform you more about my connection status. See ya soon.
@ Hasan… Damn Man. You really work for “”. Your speech encouraged me to get heir connection. π πΏ
Sep 19th, 2008 at 12:12 am
OK, maybe I should rethink about what I’ve talked about “”. It’s been few days I’m using it. It’s not that bad as I said before. It’s ok. But I’m not gonna tell that it’s good. Soon I’ll take the 24 hour package. Then I’ll tell you what’s good and what’s bad about “”. Till then it’s up to you to decide.
Sep 19th, 2008 at 4:37 pm
What is the download speed of smile bd silver or gold package????????PLZ test with internet download manager…
Sep 19th, 2008 at 11:35 pm
Well, I am only stisfied with my GP EDGE connection when i am under EDGE coverage, at that time I get speed upto 22kb/s….but when i am under GPRS, my speed never exceeds 5 kb/s….I stay in Baridhara DOHS, and most of the time i get GPRS network, sometimes if i get lucky i get EDGE in my house, this is happening recently. Before I used to get EDGE all the time. LOL. GP Sucks
Sep 20th, 2008 at 12:50 am
Well, I am only stisfied with my Gp EDGE connection when i am under EDGE coverage, at that time I get speed upto 22kb/sβ¦.but when i am under GPRS, my speed never exceeds 5 kb/sβ¦.I stay in Baridhara DOHS, and most of the time i get GPRS network, sometimes if i get lucky i get EDGE in my house, this is happening recently. Before I used to get EDGE all the time. LOL. GP Sucks
And by the way, I am now looking for a good broadband ISP. I heard a lot of good things about ZIP/Sirius Broadband. But they csot too much, I cant afford to pay 1500TK per month.
And have anyone of u guys taken the Smilebd connection? I wanted to take the Silver package, so can anyone tell me how much speed you get in average? Please help meβ¦and someone told me that their service is not available in Baridhara DOHS, is it true?
And if any of u guys know a good ISP which provides services within 1000TK, then please let me know.
Sep 21st, 2008 at 6:34 pm
Hasan vi what is the download speed KB/s of smile bd and which package u r using?
Sep 22nd, 2008 at 3:39 am
OK, I’m using “” connection with “Gold” package at night ( From 6 pm to 9 am). I thought I should criticize “” after using 24 hours package for a few days. But I don’t have enough money right now to afford that and you guys are looking for an opinion about “”,so I’ll give you what I think about “” anyway. Told y’all I’m using night (6 pm to 9 am) package so I should get more speed then usual and I do. So here the definition, from 6 to 11 pm you’ll not get more that 12 to 18 KB/s ( sometimes 6/7 KB/s), after midnight you’ll get about 16 to 22 KB/s. After 2 am you’ll get 20 to 28 KB/s. But most of time I get High speed after “Seheri” from 3 to almost 9 am. The speed is about 30 to 40 KB/s ( Sometimes 40 to 55 KB/s). Although this doesn’t happen everyday. This is just an average schedule. And guys I can’t help you about Day time Speed. Science I don’t have one. OK Here is a test Picture from I it took while writing this.
@ Hasan, Sorry man. I said bad things about you.
@ Arithra, Ya GP Sucks Now. Although they were good at the beginning.
Good thing about “”, most of the time you’ll get “Rapid Share” links since they ( using “Mikrotik” bandwidth switcher. Also you’ll get a good “Torrent” downloading speed. Because they have more upload speed. ( Torrent theory ” the more you give the more you get”)
Connection Fee(s): Bronze and Silver 1000 TK Nonrefundable. Gold 2000 TK Nonrefundable. Diamond and Platinum 3000 TK Nonrefundable. For line charge & More go to . I give 1100 Tk per month ( With VAT).
Bad Thing: Sometimes they also get disconnected. But not like GP though. If disconnected it’ll take a lot of time to get connected. But in GP, if disconnected you’ll need to “plug out” and “plug in” your mobile to get a new connection. If there is no electricity there will be no net. If you have backup power ( like UPS), it’ll not help though. If the switch ( from which you’ve connected) have no power ( Because of no electricity) you’ll not get net either. Sometimes the switch get hang ( that what they’ve told me)and you’ll lost your connection too. They ( switch) need to be restarted.
This is what I experienced while using “” from September 15th, 2008 to September 22nd, 2008 with Gold Package at night(6 pm to 9 am) . Things may not be same to you. I live in Mirpur 1. You know it’s a place where Poor people live and maybe “” don’t have too much customer so I’m getting this kind of speed. In your area, I am not sure. It’s up to you to decide.
@ Arithra, You can call them to know about if they cover your area or not.
OK, Guys see you soon.
Sep 22nd, 2008 at 3:48 am
Additional: I am not sure why there is no ISP name in the test Picture. π― Can anybody tell me? Is this because they are using βMikrotikβ? If anybody have a clear concept please tell me. Some body told me they didn’t registered their ISP that’s why. Is it really true? Here is another Picture. See the time difference and Compere.
Sep 24th, 2008 at 9:29 am
Can anyone tell me which is the best ISP in Uttara, I have been using spark BD( a very popular one here nowadays ) for three yrs. At first I was getting around 50 KBPS but now I am getting a modest 2-3 KBPS and their customer support sucks. I paid 3000 tk for the connection and now they are providing it for free. So it is possible for ISPs to provide free connections. Today I will take a new connection after three yrs of spark. Let’s see how it turns out.
P.s: GP provides 8-10 kbps dl in Uttara.
Oct 2nd, 2008 at 6:44 am
Shimul vai & all
Smile bd is very fast.
Bronze 256 kbps @ 575/-[with vat] minimum 20kB/s with DAP or IDM
Silver 512 kbps @ 1050/-[with vat] minimum 20kB/s with DAP or IDM
but they hv some problems with pppoe [dial up over Ethernet].
they connect with by mikrotik like poor quality server. not with professional cisco server’s. if u can connect via dial-up u r lucky & u can get min 20kB/s [Bronze] or u remain disconnected.
Oct 6th, 2008 at 8:22 pm
oh man….lots of people r suffering just like me for a descent net connection…using NP..& so looking for a good switch…—u stated same minimum speed like 20KB/s with 2 different is it possible? if i get 20KB for 575tk then why i should pay 1050tk for the same speed? what’s the difference in maximum speed??& in which area u r getting this speed?
anyone interested in smilebd,first ensure by calling them that u r under their coverage..(which i m not….shit)..&more user in ur area..the slower u go….
Oct 8th, 2008 at 1:41 am
None of the BD ISP is honestly serving their customers, all they know to provide bandwidth(bw) to customers who use VoIP. They are all sharks and blood suckers, Zip is pure crap, they are charging for my cousins @1200/mo yet they are giving away mere 12-14KB of speed, This is pure cheating as govt has recently slashed bw charge to half and they will do more in coming months. And everyone should remember that more people taking connection from an ISP, serivice will bound to go down. bandwidth is not unlimited.
Oct 24th, 2008 at 12:48 am
Is there any one except me using in here? What’s your current Status? I’m feeling Hell right now. The Speed is so bad. What’s your situation? Please inform here…
Oct 24th, 2008 at 6:20 pm
any one using line. please give me tcp/ip settings of
subnet :
gateway :
1st dns :
2nd dns :
is there any difference by packeges in tcp/ip settings except mac and ip.
Oct 30th, 2008 at 7:18 pm
@DEADHasan….bhai the quality of smilebd is poor already????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!& they have only started…!!!!!!!i thought only NATIONAL PHONE was PATHETIC…NATIONAL PHONE is giving me 5-6 KB/S max!!!!!!!!!!!! even @4 a.m..I HAVE HAD ENOUGH…GIVING UP NP RIGHT FROM THIS MONTH…WILL SELL THE SET OR THROW AWAY WHATEVER…..
Nov 3rd, 2008 at 11:37 am
well, guyz, take one suggestion from my pathetic experience from the service providers, never use a shared connection. use the dedicated ones even if it is very small. for example, i also used the Zip connection a couple of years back, and initially it was pretty good (at around 140 kbit/sec, but later it was reduced to around 12 kbit/sec). then i switched to dhakacom for a monthly bundle fee of 1000tk, for 24hrs dedicated 48 kbit/sec (6kBps) which was later converted to 64 kbit/sec (8 kBps) for same monthly fee. i always get this speed, and when i’m using free download manager, sometimes speed goes upto 10 kBps. the only problem with dhakacom is their line gets disconnected about every 1.5hrs, which sometimes is a problem to download things which takes more than 1.5 hours of time and doesn’t have the resume support.
their personnel are also friendly enough to respond to your calls and problems, and i just hope it stays the same. because, in the context of our country, every business starts in the Americal attitude, but exponentially decays to worst magnitude.
Nov 8th, 2008 at 2:32 am
firstly i had my net connection from my local zone.all popular download sites were blocked. i asked…wht happened …why u blocked all these?they told me using p2p,torrents and other filesharing software are illegal in bd.then being a lawyer,i started to find the true matter.HELL NO,these r not illegal to use in bd.they r just grabbing a lot customer with low/same bandwidth.then i hv taken technology).i live in mirpur-10, the time of taking the line,they told me they dont block any kind of port(they also publish it in their poster!).then the judgment day came to me,i finally found after getting conncected,paying the pre-paid bill that they hv just blocked all the p2p,torrents and other filesharing software.then i was shedding my tears for losing my money.i took may be the gold pakcage(1200tk per month).but i can not download which is needed to be downloaded.
it is true they give motamoti good speed(20 KB/s).but wht the hell i will do with speed i find/can not download ?it is like hving million dollar in my pocket but hv no right to use single demand is that give me 50tk but GIVE ME RIGHT TO USE IT FOR MY OWN BENEFIT.
i hv made complain sevaral times to their zonal office at mirpur-10.they answer is here,they r just linemen,all the system is controlled may be from bonosri.
guys this is for all “using p2p,torrents, or any file sharing software is not illegal in bd.being a student from law background,i hv checked all the docs.if any ISP say this to u”tell them to show doc in favor of their claim”/be sure they will never able.all the ISP wants us to only mail,reading online newspapers and chatting only.
the truth is that i am still using this netline(as there is no other GOOD ISP) and throwing my blood-watering money to the drain.i am gonna kick this in next month.i will take,if they cover my zone.
Nov 13th, 2008 at 6:43 pm
can anyone pls tell me how is agni???is it good for online gaming and pls tell me abt the dl speed
Nov 20th, 2008 at 2:22 am
i m using bronze package, here is share 256kbit that means 256/8=35KB, but my download speed is 5KB or 6Kb. monthly pre-paid bill is 575TK with vat and no voice comfortable. i think voice chat need only 1.35 KB but here is no voice comfortable. that means some times is gone 0KB. the is froad with us. but london wireless broadband 2Mbit only 5Pounds and download speed is 250-750KB… wow. i fucked the all of broadband companys. and there ar all of froad with us…
Nov 20th, 2008 at 3:05 am
I am using bronz package only 575 with vat prepaid. this package share 256Kbit thatβs means 35KB download speed and upload speed. but this line has no voice chatingβ¦ ha ha . a voice chating need only 1.35KB download and upload 1.35KB upload. but u cannot do in this pacakge. ha ha ha haβ¦. bcoz that package up and down is 0 to upto KB and download speed show u Average speed 6/7 somethimes it will up to 17-26KB. but average speed is 6/7.if in this time gone 0KB for few second we cant not understand actual Bandwidth. but if we do voice in this line then we can understant.. itβs a smiple problem and there is othere is connectivity etc etcβ¦..
but othereβs countries london using wireless connection 2MBit share thatβs means download speed 256KB. but i see the donwload speed 350KB-750KB and this line rate is only 5 Fixed No Vat Poundsβ¦ WoW.. 1 Pounds=105Tk.=525Tk. WoWβ¦.. all broadband company is fucked openlyβ¦β¦β¦β¦ if anyone need any question just call me +88019154943 β¦. all borad with us but durnity commision is no tensionβ¦β¦β¦β¦β¦ bocz we enjoying this fuckingβ¦β¦β¦β¦.. i ffucked all internet userβ¦ ther has no tension this fuckingβ¦β¦β¦β¦. DURNITY COMMISION HAS NO TENSION IN THIS SECTOR
Nov 20th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
which net will be the best for gaming and also for downloads in dhanmondi -8/A.Rigt now i am using one which give me speed average 11. but it is not giving me be P2P.What i will do?
Nov 26th, 2008 at 8:32 pm
If you can afford the connection fee which is 5000 taka .. U just go for Sirius Broadband aka ZIP .. their monthly charge is 1200(incl VAT) and you will get 30 kBps(ya kiloBYTE) on avg…
and if the local provider of sirius broadband in your area has good support… You won’t get better speed at that price from any other ISP in Dhaka.
Hope this helps .. β
Dec 2nd, 2008 at 8:09 pm
What is the best isp in mohammadpur? GP just sucks.
Dec 13th, 2008 at 4:15 pm
I just dont get one thing about smile! Their browsing speed is far faster than their download speed! Amazing na? kichu kichu websites (big ones like gamespot, apple,cnn) kuttta fast load korey! browsing speed is around 45-60KB/sec (Opera 9.62 built in speedometer, Silver package) abar facebook odbhut slow load kore! again if i download any file, speed tokhon 10-25KB/sec drastically vary kore! sometimes 5KB/sec o hoe jae and worse, download stop hoe jae! I guess ora network manage korte partese na!! But i hope that they soon will improve their service! oder service agey prochr bhalo chilo! I upgraded to the Gold package(1MBPS) when they upgraded their bandwidth 3 months ago…70KB/sec-112KB/sec paitam! my mom could watch all her hindi serials over the net via youtube! chinta koro! but oder ei foul probs er jonno abar downgrade korsi silver e!
Dec 20th, 2008 at 3:20 am
I’m guessing the internet speeds didn’t really change much since 2005…that’s when i moved out of the country.
Our ISP recently upgraded to 1Gbps [], but that’s for business purposes only, sadly π , but the max speed for home users is only 14Mbps, not really much compared to 1Gbps, aye? π
Dec 25th, 2008 at 8:31 am
I got furious. πΏ I told them I don’t wan’t 20-30KB/s just give me what I deserve and what I’m paying for. For about a month I called every night that I’m getting 5/6 KB/s Witch not for a Gold user and about the error 678. Also complained their zonal office. Nothing happened. Like they turned their face from me. But at the first month When I told There is a problem, they called me and asked is it gone? Now? F**k.
Then I started to record my conversion wit NOC and threaten them that I have a blog and I would write bad things about them. I also told them I’m recoding this and I will Upload this on the net. π So, the whole world would know what kind of MF they are. I did this almost every night and told them I’m keeping a log witch is true.
But at the end of that month some one from Smile called and asked about my speed. I told them it’s average 12 to 16KB/s witch wasn’t good for me. I thought to switch Smile. So, I didn’t pay. Ultimately the line was gone and my search for a good ISP Began again. But for an emergency reason I had to take their line back. Because I was short of money to switch with a new ISP and needed the net badly. I went to pay the bill and faced another triangle. ( I’ll Talk about later π³ ).
After paying the bill i got the net and used for a week ( Still using) find out that they fixed their problem(s) a little bit and I’m getting a reasonable speed. The average is 22 To 28 KB/s. I am satisfied. Although the golden day’s are over when I got 60 to 70 KB/s ( at the first month). π₯
One thing about Speed it didn’t block P2P or Rapid Share (Yet) and the error 678 still on. So, some night I go off from net.
@SHUVO , bro WTF, P2P isn’t Illegal. Then people should stop downloading Linux with Torrent. P2P is worlds most famous file shearing system for low Bandwidth user. BD Nation don’t have a IT law (that’s what I know). If you want to switch to Smile, I would told you to think.
@arafat , Are you talking about online gaming? Forget it man this is BD Nation. Unless you buy bandwidth from BTRC. The 1 MB is 30,000 TK per month. Can you afford that? If so then your lucky. β
@shimul , Yes I agree.
@Arnob , I’m jealous of you. Man do you shipped to UAE? β
@YDD , The connection fee is Blood Sucking and all we know Zip Sucks. I think mustn’t invest 5000 TK for 30 KB/s only.
@We Are F**ked………., yes we are man. π Maybe we should make a rebel group and kick ISP’s buts. What’s y’all Think? Make the BD Nation free from blood sucker ISP.
OK this is my experience with Smile. Hope I’d help. π
I think this is a good post for people who are trying to get net connection on BD Nation. Admin should consider to change the tag.
Jan 2nd, 2009 at 10:59 am
Ekhon to smile aro f****d! getting max 12KB/sec on silver that too very rare!! beshir bhag 5-8KB/sec thake! and some gold users at Uttara say that they are getting the same speed as I do!!! BEPAR TA BUJHTE PARSO?? FRAUDS!
Jan 4th, 2009 at 9:32 pm
Hey there fellaβs, just want to share some results on my ISP which is Optimax Communications Ltd. and im currently running the 128kbps conn speed package which is costing me..about 2500tk/Month. So do you guys think I am getting ripped off big time??
My Download speed ranges from 14-21 (with DAP)
and results from were..
DL speed~ 145 kbps (18 KB)
UL Speed~ 109 kbps (13.6 KB)
So watcha guys think? Is this BD Isp serving me for what actually Iam paying for??..I think its outrageously a hack. ;_;
& btw comparing this to Zip <=/ I’d stay with Optimax Communication man..despite the comments + overviews xD
Jan 7th, 2009 at 1:08 pm
U are getting whipped!!! 2500Tk/month is too much for
Jan 9th, 2009 at 8:01 pm
I switched from RanksTel to InterSpeed for better download speed. But I think all ISP are same in Bangladesh. Money Sucker.
They should at least provide 1 M/s in Tk.1000/- (may be i am dreaming).
Jan 19th, 2009 at 7:32 am
Smile F**ked Up. More News Coming Soon. π
Jan 19th, 2009 at 7:35 am
The “gaming wiz” is definitely, definitely out of his mind if he or she recommends Zip to gamers. Haha !
Jan 23rd, 2009 at 9:42 am
i am using gp internet, i get avg speed of 144 kbit/sec but the main problem is frequent disconnections
Jan 24th, 2009 at 10:58 am
Then, do u know n e other alternative ISP’s that goes well for BD Gamers besides ZIP?
Feb 2nd, 2009 at 6:07 pm
Guys! You definitely check out also known as X-NET. A friend who is using says he gets 32-36KB/s for 1650/-. Installation is 4000/- for the radio tower(may be less per PC for more than 1). There are cheaper monthly packages. Great thing about this ISP is that they are never down, NEVER! Even when sidr hit BD, they’re line was working fine all throughout even for homeusers. It’s reliable, but speed may drop 5-6KB/s eventually.
You guys should also consider grameen cybernet( 64kbps(8KB/s) 8to8PM and 224kbps(28KB/s) from 8to8am for 1725/-. Bad news is its slow during the day but not less than promised. Good thing is its good at night(preffered by night users.). It’s great for gaming I hear and speed is almost never down, and they listen to complaints of users. They have also separate packages for night users only, which is off during the day.
Feb 7th, 2009 at 10:40 am
ok since my last comment gp has improved, now i get avg download speed of about 185 kbit/sec and disconnections has gone down, also i heard that agni and smilebd have been shut down, is it true ?
Feb 16th, 2009 at 3:03 am
Upol 185kb/s kare koi janos??????
185kb/s means 17kb/s…..
17kb/s dea game khalbi……..?
gp jaidin 185kb/s dibo oidin aikhane likbi…….
Bangladesh ar internet saidin develop korbo jaidin amago age 99hoibo………
Dedicated speed kono [moderated] low cost a daina…………
Feb 16th, 2009 at 3:05 am
Main problem hoilo govt ar halara high speed kare koi bujha na………….
Feb 16th, 2009 at 3:07 am
40gb ar ja Bandwidth kinlo oita ki korlo???????
sudhusudhu public ar tk waste korase.850tk te 5kb/s ata dea gp alo nea asbe?????
Feb 16th, 2009 at 3:08 am
aktel a 2kb/s
Feb 16th, 2009 at 3:09 am
fibre optic kate month a 15bar
Feb 16th, 2009 at 10:51 am
@ Tushar
I guess Upol is right. kbps stands for Kilo bits per second whereas KBps stands for Kilo bytes per second. π Again 185 kilo bits per second(kb/s) translates into around 23 Kilobytes per second(KB/s) (divide by 8 ) and not 17 KB/s as you wrote (even though you used kb/s). π
Feb 16th, 2009 at 4:08 pm
ahh so much about the zip.
well i think i used to be one of the earliest users of zip broadband in dhaka. it was back in 2004 when i got the connection.
It had kickass speeds(compared to other ISP speeds at that time which had a mere 4-5KB/s down)
the payback was my upload speed… i always received very poor upload speed except for ONE day. lol. due to the slow upload i couldnt do video chatting properly and even audio(im not much into games)
i was and still am an EXTREME DOWNLOADER. I hardly buy any CDs?DVDs from the markets.. i get them all downloaded… well .. almost these days.
but when i was using ZIP i cant recall i was buying any CDs or DVDs. I was supposed to get 32KB/s for Tk. 1200 but i used to pay 1000 as i was a reknowed person to my local provider.
during that time I HARDLY got speeds BELOW 20KB/s and the average speed used to be 30 to 40 KB/s.
there were even days when i got speeds over 60KB/s and 100KB/s for a few hours until one day, when i was downloading stuffs using DAP (at that time i used to download with torrent and DAP usually) a guy from ZIP called me up. he was like.. u’ve gotta stop ur downloads else we have to snip ur connection. WoHA!! ISPs call to stop downloads.. lol
i did so that day and after a few months… my connection used to get lost after 10th or 12th day of the month.. after a few days.. the problem was identified… I was downloading too much and thus they stopped my connection. I called them up again (ZIP) where they told me i cant upload/download more than 20GB a month.
i was like wtf….. the brochoure said that my connection is UNLIMITED for a fixed payment of 1200tk per month… so now whats with this 20GB limit shit?!! they kept on nagging about it and i hung up.. my connection did get snipped after i downloaded kindda like 20GB .. but i still kept on using their service by hacking other MACs in their network and downloading with them.. i continued this for like 4/5 months then i had to change the ISP.
but i still do not get such great speeds i used to get with ZIP.
Feb 16th, 2009 at 8:16 pm
Wow it’s been a long time. After 10 Days of disruption Smile finally came back with a awful Speed. Remember when I was getting 40 to 60 KB/s. Ah those golden days. Actually it didn’t last more then a month. But last two month I was getting 28 to 30 KB/s. I was acceptable within the price range of 1100 Tk (for 15 hours). Cause I was able to download from Rapid Share or Link like that. But after the disruption I’ll be lucky if I get 15 KB/s. I think my days with smile is over.
Friend of mine using GP told me he gets 25 to 30 KB/s and 20 to 25 KB/s on P2P. I am amazed. Maybe GP improved after all. They also cut the cost. Maybe I’ll temporarily switch to GP.
The thing is I went to give my bill to Smile. They told me their HQ told to cut price of 7 Days of previous month. But they didn’t give any Net connection for 10 days straight. From 11 Days it was 1 to 2 KB/s. Wow again. What kind of S**t is that? Isn’t this injustice? But blood sucker ISP of BD don’t give a Damn. Oh Smile, those Mother β¦……………………………
Now I have to find another ISP with good speed. I don’t think it is possible. But I’ll give a try.
About Online Gaming:
I think it’s tough to play games online on BD. Because most of us uses Cracked games. I’ve tried. But the master server always recognize that and didn’t let me play. I also tried with Online patch. But they caught that too. I found a game named Nexuiz, witch is free game. It also capable to play on multiple platform like Linux, Mac and Windows. I thried this game and it’s not that bad. It’s like Quake or Unreal Tournament (FPS). The thing is I was able to play this game Online with my 25 to 30 KB/s line. I played this game with 10 KB/s speed. You should try this.
Feb 16th, 2009 at 9:13 pm
@ Tushar
First of all u dont know me and i dont know u, ok, then tui tui kore kotha bolen keno ?? what the hell do u think u are ?? i get 185 kbit/sec speed from gp and i am telling the truth unlike u, i play gta san andreas online though it lags sometimes, and please never talk to anybody like this unless u know them.
Feb 16th, 2009 at 10:11 pm
@Upol ,
Do you use Legal version of games or cracked ?
Feb 17th, 2009 at 9:58 am
to tell u the truth i dont know actually
and hey about a good isp u can try X-net or Truebd, i heard they giver good speed too
Feb 17th, 2009 at 10:34 am
@ Upol
You’re right. Treat others with respect and they will do the same.
That’s right, you can’t play cracked games online although you can try Hamachi to play cracked games online. You might also look into Battlefield Heroes and Quake Live, both of them are free online multiplayer FPS games. As for me, Zip gives me average 30 KB/s throughout the entire day and night so I can play online. Funny thing is the PC lags, but online games on 360 don’t lag that much and I’ve been enjoying Gears of War 2 ever since.
Feb 19th, 2009 at 4:43 pm
Hi guys, now i am writing this post from a cybercafe, and the speed is unbeliveable. I am getting about 100KB/s average. Unbeliveable but true. It is the Pool Party in Baridhara DOHS.
Feb 20th, 2009 at 10:51 am
@ Arithra
Wow, that’s unbelievable. Why don’t you run a speed test at and post the results? What ISP do they use? I just might switch. π
Feb 20th, 2009 at 1:02 pm
yes arithra which isp is it ?? is it available in farmgate area ??
though i said good things about gp internet but i just cant download big files like movies cause it disconnects too much
i am going to stop gp from march and use a local isp
they have said that i’ll get at least 12 kBps for 1000 taka
bad speed but at least i’ll be able to run internet all night
also if any one knows about any isp in farmgate that will give me at lease 15kBps at 1000 taka please tell me
this request goes to all including the gaming wiz
Feb 21st, 2009 at 8:10 pm
Today i am in the same cyber cafe, in the same pc, but today the average speed is only 20KB/s….to sad….actually what happened that day was that the entire bandwidth was coming only to me. I got speed reaching upto 150KB/s. This is the fastest speed I have ever seen in bangladesh. But the computer just beside it was giving only 20KB/s. Funny isn’t it? I wish it happened all the time. The ISP’s name is “S-Net” i think, i am not sure.
Feb 22nd, 2009 at 8:54 pm I think they have a min 1250/- package, speed is good for the money, you should check it out. And also grameen cybernet, which is a little expensive, since they provide dedicated bandwidth.
PEOPLE IN BANANI/GULSHAN/BARIDHARA – Any suggestion for a good ISP? I am getting 22KBs for 1500/-. I want something for around the same momey, but better speed. Anyone?
Mar 2nd, 2009 at 10:27 pm
Smile’s coming back this 7th march…. for more info
eibar i guess newsta true… abar ager moton speed pawa jabe… and probably gaming server gula abar up hobe π
Mar 5th, 2009 at 10:32 am
My 575TK Bronze package from Smile (now aka BDCom)
128kb/sec (14-16KB/sec) varies most of the time
101kb/sec (10-12KB/sec) varies most of the time
So,I am expecting more better speeds …preferably 256KB/sec for 1035TK (Silver package)!!!
Mar 5th, 2009 at 10:33 am
Apr 22nd, 2009 at 10:17 am
Is Smile back????
how is it???
May 4th, 2009 at 7:59 pm
i have given up my previous isp and got a new one
they give me over 16 kBps most of the time for 1300 taka monthly
i get over 25 kBps from 7 am to 2 pm then it goes down to 12-14 kBps until 1 am in the night then up to 7 am i get over 36 kBps
ahh, finally i can download my favorite movies
May 11th, 2009 at 10:41 am
Hi guys banglalion is bringing wimax service from june 2009.they are saying they can provide 128 KiloBytes/sec (yea π― ) 600 taka permonth and other packegs like 12AM-9AM for 300/taka.
the most important question is the speed(128Kilobytess/sec).is this promise bogus or true? only time and experience of their service will prove whether they are lying to get users.
But i really wish and hope they are being honest in their advertisement about the speed and if so that will start a new age of speedy internet usage in this country π
May 11th, 2009 at 12:21 pm
I called them up long back….around 2 months ago and they said it’s 128kb/sec (16KB/sec)not 128KB/sec (1MBps)! so, yeah!!! they make innocent ppl fool around saying KILO BYTES PER SECOND! whereas it’s kilo bits per second! 1 kilobyte (KB)= 8 kilobits (kb)
May 17th, 2009 at 10:01 am
I got that from BanglaLion Webpage (
High Speed Internet with minimum 128kbps speed
From 1st June,2009”
128 kbps = 16 KBps.
Kilobits not kilobytes. π
Good news is they said its minimum. π
May 17th, 2009 at 10:31 am
@DEAD HaSaN hi i am quite sure it’s kilobytes/sec m8 because they mentioned on their site that when using 45 taka one day usage package there will be a limit of maximum 3 gigabyte download.And i am sure if they meant 128 kilobits=16Kilobites then that download Size limit would not have been mentioned because at 16kilobyte/sec probably it’s not possible to download 3 gigabyte data in 24 hours even when one downloads continuously.
let’s see at 16 kilobyte 16(kilobyte) X 60 seconds(1 minute)=960 kilobytes(not even 1 megabyte)
so 24 hours=24 X 60(60 minute per hour)=1440 minutes
so in 1440 minutes we can download maximum 960kilobyte X 1440 minutes=1382400 kilobytes(1024 kilobyte=1 megabyte)=1350 megabytes which is 1 gigabyte plus 326 megabytes.
so at their registration page they clearly posts:
Day User (Max3GB) Tk 45 / Day
so i guess they meant 128 kilobytes because at that speed how many gigabytes can be downloads one can understand. π
May 18th, 2009 at 1:23 pm
I called Bangla Lion! they say 16KB/sec! π
May 18th, 2009 at 3:06 pm
I’m using Sirius broadband/ZIP for last 2 yrs .. and for last 7/8 months I get constant 29-30 KB if not more… and for this, I pay 1200 taka(VAT including) monthly … I’m happy with the speed. and the connection downtime is rare. and when its down, its problem of local agent .. not the ISP itself ..
I’ll also try WiMax in a few month hopefully ..
May 19th, 2009 at 2:08 am
Shamim, bro sorry to blow your bubble. Saad Yaseen/Dead Hassan is right. They mean 16kilobytes when they say 128Kbps or else they wudve written kbps/kBps. And all that calculation doesn’t prove anything. You have to take the upload volume into consideration. Their upload speed could be really high. And besides I am certain beyond reasonable doubt that they meant 128kbits/s or 16kbytes/s. You can call me to see if we’re right.
And people, any news about smile, any recent news about them? Are they back?
May 19th, 2009 at 2:44 pm
very disappointing so much for wimax :mad:my dream of multiplayer gaming goes down the drain.anyway thanks for the info, that should prevent me from wasting a couple of thousand taka buying their modem for 16kb/sec service. π
May 19th, 2009 at 4:26 pm
well….. there’s no problem dreaming…dream on …..dream on ….. dream on…..keep on until ur dreams come true :D! oh well! about multiplayer gaming… depends more on latency than speed! On my sister’s pc (wanadoo isp UK, 8mbits), lags persist well in gg and live)if u play with international players….still acceptable coz its very little…, but again on BT, it’s silk smooth despite 4mbits!
May 19th, 2009 at 10:23 pm
Guys looking for cheap internet solutions might go for Aktel Volume based internet….I am staying in Baridhara DOHS, and its giving decent speeds here. It is always above 10KB/s, usually 12~13KB/s. And It is also pretty cheap, I am using the 3BG pack which costs 520TK (including VAT) But unfortunately, places other than Baridhara DOHS show lower speeds. But I am satisfied. And by the way, GP sucks and is too expensive. I am going to take wimax this june!!!
May 20th, 2009 at 7:27 am
yeah i am also using Aktel internet at the value mobile internet service in Bangladesh. No point giving greedy Grameen phone 977 taka per month just to browse and check e-mail,post in blog sites etc π
May 27th, 2009 at 2:30 am
π zip hmmm smile or they slod voip bandwidth.then don’t want any local user .local user just show .shame shame shame.
Jul 8th, 2009 at 4:38 pm
π hey lets discuss about how to speed up internet!!!
dose anyone got a idea?
Sep 13th, 2009 at 9:58 pm
my internet speeds according to
download speed= 220 kbps= 27.5 kBps
upload speed= 220 kbps= 27.5 kBps
Sep 15th, 2009 at 11:51 pm
Download Speed: 189 kbps (23.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 194 kbps (24.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
This is the pick hour rate….at off pick i get 35-40KB with IDM….
I pay 1000 per month…though
TORRENT>> Not supported
P2P>>>>>> supported….
Sep 16th, 2009 at 4:43 am
Download Speed: 292 kbps (36.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 187 kbps (23.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
this is my offline transfer rate….
Sep 16th, 2009 at 10:30 pm
@ imran- mine too was at pick hour, off pick i get 35 KB with IDM and DAP, torrent ,p2p, radio, and other services are supported
@ shawan, i dont understand what does offline transfer rate mean ?
Oct 5th, 2009 at 10:14 pm
I use citicell zoom modem…450/month+vat…i g8 download speed of 18KBps(’s KB not Kb)..& happy with it
Oct 5th, 2009 at 10:29 pm
Hmm…ok my father has been recently posted to ghatail cantonment and it uses 1 ip more the whole cantonment and there is like 40 users of internet and its optic fiber so i regularly get 150 kilo bytes per second(kbps) with internet download manager i get 200-400 kilobytes per second (kbps).
and its just awesome!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 8th, 2009 at 11:35 pm
@Upol, I have use citycell zoom. The highest speed it reaches is 142kbps. And every now the internet just shuts of for no reason at all. And third, zoom for regular users more or less always comes with a download limit.
@Tousif, Why must you taunt us with ur stories. Leave us with our misery :'(.
Oct 9th, 2009 at 6:23 pm
π Shame π³ shame π³ shame Bangladesh NSA and DGGI .NSA Chief an ISP name optimax and the slod voip illegal bandwidth RAW per mb 1,50,000taka and BTRC and DGFI also help then.bangladesh BTCL and BTRC also know every thing and they don’t stop this bandwidth becoz optimax NSA Chief ISP. πΏ
Oct 25th, 2009 at 9:29 am
zip is going to give 1mbps shared for 3k a month. 512k at 1500 a month. on their fiber optic network.
Oct 31st, 2009 at 12:51 pm
Wimax nia onek asha cilo, but recently Qubee (Auger) pura hotash korse π 7000 tk modem fee (tao abar coto khato briefcase er soman). 512 kb/s er monthly fee 3400 tk bt 6 gb download limit. 1 mb/s 6200 tk with 9 GB dwnld limit. Speed valo, use kore dekhsi bt eto taka khoroch kora to somvob na bishes kore amader moto student der jonno to oshomvob er chaitao beshi.
Allah jane, bangla lion kemon hobe. Ai wimax er asay theke theke dial-up line change kori nai (ji vai ami ekhono bttb’r dial up use kori :oops:).
Ranks tell er internet kemon? recently 1ta package dise 3000 tk modem
Oct 31st, 2009 at 2:16 pm
@ Nibir Farhan
I plan to upgrade to Wimax. What is the exact download speed that you got?
Nov 3rd, 2009 at 9:03 pm
@ Wiz
Actually, Qubee (Auger) came to our university for promotional offer. I just browsed some sites but didn’t test any download. Browsing speed is fine. Any youtube high definition video π can be seen without buffering nd from any point by pointing the seek bar, just like a media player. You won’t have to wait for a second. It gives the experience of live video nd streaming. I browsed some big websites that loaded amazingly fast speed. If i get the chance, I would test download speed next time around.
But still i think it would be a better idea to upgrade to wimax after some few months.
Nov 3rd, 2009 at 9:11 pm
Can anyone plz tell me, is smile broadband still available or not? If available then In the name “Smile” or anything new? Is there any website? I tried but it seems working for other purpose. I have planned to take smile broadband but could not find any contact info. I live in mirpur-1. Plz help me.
Nov 3rd, 2009 at 10:37 pm
As far as I know their speeds are fixed, as in dedicated bandwidth of 512Kbps(64kb/s) and 1Mbps(128kb/s) and the person referring to qubee at university, if you’re talking about northsouth. Then I am pretty sure they had their best bandwidth for show to the students. But anyways, speeds fixed.
Nov 22nd, 2009 at 7:39 pm is back….
the are offering 5 packages….
1.Bronze—-upto 256kbps—-600tk.
2.Siler—–upto 512kbps—-1080tk.——upto 1Mbps——1840tk.
4.diamond—upto 2Mbps——3450tk.
5.platinum–upto 4Mbps——6900tk.
Nov 22nd, 2009 at 8:13 pm
Its good to hear that smile is back. But with their previous name, company or with a new one? Do you know any contact number or website of smile? Does smile give connection in Mirpur-1?
Dec 7th, 2009 at 11:48 am
Hello,i m new at online gaming.i think its an old question but how much speed is required to play counter-strike online??and how do u play it online with friends??do u have to share the same isp to do that????
Dec 7th, 2009 at 12:17 pm
@ Abir
Great news. There is a public Bangladeshi counter strike server. Just tell your friends to join that server, and you don’t have to be on the same ISP. β‘ The server address is or
connect Since its a BD server, a 128 kbps connection should suffice I think.
And welcome to Gamersworldbd. BTW, have you subscribed yet? π
Dec 9th, 2009 at 7:08 pm
Wimax says that the bandwidth is delicated (fixed & constant) but it’s not true.
Few days back I went to buy this and got a chance to use their 1Mbps connection for free.
Their download speed that was supposed to be 128KBps (delicated) was only 119KBps even in their own office connections.
So it may fall gradually as users will increase(Just like Grameen Phone which is currently in a bad shape).
Though it is way better than others but costs are(TK5250+VAT)=TK6038 per month with limited usage of only 20GB(Browsing+Downloading) and its briefcase like modem worth TK4000 which you have to hang around your neck if want to carry and use it in a lap top.
Dec 9th, 2009 at 8:12 pm
The only reason I don’t plan on getting WiMax anytime soon is because of its download caps. I can burn through 20gb in roughly 5-10 days. π
Dec 10th, 2009 at 9:02 am
Dedicated doesn’t mean that tumi 128KB/sec constant paba!!!!! Uttara 124KB/sec e stable thake,but still 4KB/sec is missing due to various transmission delays!! UK te amar bon er bashae 20mbits er line e ora pae 17mbits π DEDICATED ! If limit na thakto!!! then I would go for it since oitar speed smile er moton day te super speed and night e crap speed NA!!!
Dec 18th, 2009 at 3:51 pm
i live in ctg & my isp is col(chittagong online limited).i pay them only 1000tk/month & my connection is 128kbps.i get almost 20-30 kb/sec in peak hour(9am-9pm)….
& in off peak hour(9pm-9am)i get 40-70 kb per sec which is not so bad…..
Dec 26th, 2009 at 1:51 pm
@ Saad Yaseen
I’m really having problems with my Zip connection since I upgraded. However I get around 45-60 KB/s all the time. Just finishing the review.
Dec 28th, 2009 at 12:52 am
I quit zip back like a year, when I paid 1500/- for a 12KB/s line.
First six months(from march ’06), I used to get 30-40KB/s. Then for the next few months it came down to 22, and then finally down to 12KB/s. And their best part, VOD, stop back in ’07 and was never updated again. After being a frustrated for a very long time, I had to quit. And during all that time, internet blackouts as incessant as the rain in monsoon. Good to here, they are doing better.
BTW Mushfiq, do you still have VOD and are they updating now?
Dec 29th, 2009 at 2:40 pm
@ Fuad
I never liked their VOD service and its non-existent now. π
However, Sirius Broadband/Zip is improving now and I get constant speed of 45KB/s (peak hour) and 60KB/s (off-peak).
Jan 8th, 2010 at 3:13 pm
for everyone –
i am using zip’s fiber optic X press package for last 2 yrs. at first it was 20KBps and cost was 1500tk and now it is 30KBps and 1000TK. Installation cost varies in different areas, coz the distributors of zip’s connection can connect you quickly with least amount of effort if there are hubs and stuffs around ur home. the amount can be dropped to tk 1000 too when they need to set some wiring to connect you. so far my speed only fell when fiber optic backbone get cut or some kind of server issues.
bottom line, make sure u get the service from the dealer rather than they give u the service. they are most of the time slackers.
by the way, i am a heavy user and downloader too. i use torrents and regular download managers all the time. i live in Rampura, Banasree.
thats all.
happy surfing. cheers.
Jan 16th, 2010 at 6:24 pm
wot’s da current address of smile ISP?i mean ney contact nub or web add β
Jan 16th, 2010 at 6:57 pm
As far as I remember, Smile has been bought by BDCom. Their site is
Also heard BTRC shut off Smile back in Jan 2009,
Feb 4th, 2010 at 5:13 pm
For 1000 taka monthly .. I get 30 kBps almost constantly from ZIP … I would recommend their Fiber Express package to anyone … U wont be disappointed !!
Oh btw, I’m also using BTCL ADSL for last 4 months .. and their service is best in Dhaka city as of now .. in 4 months the connection was down only once and thats for only few hours … chk out their web @
– Maruf
Feb 4th, 2010 at 7:11 pm
Hi people
I will be in BD for a prolonged period so am looking for a temporary way to connect to the internet. Speed (especially upload) is crucial for me as I connect to a number of remote machines for SSH and FTP (transfer of raw audio and video files; they can be huge!).
I’m now torn between this ZipBD/Sirius Broadband (ok I’m not getting which is the provider – ZipBD or Sirius?) and IS Pros (did I get that right?).
ZipBD: I’m not able to find any info about the down and up bandwidth rates of their packages. What kind of speed is provided with the 1.5K package?
IS Pros: I’m not able to find any price plans, their site looks new and broken. I could modify and navigate but there is absolutely no info on speeds or pricing.
Dedicated 512 down and 256 up would be ideal.
Feb 6th, 2010 at 10:56 am
Feb 6th, 2010 at 11:11 am
It’s have been assuming that radio link connection provides faster download. For the time being it was true. But the radio link ISP like zip has been lying on the state that, their connection is consistent and having no fluctuation on browsing. They are a big liar. And their has been a mistake in understanding that Smile is shut off and they are now BDCom. Actually BDCom margered Smile and bought them. Smile runs their action individually
Feb 7th, 2010 at 12:02 am
This is really weird. Grameen Phone unlimited plan gets me 45 KB/s at Ibrahimpur, and anywhere between 3 to 16 KB/s everywhere else. Gulshan is OK at ~ 32 KB/s.
Feb 7th, 2010 at 1:17 am
In Mohammadpur GP sucks a lot. For past 3 months it started to behave like pathetic local ISPs like disconnection, speed irregularity etc. I used GP Unlimited tho’.
That sed, GP speed vastly differs from area to area.
Feb 7th, 2010 at 9:21 pm
Well, the internet scenario is finally looking up in Dhaka(donno abt anywhere else). There a whole number ISPs now providing cable broadband connection and offers speeds around 30KB/s for 1000/- and upto 50or60KB/s for 1500/-. And thanks to the Wimax introduction(who claim to offer dedicated bandwidth). You should all check out the Banglalion and Qubee sites, they give very good rates. My ISP is currently providing very good service, their name is Worldnet. My speed of 50KB/s is always guaranteed, and since I do not download during office hours, they keep my bandwidth well above the promised level.
Mar 29th, 2010 at 11:35 pm
this company is dead now, right?
Mar 29th, 2010 at 11:39 pm
And possibly to which company the customers will thinking for shifting?
Apr 6th, 2010 at 12:24 am
this company is dead now, right? And possibly to which company the customers will thinking for shifting?
Apr 7th, 2010 at 7:21 pm
thats the biggest problem i m facing now because
I was using their connection.. Its really sad.
Apr 14th, 2010 at 9:22 am
if they were dead then how come i am using their connection.
in uttara 10 : wake it is distributing smile’s service. lolz!
Apr 14th, 2010 at 11:15 am
who cares its WiMAX now π .
Apr 28th, 2010 at 6:06 pm
zip and sirius are one and the same. they are still down.
they have 512k shared at 1500 a month and 1mbps at 3000 a month and its on FON only.
you can either upload at full speed or download at full speed but not expect both at the same time. a dedicated 512k connection costs about 12k which is pretty steep if you ask me.
btcl pays 1800 a month for 1mbit. the isp’s pay btcl for that same 1mbit at 20,000k a month. so how are the isp’s expected to give at a cheaper rate?
btcl is giving adsl 1mbps at about 2500 a month afaik. you guys should check it out
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May 20th, 2010 at 1:21 am
zip sucks!!!
sirius broadband sucks!
mr zia sucks!!!
support sucks!!!!
worst isp in bangladesh. their target customers are voip users.
thank GOD their license is cancelled!!!
shame on u guys to think that they cared abt you!!1 but they actally made u gunniea pigs of their VOIP project!!!!!
hate zip!!!!!
May 20th, 2010 at 11:47 am
zip is online
license was never cancelled. they are back.
you must’ve had bad experience with them. i use them at home on the wireless connection. i’d say they are still good. browsing is great but i do have problems with some pages at times; nothing a phone call doesn’t fix.
mr zip hater, tell us about your experience with zip and other isp’s in dhaka city