Firefox 3 Sets World Record | 8,002,530 Downloads In 24 Hours

Those who pledged to download Firefox 3 on it’s release day can now celebrate, because Firefox 3 is now part of the Guinness Book of World Records for the most downloads in 24 hours. A total of 8,002,530 users downloaded Firefox 3 on the download day, to get your certificate for helping to get Firefox in the World Records, head on to

Maybe, Microsoft is planning something similar? 😛

Not A Firefox User?

Still haven’t downloaded Firefox? The best thing I did was moving to Firefox 3. To read a complete review of Firefox 3, I recommend heading to the Winsupersite. And if you’ve made up your mind, you can
. Yes, I get a commission every time someone downloads. 🙂

Recommended Reading

Firefox Impressions From An Internet Explorer User : 5 Things Microsoft Can Learn From Mozilla To Build A Better Browser

More Great Articles

Written By on July 3rd, 2008 Categories: Industry News, PC, Unusual Games News Tags:

4 Responses to “Firefox 3 Sets World Record | 8,002,530 Downloads In 24 Hours”

  1. The best part is that I’m also a contributor to help set the record! In the morning I downloaded Firefox 3 from another site but it was in Polaski language. Then I again installed it from the official site and I’m loving to upgrade from Fox 2 to fox 3.

    Mushfiq, I want to promote my new blog about blogging in Bangladesh, this is the address,

    I would be glad if you help in anyway you can.

  2. Hi Tamal,

    I’m absolutely in love with Firefox 3, as you can probably guess from my articles. 🙂 It’s ages ahead of IE 7 & 8, and it’s made my online experience even better. What do you think about the Awesome Bar? I just got my certificate, did you get yours?

    Anyway, check your email, I’ve sent you more details about your new blog.

  3. Firefox suppose to make that record a long time back if Microsoft never interferes in such cases for Internet Explorer A pathetic browser IMHO. Really glad to hear that. And one thing to Microsoft, just learn guys.

  4. @ Antar

    So, did you get Firefox 3 on launch day? 😛

Jump right in and leave a reply, you can surely expect a response from me
