Gamers, Which Would You Get: Banglalion vs Qubee Wimax
As you may have read, I’m really impressed with Qubee’s 1 Mbps Wimax connection (I got the 7 day demo).
However, Banglalion is also another Wimax provider in Bangladesh. I’m torn between the two and I need your help to decide.
The main problem is Quebee’s 1 Mbps is priced at Tk 5,250/month while Banglalion’s 1 Mbps is Tk 3,750/month.
From a price perspective I should go with Banglalion, but why is there such a big price gap? I’m worried that I won’t get “full” 1 Mbps connection from Banglalion.
Another more pressing concern is the download limit, all 1 Mbps has a download limit of 20GB/month. And let me tell you, I can burn through that in a day. π Whereas the 512 kbps has no download limits.
If you were me, which would you get?
Jan 23rd, 2010 at 7:40 pm
well bro i think qubee would be better cause they r a french company,
Jan 23rd, 2010 at 7:44 pm
i’d go with banglation cozz its cheaper and just so i might need it i would also keep the 512 kbps (just in case)
Jan 23rd, 2010 at 8:20 pm
The main reason y i wanted to get quebee was so that i cud use my laptops wifi feature to go online and also so i cud play online with ps3 wirelessly. but wen i went to their office they told its a wireless system connected to ONE computer. i thought the modem was sort of lyk a central hub which cud be used to access the internet wirelessly. can someone fill me with info and help me out
Jan 23rd, 2010 at 9:10 pm
If I were you I would not go for any of the two connections until they removed their BW Cap. Honestly speaking, when you got your 1 MBPS Connection it’ll only a matter of time to DL stuffs of 20 GBs.
BTW, you got a 7 day demo, OMG, how much you have downloaded???
Jan 24th, 2010 at 1:10 pm
Thanks for your insight. The 512 kbps package also has download restrictions in the form of so-called “fair usage policy”. And I can’t give up the lust of a 1 Mbps connection. I’m not doing heavy downloading at the moment, since I’m 100% sure they will charge it to my account once I finally get the connection.
Jan 24th, 2010 at 1:15 pm
@ TK
I got a wired Qubee modem (didn’t get wireless since speeds are slow compared to wired). Connected it to a hub and now I can connect as many PCs as I want. π They said there is no restriction on how many PCs you can connect since your speed is limited to whatever package you signed up for. That is really good since other ISPs don’t allow this.
At the moment I’ve connected 2 PCs (one main the other is a download server) my 360 and PS3 via ethernet/CAT5 cables. Stay tuned for a full review soon as I need more time to test reliability, etc.
Jan 24th, 2010 at 1:19 pm
@Anan and Upol
Thanks you guys for your comments. I’m leaning towards Qubee since they are established for some time and also because they are a foreign company. Also, I’m thinking of 1Mbps connection – can’t beat that speed. Ah!
Jan 24th, 2010 at 8:44 pm
@Musfiqur- How abt i get quebee connection and connect it directly to a router. will that let me access its conenection wirelessly for both my laptop and ps3?
And wats the best place to get a router and wats the range of the prices?
Jan 24th, 2010 at 10:18 pm
If you plug it into a wireless router then yes. It will work 100%. I’m not sure but Qubee might provide you with a wireless modem. Banglalion does.
As for the price, I don’t know exactly but shop around in IDB.
Jan 25th, 2010 at 10:28 pm
@ mushfiqur
No quebee doesnt have a wireless modem. so ure saying itd be better 4 me to get a usb modem frm bangla lion and then plug it into a router?
Jan 26th, 2010 at 1:54 pm
Qubee will come today evening to finalize my set-up. I’ll ask them then and answer your questions. Stay tuned.
Jan 26th, 2010 at 2:50 pm
If I were you, (I’m not telling you to do so) I’d stick to my regular broadband ISP and pay the money to them. My ISP is an authorized dealer of BanglaLion and they said the new WiMax is just a hassle; I have 360 kbps internet and I pay TK800/mo and with BanglaLion, they charge TK1000 for 256 kbps and have to buy a set top box too!
WiMax is new in BD and it’s just like the broadband when that was new in BD.. that means you pay so much for less speed! TK5000/mo with a download limit, are you kidding me?
Jan 26th, 2010 at 4:36 pm
@Tamal Anwar
Thanks for your comments bro. Actually, I can’t resist a 1 Mbps connection. I agree Tk 5,000/month for a single PC is way too much but I’m allowed to share the connection to as many PCs as I want.
And my current ISP Zip is such a hassle. They don’t allow internet connection sharing and ties to your MAC address. It’s a real hassle changing the mac address everytime I connect my 360, PS3 and what not. π πΏ
Jan 26th, 2010 at 6:57 pm
@ TK
Okay, I’ve confirmed everything. Qubee does not provide a wireless modem. They provide you with a wired modem (the Qubee Wimax device). You can plug in that Wimax modem directly to your PC, into a hub or wireless router. Either way works.
Qubee provides wireless router at a price of Tk 1,500 (if you want to set up a wireless connection). Hope that clears up the confusion.
Jan 26th, 2010 at 11:17 pm
Basically i take the quebee connection and buy have a router connected directly to their wimax modem which will generate wifi signal in my place and ill be able to access with my laptop and ps3 wirelessly?
Jan 27th, 2010 at 9:14 pm
Wish that there will be massive development in the IT sector here at BD and soon we can enjoy great quality internet in affordable prices.
Jan 27th, 2010 at 9:37 pm
@ TK
Yes, that will work.
@ Tamal Anwar
Remember 5-6 years back when getting 3 KB/s was a big deal? I’m really surprised at the progress of Wimax in Bangladesh. I pray it will get better in future (and at a reasonable price).
Jan 29th, 2010 at 6:07 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
Get Qubee 512kbps Sky Package its really good almost dedicated for now.After the price cut and data caps removed go for 1mbps or better(i am planning this for me too).Be sure to get full signal strength (all 4 RSSI LED’s Lit).As the signal strength can put a huge impact on the bandwidth.I tried a position where 2 RSSI LED’s were lit out of four.The download speed i got was around 20KB/sec at that position less than half the speed native speed.At my current setup i get 4 out of 4 RSSI LED’s lit sometimes it becomes 3 during bad weather conditions but i get the 60+KB/sec speed all the time even when the 3 RSSI LED’s lit out of four.I did a download of Windows 7 64bit torrent about a week ago with my qubee 512kbps connection of 3.02GB.It took 17hrs and 26min to do that download with a average download speed of 50.5KB/sec.
For the proof click the link below to view the picture:
Jan 29th, 2010 at 7:50 pm
Dude, how much r u downloading? I’ve the same package. But I’m afraid to download seamlessly because of fair usage policy.Can u tell me how much r u downloading per week?
Jan 29th, 2010 at 9:22 pm
That’s a nice speed. I’ve take the 1 Mbps connection and get full signal strength from here (all four lights) and constant speed @ 124 KB/s. Downloading is a blast, but I’m trying self-restraint (even if that is possible :razz:) so I don’t go over the download limit (20 GB). I’ve talked with them and Qubee said they plan on removing the download cap soon, but I doubt it.
I’ve talked with them about the fair usage policy. They said you can download continuously for 4 days and they will start tracking on the 5th day. Just to be on the safe side, you can download non-stop for 3 days.
Jan 29th, 2010 at 9:38 pm
mushfiq vai, thats great man, i am waiting for my xam to finish, then i will take qubee, by the way, do u get that speed on idm ?, u get that speed in torrent to ?
also if i dont download continuously for days, but download a lot in a day but dont download at night, then will they start tracking me ?
in the end, when are u going write the full review of qubee 1 mbps ?
Jan 29th, 2010 at 9:42 pm
I’m sure if I use IDM, I will get a bit more. I get that speed on GrabIt, a usenet client. Yes you can do that, but they start tracking from the 5th day. Expect a full review soon.
Jan 30th, 2010 at 1:07 am
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
Still waiting 4 the full review…..
Jan 30th, 2010 at 2:31 pm
I am in sylhet. I am just so pissed at the moment. Waiting since the day it was announced that 3 companies got license for Wimax. I visit almost everyday to see their progress. Call them like 20 times to know when it will be available in Sylhet. I guess I am just too excited about faster speed.
I have 2 pc in my house, the other one for my sister. I am willing to buy seperate packages for each pc but will not compromise with speeds.But it will be be great if they remove the limitation cap. Currently I download a full movie(700-800 mb) everyday and it takes like 10-12 hours with a gp Plus I browse for like 6-7 hours a day. So I am a huge candidate for their tracking or whatever. Lets see what happens when i finally get them.
Jan 30th, 2010 at 2:32 pm
Thanks for the update
Jan 30th, 2010 at 9:17 pm
what brand has the best wireless router in dhaka and what shud be the price range
Jan 31st, 2010 at 7:23 pm
In Pakistan, Qubee provides 1Mbps connection(16 GB cap) just for 1221Tk(1500 rupee). Plus their modem is for free!! What gives. π
Feb 1st, 2010 at 1:59 am
Qubee 1MB is just too higly priced in BD.I have a friend who lives in USA and he uses Comcast cable for internet connectivity.He pays $20/month π and the download speed is burstable upto 12MBPS (1.5MB/sec) and average speed he gets is over 4MBPS (500KB/sec) and the data limit is 250GB.And in our country for a 1MBPS connectivity we pay around $90/month (6038TK) π― with vat in Qubee and around $62/month (4313TK) π― in Banglalion what a joke maybe of this century let alone data Cap.When will our country change.We all hope that its sooner rather than later.
Feb 1st, 2010 at 2:10 am
@ TK
Best brands are D-Link, LinkSys, Netgear. Prices start from Tk 4,500 at IDB.
@Zrone & Rabbi
Welcome to the worst place to run a gaming related website, eg. Bangladesh. π
Remember all the talks about how Wimax will bring internet to the homes of every people @ Tk. 500? What utter rubbish.
Still, we should be proud about our country. On a lighter note, I could have never imagined a 1 Mbps connection in Bangladesh. And think about it this way, you can connect as many PCs as I want. I have shared my connection with my Dad’s office and the cost per PC is less than Tk 1,000.
Feb 1st, 2010 at 10:16 am
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
Bangkadesh is way advanced in gaming even on par with the most other countries in the world and this site is pretty good too maybe the best in bangladesh.The internet service is good but the hefty price tag makes us sick compared to other countries.In IndiaStill waiting for BTCL to reduce the bandwidth price to make it happen.In India 8MBPS internet from airtel broadband costs 3000RS/month with 50GB Data Limit and 16MBPS internet for 5000RS/month with 100GB Data Limit.
Feb 1st, 2010 at 1:00 pm
i thought u said the quebee router was TK 1500? but then wen i asked them abt it they said they dont supply router
Feb 1st, 2010 at 1:34 pm
Qubee modem is Tk 4,500. The guy said that I can purchase a wireless router from them separately. There is no Qubee wireless modem.
Feb 1st, 2010 at 3:44 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
The Qubee Modem is 4000TK not 4500TK i bought in late november last year.Maybe they’re charging you high.
Feb 1st, 2010 at 4:08 pm
Ooops … sorry. Yup, I’ve confirmed it’s Tk 4,000 but I got it mixed up with the Tk 4,500 modem of Banglalion.
Feb 3rd, 2010 at 6:16 pm
I have got 512kbps connection from Qubee. Qubee has various kind of modems. At first they gave me a modem (brand name: CPE – Made in Korea). That has 2 LAN ports too. And that works as wireless router as well. The routing feature is not great comparing to other mid-end routers (i.e; Belking, Linksys, NetGrear). But, that’s alright for home users.
They are also providing USB modem (in some selected zones where the signal is good). I have exchanged the CPE modem with Qubee (Gigaset) modem with one of my friends. And I’ve been using wireless through Linksys WRT160N router.
In my opinion, the download speed is just great. It always stays 512kbps. But, the upload speed is not so good. Qubee should increase the upload speed.
I would get a 1mbps connection if they didn’t have the download limit.
To all the people who thinks 1mbps connection is overpriced … I don’t think it’s overpriced. Reason?
From where Qubee is purchasing the data? BTRC … right? BRTS charges 17000 – 18000 BDT for 1mbps data. How come Qubee can give it to you less than 5000? If you guys want cheaper rate … don’t bark to Qubee or any ISP. Rather you should bark to the govt for reducing the price of the bandwidth.
Feb 4th, 2010 at 4:03 am
It’s the government and politics that are involved. That is not to say, however, that ISPs have no part to play in the game. If they can _engage_ with a corrupt subsystem, they can _participate_ in a corrupt subsystem.
In my country, we have 1 Mbps dedicated mobile broadband for less than 1250 taka. Furthermore, our residential speeds peak at 100 Mbps (though only in conjunction with partner sites). Our shared-cable ISPs fare well at 12Mbps for just under 4000 taka, but this kind of sharing is unlike what any Bangladeshi ISP offers, i.e a “fat” pipe where every download maintains the same rate. When using multi-threading clients (popularly known as “download acceleration”), one could easily muster 1.5MB/s. Our dedicated-DSL ISPs are competitive as well, going at 10Mbps for just less than 3000 taka.
Using IDM, FDM or any such accelerated (sectioned downloading) client provides no benefit to the end user aside from a placebo effect. When you reach the ISP-defined threshold, regardless of how many sections you have, you will gain no more than what you have been allocated with. Within a dedicated line, if your cap is set at 125KB/s, it will not take much time before you reach it.
In short, WiMax is not the answer for a developing nation. In fact, it introduces more of a digital divide which Bangladesh is already suffering from. Petition for a faster adoption of >= 3G – that is the only solution because the economic and political state of the country prevents able entities from deploying value-for-money cable or DSL lines.
Feb 4th, 2010 at 11:49 am
@Naureen Khan
I couldn’t have said it better myself (and couldn’t have provided the BTRC figures). That said, I simply love the Qubee 1 Mbps connection, it’s almost always at full speed and connection never drops.
Back in 1992, there was a proposal to the Bangladeshi government that we would be connected to the submarine cable for free. The then government declined due to “data security” concerns.
“Using IDM, FDM or any such accelerated (sectioned downloading) client provides no benefit to the end user aside from a placebo effect.”
And what surprises is that most people don’t understand this. I only use a download manager to pause/resume downloads and rarely experience a speed boost. Well said sir!
Feb 6th, 2010 at 8:03 pm
Great site Game Wiz.. kudos to you… I stumbled on this when I was trying to reassure myself that Quebee is not worth it and my ISP will somehow pull through their promise of giving me my p2p back… 4 months down the line still no show for word!… wtf man!! Before my ISP – PCA Online in Sector 6 of Uttara – was great… i would get 50+ download speeds, ZERO lag on GARENA and what not… but 2 years after… they suck cattle feed!!!
But after going through your posts and doing further research I’m inclined towards getting Quebee 256 or 512 JUST for online gaming at night using GAREANA — Dota, RA3 etc and nothing else. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Quebee and GARANA pings… playable or not? My downloading needs are covered at office where I get 100+ speeds :D:D:D
One burning question is if government is providing the bandwidth, why is there a big difference in prices between Banglalion and Quebee?
Feb 6th, 2010 at 8:46 pm
One word of WARNING to all – Wimax pings are more than broadband ones.
Btw, welcome to the site. Hope you’ll stay around. π
Feb 7th, 2010 at 8:40 am
@ Game Wiz
Oh man!… so you are telling me not to try it out? I was going to contact Quebee today but now I’m having second thoughts β
Feb 7th, 2010 at 11:26 am
A common misconception people have is that higher speeds lead to better pings, which is certainly not the case. Wimax pings are worse than broadband because of its wireless nature.
Get Qubee. It’s been better now. My previous ping (with Zipbd) was 426ms now with Qubee it’s 280ms. I usually play FPS games (Team Fortress 2) with pings around 200-300ms. Although I often get get killed as soon as I poke around the corner (due to pings), but it’s good fun.
If you find servers near Asia/Europe, you should be good.
Qubee offers a trial version. Just contact Tanvir Firuz (the guy who set up my connection) @ 01976 672096 and check it out for yourself.
Feb 7th, 2010 at 2:59 pm
Thanks for the heads up Game Wiz!
I’ll try it out and let you all know after doing some online game testing π
Feb 10th, 2010 at 7:08 pm
Qubee has changed the usage allowance in the sky packages to Freedom of Download now i can download 24/7 π .
Feb 11th, 2010 at 12:27 am
I’m doin it also.
Feb 12th, 2010 at 3:26 am
Ok, qubee campus package is 850/= at 128 kb infinite. Modem price is 3000/= only for few days but u have to be a student. I have talked with a guy in computer fair about qubee’s fair usage policy. He said u can continuously download for 13 days nonstop and stop downloading in 14th day and again start downloading for next 13 days, no problem π . I m still in doubt whether he was 100% sure about that. Whatever, this fair usage policy is very complicated and their best weapon. They have started service just some days ago, user are still low so they r happy with great constant speed. but i am concerned when the amount will increase, what their policy will be? They may use fair useage policy to restrict ur download speed.
I talked banglalion guy in DITF. They told about their fair usage policy is that u can non-stop for 2-3 days, if still don’t stop they will phone u and reduce ur speed to half.
So my advice would whatever u use banglalion or qubee don’t download for 24 hrs. Give some break and start again.
Feb 12th, 2010 at 3:38 am
I haven’t used any of the wimax services yet but interested for qubee. So far in my observation, I think qubee is better than banglalion in terms of service and professionalism. Qubee is doing lots of publicities and gaining good impressions among public. Banglalion however the highest bidder but still showing amateur tactics, there’s no such publicity compared to qubee.
Have anyone tried banglalion? How is there service? Is there speed is always constant and dedicated like qubee?
Why the hack Mirpur-1 is always neglected? πΏ When would they bring Mirpur-1 under their coverage?
Feb 12th, 2010 at 4:28 am
I would like to have both π but I do not have enough money π I think 512 kbps is better cause it has no download limit .
Feb 12th, 2010 at 10:52 pm
@Nibir Farhan
Thanks for the info bro. However, the guy who installed my Qubee line said I can download non-stop for 3-4 days, and I’m confused. π
Feb 18th, 2010 at 10:22 pm
i would get a local isp coz the qubee has such high ping times
Feb 18th, 2010 at 10:32 pm
im using the qubee @ the mo and its 2 difficult 2 join games and they have ping times of over 300ms, uselss 4 online gaming. i now use a local 512 speed and its unlimited…if u wanna get done ova on cod2 my PSN is RUTHLESS-HT.
Feb 18th, 2010 at 11:15 pm
i have a friend who use bttb adsl internet with a 256kilobits/sec speed.He gets ping around 150ms which is really good and the download speed stays around 25KB-30KB.
Feb 20th, 2010 at 10:40 pm
hey from where can i buy qubee or wi max modems? =S
Feb 21st, 2010 at 2:19 pm
Contact them and they will provide you the modem and install it for you.
Feb 21st, 2010 at 7:36 pm
Anyone who have used banglalion or qubee wimax service, plz share your experience with us. Do they have disconnection problem like that we have experienced with Grameen’s EDGE before (in case of long period of downloading)
Feb 21st, 2010 at 9:34 pm
@ TK: You can buy JUSTEC router from IDB at 2500 taka only.. I bought them and it’s pretty good…
Feb 22nd, 2010 at 10:45 am
I finally got my QB 512 and so far its been great! I’m an avid multilayer gamer and never miss an opportunity for some human vs human challenge to that end I’ve been playing online for over 3 years now starting with Hamachi and then GG Client and now GARENA. My pings with a 128 to 256 broadband lines were great and never above 250 BUT I would lag, often get disconnected and hosts would ban me eventually.
Qubee Situation:
With QB everyone told me your pings would be high and you will lag. Well I don’t know if its my luck or the fact that the QB Uttara base station is 3 buildings next to my house, I get high pings min 200 and max 350 BUT there is ZERO lag while playing and in the past 4 days I have had no disconnects or spikes or lags or anything at all. I even downloaded League of Legends ( which is a FREE online multiplayer game from the creators of DoTA and is better than DoTA. Been playing that for the past 2 days and ZERO lag so far. Only once in the past 4 days was QB down but that was for like 15 mins.
The people from QB told me that wimax usually has higher pings but the closer you are to the base station the lower the frequency loss and hence smoother the gameplay. My frequency is like 32db which they tell me is phenomenal as their bare minimum is 15db and they don’t install QB unless its around 20db or something.
So far my experience with QB has been just awesome and it refueled my need for online gaming. If QB removes the download limit from 1mbs, I’m definitely going to get it.
Hope my long boring post helped someone decide. π
Feb 22nd, 2010 at 11:52 am
you guys should deffffff try out banglalion! the best experience soo far.. and you have to understand why they were the highest bidder..they have more bandwidth! they’re investing alot more then Qubee and will be a much bigger company with more facilities.
Feb 22nd, 2010 at 11:55 am
you should also check this out.
ppl are very happy with their performance. Inshallah bangladesh will develop more like this in the future.
Feb 27th, 2010 at 9:11 pm
Banglalion launched its WiMAX services in chittagong and currently available in some areas.As they are not getting enough market share with Qubee in Dhaka so they started its WiMAX service in Chittagong before planned.The last plan was that they will cover whole Dhaka city and then they move to other city.Its really a good move from Banglalion to be specific.
Mar 7th, 2010 at 6:17 pm
Does anyone know how much it costs ISPs to get 1 mbps bandwidth from government, BTCL? If you know, please give me a reference.
Mar 7th, 2010 at 9:36 pm
it costs 18 thousand for 1mbps bandwidth from BTCL.
Mar 7th, 2010 at 11:15 pm
Ami ei desher jubokder jonne binamulle internet beboharer bebostha kore debo !
Mar 8th, 2010 at 3:16 pm
does qubee restricts torrents? coz i only download through torrent.
Mar 8th, 2010 at 6:38 pm
Download using any methods u desire in qubee.But never download more than 3 days continuosly thats the only restriction to be on course from the fair usage policy.I have downloaded gigs of downloads through torrent till now still no issues.
Mar 10th, 2010 at 6:47 pm
I am really happy with the performence of qubee. But the price looks excessive high. i will be happy if they lower the charge to 300 tk monthly.
Mar 11th, 2010 at 8:00 pm
can anyone give me a review of banglalion 256 and 512 packages….r they any differnt from qb??
Mar 11th, 2010 at 9:31 pm
is anyone using external antenna for qubee? does it enhance performance? thank you.
Mar 15th, 2010 at 7:35 pm
Been using Qubee for 1 week. Really pleased with its performance
I use 256 sky package and i get 33 kB/s download speed all time (though i use a download manager ). Hardly ever the speed comes down to 31. I give lots of downloads over night and in the morning all of them completes without any hassle. I am quite amazed to see that after downloading continuously for more than 8 hrs, the speed is still more than 32 π In my locality , i get 2 out of 4 network leds. still no problem what so ever. Right now, heavy rain is going on here, but no difficulties using the net, speed and network strength is same. so i think qubee can smartly handle the weather effect. I am more than impressed with its service.
cons: Lots of jitter and ping times, so forget about online gaming and video chatting. doesn’t support mediafire resume coz it uses dynamic IP.
Mar 15th, 2010 at 10:12 pm
then i’ll stick with broadband…1200 tk connection i can get 22-28 kb/s and online games dont lag…thanks for the info D:
Mar 19th, 2010 at 2:10 am
I’d go with BanglaLion. It’s Bangladeshi, and we should support it.
Use Qubee if BanglaLion isn’t available in your area. By paying Qubee we’ll be sending out money from the country.
Mar 19th, 2010 at 3:16 am
Hey bro,i competely got ur point.If We see it through the bangladeshi perspective,then we should definitely support Banglalion Cus they are Bangladeshi.
But It’s all about the performance,u know,i mean if Banglalion can give us better service than Qubee,then everyone will definitely get Banglalion. π
But unfortunetely the sad news is,the most of the wimax users i’ve met till now are all Qubee users,and they are all happy with Qubee’s service.
Mar 19th, 2010 at 3:17 am
Mar 20th, 2010 at 12:12 am
Qubee modem’s do not have built in WiFi, but Beagla Lion’s one modem is bit low price and even have built in WiFi. I’m I right guys?
Mar 20th, 2010 at 8:09 pm
@The Gaming Wiz: bro, any updates on the BanglaLion vs. Quebee thingy?? BanglaLion’s gonna start widescale operation down here in Ctg very soon and they are advertising it. i am dead tired of using the total trash that is GP’s internet connectionon a GP modem. Do you think i should hold off till more competition comes in Ctg, or should i grab Banglalion as soon as it’s available. and i’d love some more expansion on what you meant by “”Iβm not doing heavy downloading at the moment, since Iβm 100% sure they will charge it to my account once I finally get the connection.”” And what do they mean by “fair-use policy”? can’t we use rapid-share or bit-torrents and stuff like that??
Mar 20th, 2010 at 9:06 pm
hey bro,i also live in ctg. π ]
The thing is Qubee hasn’t launched their wimax service in ctg, π‘ So i’m still waiting for Qubee to launch in ctg.
I hope they launch it soon…. π i’m eagerly waiting for them to launch in ctg.I mean,thats the only thing we can do right now…
btw…u can download torrent files & u can also download from rapidshare,it isn’t a matter.The “Fair Usage Policy” means if u continuously download 24/7 then they will start tracking u.
as the gaming wiz says above,u should download non-stop for 3 days but not more.
i’ve posted the comment right here for u to find out –
“Iβve talked with them about the fair usage policy. They said you can download continuously for 4 days and they will start tracking on the 5th day. Just to be on the safe side, you can download non-stop for 3 days.”
And About Banglalion,I don’t know how good service they really offer.But after listening from those Qubee users in Dhaka,one thing is very clear to me,that the users are satisfied with Qubee’s Service.So,i’m waiting for them to launch in ctg…
and there is also another problem,Banglalion hasn’t launched all over the city & i don’t know their service is available in my area or not….
Mar 21st, 2010 at 5:08 pm
let me know about router,wi-fi
last but not the lest bd is poor u’ll not be able to succeed in the field of wireless technology β β
Mar 31st, 2010 at 8:39 am
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
Hi iam new to these forums, but have been browsing this website for a while now, and wow Bangladesh has changed so much since i left in 2003 (technologically) π
i am planning to return in 2011 during summer, and i need a descent internet connection in Chittagong for at least 3 months, and ideas?
Mar 31st, 2010 at 11:11 pm
What type of “descent internet connection” are you talking about,bro? π
I mean,What are the specifications?
Maybe I can help(Cus,I live in Chittagong)…
Apr 1st, 2010 at 9:35 am
just looking for connection with at least 1 mbps, or higher,
looking for price, and service spec in chittagong, doesnt matter if its wireless or wired
Apr 1st, 2010 at 3:52 pm
Have you guys thought of getting 512-unlimited lines from both and aggregating the BW to have 1M-unlimited?? π‘ (2150+2250) = Tk.4400 less than QB Tk.5250 with not CAP.
There are products (broadband routers) which has multiple WAN ports (2-3) and they can aggregate and load balance BW from two separate provider, however each sessions cannot be split. Although i am not an expert… any thoughts on the idea?? β π
Apr 1st, 2010 at 9:11 pm
Thanks for the Info. π
But Unfortunately As far as i know,there isn’t any good isp in ctg right now,who can give you a descent 1mbps internet connection…
But still there is a chance that,You might find an ISP who may offer you a 1mbps connection in ctg,but they are also gonna charge you high for that…
Since those broadband ISPs are charging almost tk 3,000 for an unlimited 512 kbps conn. in ctg…(And you also must remember,1mbps connections won’t be unlimited at all,there must be a size limit like Qubee is applying a 20gb/month cap for every 1mbps conn.)
Though,if you don’t have any problem on buying bandwidth,then you can get 1 mbps bandwidth from btcl which costs tk 18,000…
Apr 1st, 2010 at 9:38 pm
Sorry,bro.I didn’t noticed that,you also mentioned you will arrive at ctg on summer 2011… π
Since Qubee is expanding their network all over Bd,They might be available at ctg by then… π
And you can have their 1mbps conn. in tk 5,250(excluding vat)…
Though,They are currently limiting the conn. with a size limit of 20 gb/month, which means it’s not unlimited & If you exceed the limit you will be charged for the additional usage of bandwidth… πΏ
But (according to the gaming wiz’s comment) the good news is they are planning to remove it soon !
And if it happens, It’ll be unlimited by then…
Anyway,Have a good time & thanks for asking…
And if you need anymore info or have to ask something…
Then do ask me & i’ll gladly help you out !
Apr 1st, 2010 at 9:50 pm
everyone if anyone want to know about Qubee then check this video out.This video shows bandwidth and ping test on the Qubee 512kbps Sky connection.
feel free to subscribe,rate and also comment.
Apr 1st, 2010 at 9:51 pm
*if you guys
Apr 2nd, 2010 at 4:57 am
thanks for all the info, I really appreciate it. π
i just need the internet for checking my email or general surfing, streaming music or webcam and chat, so i dont think i will go over 20GB.
and just a quick question, what is (VAT) when u said excluding VAT
thx for reading and answering my questions
Apr 2nd, 2010 at 5:02 am
i have some other questions too, but kinda off topic
because i have been away for like 6 years, a lot has changed in bangladesh, specially technology,
and you seem to be really knowlegable, and could help answer my questions
ps i told my dad to bring me some xbox 360 games it was a disaster π
Apr 3rd, 2010 at 1:33 am
“i told my dad to bring me some xbox 360 games it was a disaster ”
Hey bro,You told your dad to bring some xbox 360 games,then it’s fine…
Why would it be a disaster? π
And VAT means “Value added tax”…. π
I think,You know what it is,that’s why i’m not explaining anything about that….
Anyway,Have a nice day & have fun !
Apr 4th, 2010 at 8:17 am
Check this out :
Apr 4th, 2010 at 9:48 am
2530TK/month for unlimited 1MBPS connection sure is tempting.Dont worry we will witness a huge price drop like bcube in wimax providers too after june.
Apr 4th, 2010 at 12:57 pm
you need to mod your xbox 360 console to play those pirated games available in bangladesh or it has happened due to regional issues if you bought the original one.
Apr 21st, 2010 at 2:56 am
Is anyone facing troubles with p2p in qubee? My torrent download speed has gotten way too low. I’ve been having trouble since last submarine cable problem on sunday.
Apr 21st, 2010 at 9:30 am
maybe the torrent youre downloading has too many leechers and very few seeders.So ur getting low speed and its not for the isp its the torrent thats causing it.
Apr 21st, 2010 at 12:32 pm
I’m downloading a torrent with 15k+ seeders and 38k+ leechers still getting speed 3-4 kBps. Other torrents that are downloading have enough amount of seeders. I’m wondering why and btw did you faced this kind of problem this week?
Apr 21st, 2010 at 4:27 pm
I’m also facing this problem ! πΏ
In fact,It’s happening all over Bangladesh…
When I last contacted my ISP,They said it’ll be fixed in a day or two…
It’s happening because of that Submarine cable problem….
Apr 21st, 2010 at 6:09 pm
Hmm.. I thought it was only my problem. Thnx for update.
Apr 21st, 2010 at 10:02 pm
bro,i did face it 3 or 4 days back but not now.I am downloading with at leaset 30+KB/sec but the speed isnt dedicated anymore.The speed stays half now a days πΏ most times.
Apr 22nd, 2010 at 2:22 pm
“I am downloading with at leaset 30+KB/sec but the speed isnt dedicated anymore.The speed stays half now a days most times.”
But why,bro?Is this happening for the submarine cable problem?
Cus,As far as I know,Qubee gives you dedicated speed all the time…
Apr 22nd, 2010 at 6:05 pm
It was probably a temporary problem and I got my old speed back today. Getting 512 dedicated in torrents again
Apr 22nd, 2010 at 8:44 pm
“It was probably a temporary problem and I got my old speed back today.”
It’s good to hear that you got your old speed back !
But I haven’t got my old speed back yet…
My ISP said that it’ll be fixed within 24th April…
Apr 22nd, 2010 at 9:25 pm
Sorry to hear that. Hope you get it back soon π
Apr 23rd, 2010 at 9:32 am
Good to hear :mrgreen:.
Yeah it was for that submarine problem but its ok now :mrgreen:.Qubee sent me mail couple of days back related to this so i just want to share the info to make things more clear.
“Dear QUBEE User,
We would like to inform you that international submarine cable provided by SEA-ME-WE 4, in the Mediterranean Sea connecting Alexandria and Marseilles, has had an unexpected breakdown affecting the Internet traffic in Bangladesh.
We are working closely with the administration, partners and operators for urgent repair works and re-routing traffic to ensure earliest possible restoration of the cables and Internet service.
During this period you may face congestion and slow browsing experience.
We request your patience and apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank You
QUBEE Customer Service
Apr 24th, 2010 at 10:03 pm
@ Nibir Farhan
“cons: Lots of jitter and ping times, so forget about online gaming and video chatting. doesnβt support mediafire resume coz it uses dynamic IP.”
WHat did u mean by that?I can’t resume mediafire links through even IDM (Refresh download address option)??That it s a mejor letdown 4 me coz I was going to get Qbee 512 package & i mostly dl from mediafire.
Apr 26th, 2010 at 1:10 am
@ Tanzid
I was wrong. Qubee does SUPPORT MEDIAFIRE RESUME, even after several disconnections and restart of the modem. I just tested.
But for some strange reasons, the refresh download option didn’t work for me initially after restarting the modem (no problem if no disconnection, pausing and resuming worked well like normal way). It took me to the page but instead of getting the download link, it showed me pop-ups. (well, I am not so familiar with mediafire,sorry )
I opened the page in a different browser, copied the download address and pasted it in the first file’s address box and It worked fine. The download resumed exactly from where it was stopped. downloading with full speed.
So Tanzid, don’t hesitate, get it. I think there won’t be much problem.
Apr 26th, 2010 at 1:11 am
I have tried video chatting. It worked but quality is not so good. but I am only on the 256 kb connection, don’t get full signal and live very far from the base station but still video chatting is possible. I hope other users performance should be better.
Voice chatting is a charm, crystal clear sound. It is quite astonishing that with only 8-10 kB upload speed u have excellent voice chat and a somewhat working video chat. If you have higher bandwidth, have base station nearby, good noise ratio and less jitter; video chatting experience must improve.
The bottom line is, u can resume mediafire download, make fine quality voice chatting and low quality video chatting.
Apr 26th, 2010 at 9:01 pm
@Nibir Farhan
Thanks for Sharing your thoughts & experience with us ! π
Apr 26th, 2010 at 11:26 pm
I got the 256kb package today..but the dl speed is very much fluctuating..It goes upto 32kb but then comes down to 10/ is very annoying coz they said it will always remain between 25-32kb..they said it is happening becoz of the submarine cable problem..& the other problem is when I first connected the modem all 4 of the LEd lights were there but after sometime only 2 LED’s are there..i will wait one or 2days then I’ll call them.Lets see.
Apr 26th, 2010 at 11:49 pm
guys join this grp…”Banglalion Team — Leading The WiMAX Revolution In Bangladesh”!/group.php?gid=114256741938814
Apr 27th, 2010 at 11:16 am
I am getting same kind of speed problem recently after the Submarine Cable breakdown in the Mediterranean.It will be fixed soon!
Apr 27th, 2010 at 3:30 pm
is there any1 who is downloading torrent files using Qubee??
How is the speed?I m getting 15kb/s in an avg..but the normal dls are fine..getting full 32kb/s.
What is the trick of torrent dls??I m using uTorrent.
Apr 27th, 2010 at 4:49 pm
I get 55KB/sec as a average on torrents and 58KB/sec on direct downloads.I also use utorrent.You can lower the upload speed cuz that hits the download speed.But you can get low torrent speed in big files due to more leechers than seeders so dont blame Qubee in that case.
Apr 27th, 2010 at 4:50 pm
*68KB/sec on direct downloads
Apr 27th, 2010 at 10:21 pm
Apr 28th, 2010 at 12:34 am
for movies i prefer
Apr 30th, 2010 at 12:16 am
Is there anybody who is using BCUBE(BTCL Broadband)??They r offering very good packages..specially their “BCube Infinity -1000” package is great!! upto 1mbps(128kb/s) for monthly 2530 taka only!!(including vat)
I just got Qubee 4days before & now I got to know about this package..feeling disgusted π₯ π₯ π₯ π₯
Apr 30th, 2010 at 1:59 pm
Qubee speeds are almost dedicated, So you won’t be having any speed problem.
But for bcube(BTCL Broadband) you may face some download speed probelem since they’re not dedicated & will share the connection with 2 other users, AFAIK.
May 2nd, 2010 at 4:22 pm
I think qubee just putted a cap on sky packages. Check out – login to then goto usage details. Notice the usage limit on the right side. Mine is 47087.0MB(46 GB). What bout it?
May 2nd, 2010 at 6:48 pm
yeah i found the same thing on my account login page on the CWSC.The size of the usage limit is 48400.0 MB in my account (48GB+).Anyway they should mention it in their product listing page rather than sky is the limit cuz its misleading :evil:.
May 3rd, 2010 at 3:37 pm
Well, my QUBEE works just fine though I agree with the fact that its misleading not to mention usage limit in their product listing page compared to somewhat unfair business policy β . My usage limit is 88724.0MB(88GB+). Oh yeah! its a hell lot of a data.
Has anyone ever been caught up violating the fair usage policy? I give a break of about 7-8 hours in a 24 hours download(system completely shut down). Is it ok with them? Does they always let you know before limiting your bandwidth? How long does it persist?
In their FAQ page answering to “Does QUBEE charge to visit your premises?” they said “Qubee will provide ……. and up to one visit to your premises every month free of charge…..”. Does it mean that they would visit me evey month?
May 3rd, 2010 at 5:57 pm
no,Qubee wont visit your home every month.No one ever came to my home after the qubee technician came to setup the connection (Note: i took their connection in november).They meant if you have any problem and need their technician to solve your problem then they can visit your home and its free for once every month.But this occurs only if u need/want it to happen.
May 4th, 2010 at 3:42 pm
ya I also got the usage limit..(141787.0 Mb)it means 141 Gb!!
That is more than enough 4 me..coz I download 50gb in an a
May 4th, 2010 at 3:44 pm
Ya it is almost dedicated but bcube is offering upto 512kbps for 1700tk where as Qubee is offering 256kbps for 1438 tk. & I heard from a bcube user that the speed is very consistent.
May 4th, 2010 at 4:49 pm
“I heard from a bcube user that the speed is very consistent.”
I don’t know anything about the speed, though.
But when I last contacted them for a connection, They said that the Ip address they’re gonna give you will be shared with 2 other users.
And that’s what I didn’t liked since my current ISP is giving me a full dedicated Ip which isn’t shared with anyone, And so do I get the full speed almost all the time without any trouble.
However, It’s been a while since I last contacted them for the connection.
And I don’t know did they changed anything by now.
You should probably check it out for yourself !
May 4th, 2010 at 5:38 pm
Why is the usage limit different for everyone?
May 4th, 2010 at 5:45 pm
And does this really matter? I mean we are using sky packages, therefore there shouldn’t be any cap. What happens if I go over the limit?
May 4th, 2010 at 6:26 pm
i think you should call the Qubee Hotline and ask them for explanation. 48 gigs is enough for me for a month so i dont have a problem with their data cap.Anyway whatever they did its misleading and isnt tolerable.We should have know cuz it was said “Sky is the limit” and the phrase already means there is some restrictions and we got our answer this month.
May 4th, 2010 at 6:30 pm
May 4th, 2010 at 10:35 pm
i want to share my Qubee connection with my laptop..Currently I m only using it in the desktop as I’ve bought the big modem.
Can any1 give me a tutorial about sharing the connection?What things I need to buy?
Jun 1st, 2010 at 1:39 am
Qubee wimax Modem with Internet Connection?
PLS Call: 01912709559, 01716637474.(Home service)
Monthly Connectivity:
* Student 128 kbps@850+15%Vat= Tk.978
* Student 256 kbps@850+15%Vat= Tk.978 (Limit 5 GB)
* 256 kbps@1250+15%Vat= Tk.1438(Sky is the limit)
* 512 kbps@2250+15%Vat= Tk.2588(Sky is the limit)
* 1mbps @5250+15%Vat= Tk.6038.
Dhanmondi, kalabagan, panthpath, new market, mohakhali, dhaka university,DU, mohammadpur, nurjahan road, kawranbazar, kathalbagan tejgoan, monipuripara, bata signel, Banani,Badda, Gulshan, Shahjadpur, Bashundhara, Joar Shahara, Baridhara, Baridhara DOHS, Gulshan Niketon, Lalmatia,Elephant road, Nilkhet area, Kataban, Shonkor, Farmgate, Rajabazar,Shukrabad,mirpur. any office, home, dhaka.
Jun 3rd, 2010 at 12:37 am
Qubee wimax USB Modem with Internet Connection?
PLS Call: 01912709559, 01716637474.(Home service)
Monthly Connectivity:
* Student 128 kbps@850+15%Vat= Tk.978
* Student 256 kbps@850+15%Vat= Tk.978 (Limit 5 GB)
* 256 kbps@1250+15%Vat= Tk.1438(Sky is the limit)
* 512 kbps@2250+15%Vat= Tk.2588(Sky is the limit)
* 1mbps @5250+15%Vat= Tk.6038.
Dhanmondi, kalabagan, panthpath, new market, mohakhali, dhaka university,DU, mohammadpur, nurjahan road, kawranbazar, kathalbagan tejgoan, monipuripara, bata signel, Banani,Badda, Gulshan, Shahjadpur, Bashundhara, Joar Shahara, Baridhara, Baridhara DOHS, Gulshan Niketon, Lalmatia,Elephant road, Nilkhet area, Kataban, Shonkor, Farmgate, Rajabazar,Shukrabad,mirpur. Any office, Any home, dhaka.
Jun 9th, 2010 at 12:53 am
Qubee wimax USB/Gigaset Modem with Internet Connection? Office: 01912709559 (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
PLS Call: 01912709559, 01716637474.
Monthly Connectivity:
* Student 128 kbps@850+15%Vat= Tk.978
* Student 256 kbps@850+15%Vat= Tk.978 (Limit 5 GB)
* 256 kbps@1250+15%Vat= Tk.1438(Sky is the limit)
* 512 kbps@2250+15%Vat= Tk.2588(Sky is the limit)
* 1mbps @5250+15%Vat= Tk.6038.
Location: Dhaka.(Home service)
Office: 01912709559.
Jun 10th, 2010 at 3:22 am
QB dl speed differs in high raise building? is it true.i stay in baily road.
Jun 10th, 2010 at 10:39 am
the higher you are the better the signal.But the speed wont exceed for what you are paying for.
Note: The distance of the tower also depends with the height.
Jun 12th, 2010 at 10:52 pm
well at the moment im happy with my 2mbps its a brand band line and i stay in ghatail cantonment near Tangail it very useful it has no downloads limit…and its way way cheap dan banglalink
Nov 11th, 2010 at 9:00 pm
uhh..can any1 plz help me out..i’m confused..which is better:wifi or wimax?
i need a connection which can provide me a dedicated 512 kb/s speed(atleast) and will i be able to watch online television on it without buffering forever?? Please help me…:'(
Nov 12th, 2010 at 5:37 pm
I don’t know of many ISPs which offer internet connection through wi-fi. You can have a wi-fi network in your house. Wimax is different. Best Wimax ISP is Qubee. However, even at 512 Kb/s speeds, you’ll get buffering. I use 1 Mbps and I occasionally get video buffering.
Nov 25th, 2010 at 6:22 pm
I have a little question here.
Does qubee shape bittorrent downloads? I mean, if I get 256kbps connection, will it force me to stay around 256kbps while downloading torrents?