Rumor: Call of Duty 7 Will Be Set In Vietnam

In case you’ve lost count, Modern Warfare 2 was actually Call of Duty 6 developed by Infinity Ward. It is rumored that the next Call of Duty 7, developed by Treyarch, will be set in Vietnam. ThatVideoGame Blog reports that a reliable source said Activision was seeking to license “Vietnam-era” music for their next Call of Duty game.

PlanetXbox 360 has also uncovered that this will be heavily story driven and will take pointers from movies such as “Platoon”, “Apocalypse Now”, and “Full Metal Jacket”.

If this turns out to be true, Call of Duty 7: Vietnam will be interesting indeed.

Call of Duty Vietnam Treyarch

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Written By on January 7th, 2010 Categories: Previews Tags:

5 Responses to “Rumor: Call of Duty 7 Will Be Set In Vietnam”

  1. i didnt like the vietnam plot .. hope they will change it

  2. @pollob

    Lets hope they dont have that nonsensical story line which is Modern Warfare 2. Check out this article, Modern Warfare 2’s glaring plot holes revealed.

  3. well,the previous cod games were developed by infinity ward & published by Activision.
    I hope,Treyarch makes it even better than infinity ward !

  4. @ sng425

    Treyarch made Call of Duty 3 on 360 which was okay. However, World at War was their best game but don’t hold your breath. Treyarch can’t beat Infinity Ward.

  5. Call of Duty: Black Ops deploying november 2010.

    For a preview of the game check this link:

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