Reader Question: What To Do After Xbox 360 Is Banned From Xbox Live
Are you still playing pirated games over Live on your modded Xbox 360? One Gamersworldbd reader just had his console banned from Xbox Live and can’t install games to his 360 hard drive anymore. Here’s the email:
Recently my Xbox 360 got banned from Xbox Live and i cant play online games. I bought my [modded] Xbox from Dhaka and i also use normal 300 Taka discs. Moreover, after the ban, i also can’t install games on the hard drive of Xbox 360. I need solution from this and want to play Xbox Live again. – Ali Faruque
There are a couple of things I want to clear.
What can I do with my Xbox 360 after being banned
Firstly (which is most obvious) you cannot connect to Xbox Live from your banned 360 anymore and play games online. You cannot receive any more game updates, dashboard/console updates, etc. Furthermore, you also cannot browse the Xbox Live Marketplace, Netflix, video streams, etc.
You can continue to play games offline with your Xbox 360 but cannot install games to the hard drive. Windows Media Center Extender functionality is also disabled.

What about my Gamertag, save games and achievements?
Your Gamertag is likely not banned (if it is, Microsoft will send you an email stating the reason). Which means you can get a new console and start playing with your previous Gamertag.
Your save game is corrupted. If you transfer your save game on a new (un-banned) 360, it just won’t work. You can still use your save games on the banned console, but not transfer it to a new one.
You can restore your Gamertag (and achievements) by using the recover Gamertag/profile function in a new console. All achievements earned prior to being banned will be lost. If you use your (recovered) Gamertag on a banned console, it will become corrupted.
A Word About DLCs
If you’ve purchased downloadable contents (movies, game expansions, map packs, etc.) from Xbox Live, they are tied to your Gamertag. You can transfer the DLCs to a new Xbox 360 and after signing in with your Gamertag, they should work. You can also permanently transfer the DLCs to the new console by using Microsoft’s Transferring Content Licenses To A New Console.
Can I Restore Functionality To Install Games to 360 Hard Drive?
Short and easy answer? No. After being banned, the hard drive is locked and you cannot install new games to the hard drive. If you previously had games installed on the hard drive, it will not work.
That said, there is a workaround. You can flash the NAND chip of your Xbox 360 but you need a backup of it before the console was banned. Since most users don’t, this is simply not an option. If you’re willing to try it out, here is a tutorial on how to backup your 360 NAND chip.
What is the NAND chip?
The NAND chip is unique to every Xbox 360 console. Among other things, it saves information of every game you play and sends it to Xbox Live for analysis. That’s how the ban occurs. Xbox Live reads that a pirated game was played and bans the console. Because each NAND chip is unique, using another person’s backup (if you can find it) will not work.
I hope this information helps and always be careful. If you simply must play over Live on a modded 360, make sure you have the “stealth mode” active on your mod chip.
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Jan 13th, 2010 at 10:47 pm
but there are many ways,on how to not get banned on xbox live.if one follows it,he/she will never get banned ! & i always prefer to download a game if u r using a modded xbox 360,instead of buying those pirated u can’t check the stealth & verification test on those discs.cus they r already burned.But if u download a game,u get the chance to check the stealth & verification test through abgx 360.that’s why i always download a game,then check the stealth & verification test myself & then just burn it on a blank dual-layer dvd disc(DVD+R DL).This simple method reduces the chance of getting banned from xbox live.I think,everyone who has a modded xbox 360 should follow this method.& it’s not so hard also !
All u need is-
1.A pc with windows OS
2.A Dual-layer DVD Burner
3.Dual-layer blank disc &
4.A fast internet connection(which is almost a rare thing in bd)
A slow internet connection will also work but will take time ! by doing this,chances of getting banned from xbox live is almost 75% reduced !
Jan 14th, 2010 at 10:57 am
Wow bro, that’s some really useful information. Thanks!
Jan 16th, 2010 at 1:43 am
@ Mushfiq,
My scenerio is different in this sense that I never have gotten the chance to connect my modded (ixtreme 1.51) X3 to XBL. For over a year, I am playing games and my Achievement is 9600. I have no interest in playing games online, I mean on XBL.
What I want to know, I want to connect to XBL just to let Microsoft record my achievement score. At this situation, do you think I can do that?
Bro, my net speed is really really slow, I have only the pirated disc games. Is there anyway so that abgx 360 can check the stealth & verification test of the discs?
Thanks & Regards,
Jan 16th, 2010 at 1:45 pm
i m sorry,but there is no way to check the stealth check & verification test after burnig the disc….u will have to do it b4 burning it….& as far as u r playing offline there is no need to check the stealth & verification test…
btw…what download speed do u get?i get over 30-40 kiloByte on off peak hour(midnight)…..
Jan 16th, 2010 at 3:33 pm
@ Reza
I wouldn’t connect to Live if I were you because there is a chance that you can get banned. As soon as you connect to Live, the NAND chip uploads all your console’s details. You can lose the ability to install games to your hard drive. And since you don’t have any wish to play online, why take the risk?
But if u want to try it just for the sake of gamerscores, do it. A quick connect and disconnect will result in no harm.
Jan 16th, 2010 at 4:39 pm
@ sng425, Thanks,
Mine is GP Internet and its speed sucks in Mohammadpur- Iqbal Road…..I think I do not need to tell anything else… ๐
Thanks for the advices, I wont do this for as long as it runs fine. May be I’ll do it when I am to get a new console, I’ll remove the modchip, flash the firmware to it’s original, uninstall all the games, delete the saved game files, and connect to XBL for only the first and last time (quickly) using the current X3 to get my achievements stored on XBL. ๐
Another thing can be done-but it’s expensive and may not sound practical enough- gettin another 60 GB unmodded X3 with select original games (like NFS, Fifa, Modern Warfare etc) to have safe and clean journey on XBL…
Cause I hope soon in future the ping time situation in our pathetic broadband services will improve as well as the speed, so I should consider playing online with the advent of these blesses… ๐
Jan 16th, 2010 at 7:21 pm
You can try this but I’m not sure whether it will work. Copy your game profile to a 360 memory card. Transfer it to an unmodded 360 (maybe your friends’) and sign in to Xbox Live.
Jan 16th, 2010 at 7:25 pm
I sure will try that…it sounds more trickier to me…
Jan 27th, 2010 at 4:07 pm
Ok, I decided to buy a memory card and thinking about transferring the game profile along with saved games to the memory card, so that if I buy a new X3 next time I just have to transfer ’em from the memory card to the new X3’s HDD. As it is tough to transfer contents from one HDD to another.
Just wondering if I transfer the profile and saved game contents will the achievements also be moved to the memory card?
As far as I am concerned Microsoft is now able to detect the flashed drive of your X3 whether you play the game or not. So, I do not to riskying my X3 to connect it to XBL.
I, however, connected ma X3 to internet and it downloaded to a small update. But I stopped to that point. ๐
Have connected both PS 3 and X3 to internet- and I seen X3 has slightly faster DL speed than PS 3. ๐
Jan 27th, 2010 at 4:10 pm
to clear a confusion- what do I mean by XBL and internet- well, it’s not separate thing- you can dl stuffs, communicate and do such things only through XBL. But first time you connect your X3 it’ll dl an update before you join/signup to XBL.
Jan 27th, 2010 at 9:42 pm
@ Reza
I’m really sorry, but to prevent cheating I don’t think you can transfer profiles from one 360 to another using a memory card. You can transfer save games, but it will not unlock achievements/gamerscores (this is to prevent people from amassing huge gamerscore).
The only way is to upload your gamer profile from the original console. And if u want to play on another 360, use the recover gamertag/profile from Xbox Live feature.
Just connect the hard drive to another (un-modded) console and you can upload gamertag then. Even I’m not 100% sure, and MS can’t detect flashed hard drive. It only bans third-party hard drives (eg. high-capacity hard drives from Nyko).
Jan 28th, 2010 at 12:30 am
Okay, so here we go:
When I buy a new console (unmodded), I have to connect the present one’s HDD to that new console, upload the gamer profile, remove that HDD, reconnect the new one’s HDD, and then I can mod the new it the process bro?
Jan 29th, 2010 at 5:16 pm
That’s pretty much it. And please let us know how it turns out. That will be really useful for Gamersworldbd readers.
Feb 14th, 2010 at 1:59 pm
I was banned from xbox live on the november 2009, i had more than 2 months of gold subscription left on it and i also know why i got caught. PICTURE –
The above screenshot shows what you get for the first time, when are banned.
Basically after getting banned i sold my banned 360 to my cousin who doesnt mind playing offline and with no hdd support, also my previous 360 was a jasper. I bought a 2nd 360 this time an arcade with a much later production date (still a jasper), snapped on my old 20gb hdd (i have had for 2 years!!) and BAAM my profile (which got banned, had all saves and highest achievement) got corrupted meaning i couldnt play with it.
microsoft corrupts the banned profile so that you cannot play with that profile on any other console. There are two ways you can uncorrupt our GAMERTAG/PROFILE.
method 1: The hard disk mod – very complicated and kind of risky. Requires sata ports and hdd disassembly. (i did mine using this)
method 2: Gamertag recovery, you can recover your corrupt gamertag by deleting the corrupt profile not the items just the profile. And recovering it xbox live, this makes you loose any achievement you earned since the ban.
hope all this information helps more people understand what happens when and if you get banned. I currently go online with the new iXtreme LT. And just to show my gamertag is up and running with the latest games and achievements i am including a pic of it after updating it from xbox live.
@Reza you can refresh your achievement score by installing apps on facebook,iphone or igoogle. But fb has the best apps! Check mine out you will get an understanding how it looks.
Mar 9th, 2010 at 11:58 am
hi every one i have a good news for u you you can unban your xbox 360 and play live again just go to youtube and search for video c4eva hope this help annd if u like subscribe to my account which is abflame22
Jul 6th, 2010 at 8:58 pm
frm where do you download those games ?
Jul 7th, 2010 at 9:01 pm
“frm where do you download those games ?”
Sorry for answering lately, bro. Well, I can’t give you any specific names, But you can try out those popular torrent sites like piratebay, mininova etc. And you can also check out those xbox 360 game related forums as well. They offer 360 game downloads, but to run those games you must have a flashed or jtagged xbox 360 console.
Jul 7th, 2010 at 9:07 pm
Alternatively, You can check out and They also offer 360 game downloads.
Jul 7th, 2010 at 10:58 pm
Its ok. I wasn’t too late anyway and thanks for the information.
Will it only work on DVD+R DL ?
Jul 7th, 2010 at 11:07 pm
but a blank disc has 4.7 gb on it . So how is it supposed to store games which are more than 4.7 gb ?
Jul 8th, 2010 at 4:14 pm
A DVD+R DL contains almost twice the size of a single layer disc, So, It should be around 9.4 gb(4.7 + 4.7 = 9.4). And if the game’s size is more than 9.4 gb, Then you’ll have to use another DVD+R DL disc to burn the game.
Jul 9th, 2010 at 12:41 am
๐ thnx…
Jul 9th, 2010 at 1:48 pm
You’re Welcome !
Jul 17th, 2010 at 9:59 am
@xlivnt 360 games only work on Dual layer dvds regardless of size. Smaller games like Superstar v8 and just cause 1 can be recorded onto a dvdR but it wont run so no point trying.
DVD+R DL has 8.5gb record able space as mentioned on the cover. Its 8.5 for DLs always.
Jul 17th, 2010 at 3:50 pm
TheSituation’s right. A DVD+R DL has 8.5 GB space, Sorry for the inaccurate info…
And Yeah, Its true some of the games can be recorded into a DVD+R, But it won’t work anyway…
Jul 19th, 2010 at 12:39 am
No problem bro
Jul 19th, 2010 at 12:41 am
ok since this topic is related to getting banned from xbox live.
Here’s something i was thinking.
Installing a pirated game in your xbox 360 hard drive increases the chances of getting banned or decreases ?
Jul 19th, 2010 at 1:26 am
Bro, It doesn’t matter whether you install a pirated 360 game in your hdd or not, Your console will be safe & secured as long as you don’t go on xbox live with your modded xbox 360.
Jul 19th, 2010 at 1:27 am
But then there are also a lot of ways for not getting banned on xbox live, and these tips and tricks are spread all over the internet, So I guess there is no need for any far more explanation…
Jul 19th, 2010 at 8:19 am
thanks bro
and now BTW i heard a conversation with my cousin in uk yesterday. And he told me to that isn’t any region free console in uk so i told him to get a one with any region
Jul 19th, 2010 at 4:06 pm
If your cousin is in UK, Then I’m pretty sure that he may probably end up buying either the “PAL” or the “PAL-E”(“E” stands for Europe) region. My Xbox 360’s region is NTSC-J. But however, I never tried to run any game that is tied to a regional lockout. I usually run the region free games that are compatible with all the regions. And so far, All of those region free games worked perfectly in my 360 without any problems.
Jul 20th, 2010 at 1:48 am
Sorry for the haphazardly question I wrote. I was not able to finish it due to a problem.
Anyways you have answered my half-question.
So if I mod my Xbox 360 will it be able to play games from any region? And which one should I recommend my cousin to get Pal or NTSC-J ?
Anyways your console is modded/flashed right?
BTW Does SOF in Banani flash or mod a Xbox 360 ?
Jul 20th, 2010 at 1:50 am
Anyways i’m pretty sure its gonna be tough to get NTSC-J in UK
Jul 20th, 2010 at 12:55 pm
Tell your cousin to get any 360! If he lives in london or birmingham or even manchester. He will be getting you a PAL system. In Dhaka SOF and Dragon always imports games from Malaysia and neighboring countries ergo all games are either region free OR ntsc – j. YES ntsc-j is the best console for dhaka as EA games like fifa, burnout and other rockstar games are sometimes if not always are REGION LOCKED or NTSC j.
SOF mods consoles for 1500tk and upward depends on your drive and make.
personal advice: get the 360 from asia and you will get a ntsc-j console.
IF its either a PAL console or no console at all? Then get a PAL console, most games are region free and you can download the PAL versions from torrent sites.
only PAL locked game right now are 1: Fairytale fights and Final Fantasy XIII.
for further region related info pm me: [email protected] or head over to for flashed xbox 360 info. I will try to help you out further.
CAUTION: the new slim 360’s are on sale in london from 17th july. If your cousin ends up buying that, no luck no flash no pirated games for a while. That sucks i know, but get the elite as they are cheaper now.
Jul 20th, 2010 at 1:28 pm
The whole purpose of a mod chip is to enable your console to play games from any region, correct me if I am wrong though. I played original PS2 NTSC games on my modded PAL PS2 with no problems whatsoever. Regions don’t matter when you have a mod chip.
Jul 20th, 2010 at 2:42 pm
I think you got your answer by now. So, there is no need for me to start it over again.
Jul 20th, 2010 at 3:05 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
Bro, AFAIK, You really can’t play those games that are designated as “PAL” on a NTSC-J Console. Although, I’m not sure about it, As I’m still quite incognizant about the whole thing.
Jul 20th, 2010 at 8:13 pm
Could be, thanks for letting me know. I’m not clear either. However, I played “NTSC” games on my PAL console and not “NTSC-J”.
Jul 21st, 2010 at 3:55 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
As far as I know, NTSC-j’s “J” stands for Japan, And NTSC-C’s “C” stands for China. Don’t know about the others, though.
Neverthless, I don’t know which region you have, But it was quite startling at first, When I saw your response to my comment.’Cause If a NTSC-J Console can’t play “PAL” games on it,
Then how come a “PAL” region Console will be able to or suppose to play “NTSC” Games on it?
However, I never tried to run any PAL game on my NTSC-J Console. And Thus, I really don’t know whether NTSC-J Console can play a “PAL” game or not.
Bro, I think you should let go of this thing,’Cause whatever console your cousin picks up, It really doesn’t matter since you can still play region free games on it. And as long as you can play region free games, I don’t think that will no longer be a problem since most of the xbox 360 games come out without a regional lockout and often turn out to be region free.
Jul 21st, 2010 at 8:12 pm
Ah yes, I can confirm that you can play NTSC games on your modded PAL PS2. That’s what mod chips are supposed to do.
Check out the following links:
Jul 21st, 2010 at 9:51 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
Well, Bro, I know that a modded PAL PS2 can play NTSC Games on it Since I also used to have a modded PS2, Quite a while ago. But for now, I was (We were, Actually) talking about the Xbox 360’s regional lockout.
Jul 22nd, 2010 at 12:04 am
Sorry for the confusion then. I was indeed talking about the PS2 as I wrote in the comment. But your reply made me confused. Don’t know about the 360, but won’t a mod chip essentially be the same?
Jul 22nd, 2010 at 2:07 am
Every one thanks.
Just to clear it,
My PS 2 is pal and its modded. Most of my games are NTSC/UC but my pal console plays it all.
As far as 360 is concerned
Yes it does the same thing. I have checked many websites which flash or mod consoles and they said if you get it flashed/modded it will be able to play games from any region.
Jul 22nd, 2010 at 3:30 am
New Xbox 360 4gb Arcade console announced (price 200 USD)
And Xbox 360 4GB Console with Kinect which also includes kinect adventures game((price 300 USD)
And finally
Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures! (price 150 USD)
Jul 23rd, 2010 at 12:49 am
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
“I was indeed talking about the PS2 as I wrote in the comment. But your reply made me confused.”
We were actually talking about the Xbox 360’s Regional lockout since Xlivnt was kinda confused between these two regions and wanted to know whether which one he should get. But it seems that the problem’s been solved now.
“Donโt know about the 360, but wonโt a mod chip essentially be the same?”
Yeah, It should be, But a few months ago, Somewhere on the internet(Youtube, Perhaps) i watched a video showing that a guy is trying to run a “PAL” version of Dark Sector on his NTSC-J Console, But it isn’t working. And thats why I had the confusion. But it can be fake, though, Since most of these videos often turn out to be fake.
And like i said, I personnally never tried to run any “PAL” games on my NTSC-J Console and Hence, I really don’t know whether NTSC-J consoles are capable of running “PAL” games on it or not.
Jul 23rd, 2010 at 1:59 pm
@ sng425
The Gaming Wiz is right! Cuz mod chips are meant to break the restrictions that the console which was pre-setted in factory.It doesnt matter which region or what type of console.If your console is modded you can play it all.The video you saw couple of months could be real.Cuz it depends on the mod chip and some cheaper or baffer mod chips have issues like that.
Jul 24th, 2010 at 12:51 am
It could be, bro. But to stay on the safe side, I told xlivnt to get the NTSC-J Console. But since his cousin lives in Europe, There’s no doubt that his cousin is going to have a lot of trouble finding a NTSC-J console out there, As most of those European countries only sell “PAL” region consoles.
But its a matter of fact that as long as you play region free games on your console, you really won’t have any problems, Whether your 360 is “NTSC” or “PAL”.
Jul 24th, 2010 at 12:05 pm
@ sng425
Yeah i Agree :-bd
@ xlivnt
you should let go of it dude.Whatever console you cousin will pick up from uk or usa or any place in the world ur gonna mod it in the end so no point in regions or its restrictions.But as sng425 mentioned earlier i think it will be better to pick up a Asian version as bd shop modders are used to modding units from those regions and even sells mostly consoles from that side.
Jul 24th, 2010 at 11:35 pm
sorry for creating the confusion among you guys.
I just wanted to be sure cause as I had told you guys I was about to get the 360 sometime in July but my dad’s cousin in USA was confused about the region and the shop keeper most probably told them it won’t be compatable with Bangladeshi Region hence they wouldn’t bring it ๐ .
So just became sure this time around
Jul 25th, 2010 at 11:56 pm
Glad to be of help! Let us know how your Xbox performs once you get it!
Jul 26th, 2010 at 2:38 pm
Guys, there seems to be a very big misunderstanding among 360 players here in Dhaka.
I will try to clear things out as much as i can.
“you should let go of it dude.Whatever console you cousin will pick up from uk or usa or any place in the world ur gonna mod it in the end so no point in regions or its restrictions.”
Firstly modding a ps2 with a mod chip and modding a 360 with a soft mod is totally different. Technically speaking in a ps2 you mod the motherboard with an alternate chip which treats every game/dvd movie as region free. Some movies fail though.
But in a xbox 360 the soft mod keeps every hardware in your 360 intact only replacing your dvd’s firmware and that is why it takes less time to mod a 360 than a ps2.
MY POINT BEING: Regions MATTER when playing a 360. As there is nothing called a REGION FREE firmware, your region is assigned to both your console nand and your dvd drive bios play a role in it. YOU CANNOT change regions without jtag.
Moreover dhaka players are mistaken as we ALWAYS get region free games in dhaka. If the game is not region free dhaka does not import it, JUST LIKE Final Fantasy XIII.
SO YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PLAY a NTSC and PAL version of Crackdown 2 like this one here:
on our consoles NTSC-J. We need to get this region free one:
and vice versa. Some games have limited releases like NO MORE HEROES only NTSC J.
More examples of PAL titles:
read description, for region details.
I hope i could shed some light onto the matter. Dhaka has most games in region free but not all. If you get ntsc (USA) then you are better off than PAL. But there might be some games which might not run.
This is a small price we have to pay. 100% games will never run on our 360 some or few might not.
Jul 26th, 2010 at 2:41 pm
in reply to qouted text:
New Xbox 360 4gb Arcade console announced (price 200 USD)
And Xbox 360 4GB Console with Kinect which also includes kinect adventures game((price 300 USD)
And finally
Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures! (price 150 USD)
IF you end up getting the new 360 no mod yet, as the new drive is not hackable YET.
Jul 27th, 2010 at 5:24 pm
“But in a xbox 360 the soft mod keeps every hardware in your 360 intact only replacing your dvdโs firmware”
TheSituation’s Right, A NTSC-J console really can’t play “PAL” games on it or vice versa, It doesn’t matter whatever firmware you’re using.
And there is no such firmware called “Region free”. According to my knowledge, There are only three regions available for an xbox 360 console throughout the whole “planet”, And they are : NTSC-J, NTSC-U and PAL, Respectively. All of this consoles can play games from their own region and region free games as well.
Since most of the modded and legit 360 gamers in bd are almost unaware of the regional lockout, I’d recommend them to play only region free games on their console.
Jul 27th, 2010 at 11:08 pm
@The Situation
“But in a xbox 360 the soft mod keeps every hardware in your 360 intact only replacing your dvdโs firmware”
So that’s the main reason. I didn’t know that there are no hardware mod chips to solder onto the Xbox 360 board, since I’m not into the modding scene. If it’s just a firmware flash, then yeah regions will matter. But luckily you can buy almost every original 360 game region free, from But the region free games cost a bit more.
“If the game is not region free dhaka does not import it, JUST LIKE Final Fantasy XIII.”
Can you confirm that PS3 has region restrictions? I just bought final fantasy XIII from Dhaka and it played fine. Then again my PS3 is region 1 and so was FF XIII. I’ve played other region games on my console such as Chinese inFamous (region 3) with no problems.
Jul 28th, 2010 at 11:46 am
@ TheSituation
Thanks for clearing out the confusion bro.It will help xlivnt a lot and helped the gamers from other platforms to learn a bit or two.
@ The Gaming Wiz
Bro,the PS3 is region free only for PS3 games :razz:.Blu Ray movies, DVD Movies, PS1, and PS2 games still obey region restrictions.
Jul 28th, 2010 at 10:27 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
Maybe, TheSituation was talking about the Xbox 360 version…
The information was really helpful, bro. There’s no doubt that it has cleared out the whole confusion that was getting more and more complicated. And for you, I also had the chance to straighten out the whole confusion that was entangling in my mind, lately.
Jul 28th, 2010 at 11:49 pm
@Sng, Mushfique and Rabbi
The pleasure is mine, and for this site I successfully was able to convey the message. PS3 has no region restrictions whatsoever but there were several incidents where i heard guys talking about there launch models not being able to play region 1 or 2 or whatever i am not sure. That makes sense, cause they have old machines (no offense to anyone who has one). I had a 40gb black one and it played anything i put in. Till it lens died.. but thats another story.
And also i was talking about 360 games.
Jul 28th, 2010 at 11:50 pm
Jul 29th, 2010 at 11:44 am
@sng425 and TheSituation
Lol, yeah, FF XIII also released on Xbox 360. Forgot that. ๐
Oct 29th, 2010 at 10:27 pm
Maybe a bit irrelevant, but can someone tell me what does actually “jtagged” mean? Is it something more than modding? I tried to download some DLC (torrents obviously) and the instruction said my xbox360 needs to be jtagged.
Oct 30th, 2010 at 12:22 pm
Don’t have much experience with pirated games.
However, you can learn more at
Dec 7th, 2010 at 7:45 pm
I just bought a pirated game on the street in Brazil. What are the chances: (1) that it will work on my un-modified xbox and (2) that the x-box gets banned?
If it does get banned, I’ll give it away and buy a new one. I’m assuming that I’ll still be able to use my XBOX Live account.
Dec 7th, 2010 at 11:19 pm
@Paul VJK
1) 0%
2) A Lot. But the ban won’t happen outright. You’ll get flagged and your console will get banned once MS rolls out the ban-hammer.