New Fable III Combat Video

Poor little girl being chased by a hungry pack of wolves.

Cue in Fable III’s hero and you get an exciting combat gameplay trailer.

Check it out below:

Fable III releases in October 2010 for Xbox 360 and PC.

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Written By on July 3rd, 2010 Categories: PC, Videos, Xbox 360 Tags:

10 Responses to “New Fable III Combat Video”

  1. Can’t wait to play this. Hopefully its coming to pc. 😀

  2. Is there a difference between the graphics of a pirated Xbox 360 game and a original one?

    sorry for off – topic

  3. @xlivnt

    “Is there a difference between the graphics of a pirated Xbox 360 game and a original one?”

    No, It doesn’t matter, The graphics will be the same in both pirated version and the legit one. :mrgreen:

  4. :mrgreen:

  5. ok i played the first fable a long time ago but forgot whether it was real time combat or somthing else like dragon age.. i played dragon age and liked it… well sort of as i m not that gret fan of RPGs. is the combat in fable 3 real time i mean like devil may cry nd god of war or its something like DA origins? if its like gow and dmc then i m definetely gonna get it…

  6. @bdgamer

    I really enjoyed Dragon Age Origins, have the expansion but still haven’t gotten around to installing it yet. The combat in Fable 3 is definitely realtime :mrgreen:

  7. @gamingwiz thats gret i m definitely gonna get fable 3 then… DA is indeed a good game but as im not that much into RPGs i sort of got bored with it.. the expansion is also good.. as u have liked the original u will like it too..

  8. @bdgamer

    Fable 3 is going to be a bit different. First of all there is Kinect support. And secondly, if I remember correctly, you get to manage your Kingdom, so a bit of RTS crossover.

  9. i am gonna get it on pc so no kinect suport for me 🙁 hum rts… not bad hope they can implement it well…

  10. @bdgamer

    Not exactly RTS …. but you get to manage and take decisions that will affect your Kingdom. They haven’t publicly demoed that portion of the game yet.

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