Mario Celebrates 25th Anniversary, Nintendo Announces New Bundles
Gaming’s most recognizable icon, a simple plumber. You know who we are talking about. Mario! Mario just turned 25 last month.
Many developers are praising Mario and his creator Shigeru Miyamoto on occasion of his 25th anniversary.
Speaking in the latest issue of Famitsu (via Andriasang), Capcom head of development Keiji Inafune said: “The reason I entered the industry was because I encountered Mario and learned how interesting games can be. Thank you, Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto.”
Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi offered: “I recalled having a dinner celebration with Final Fantasy’s original staff two years or so prior at its 20th anniversary. A quarter century – amazing, isn’t it. Congratulations.”
Bethesda’s Todd Howard also dished out the compliments: “Nintendo didn’t just make Super Mario. They made the genre where the hero always follows the correct path. Congratulations on Super Mario’s 25th anniversary.”
Yakuza series producer Toshihiro Nagoshi saying the original Mario was the “game that made me enter the game industry”.
Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima said: “Shigeru Miyamoto’s Super Mario Bros. changed the future not just of games, but for all of entertainment, and for myself as well.”
It didn’t stop there. Nintendo has announced two new bundles to celebrate the anniversary.
Nintendo has announced the Super Mario Bros. 25th anniversary hardware bundles for North America. Both the red Wii and DSi XL systems will arrive on November 7 2010.
The $200 Wii bundle includes New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Wii Sports, and a red Wii Remote Plus. Neither the package nor the press release mentions anything about the special versions of the NES Super Mario Bros. or Donkey Kong included in other regions. The $180 DSi XL bundle includes Mario Kart DS, and comes pre-loaded with two Brain Age Express games and Photo Clock.
Oct 22nd, 2010 at 2:44 am
All hail the Super Mario!
such legend deserves immorality among gamers.Hope to more from super mario in other platforms as well 🙂
Oct 22nd, 2010 at 2:07 pm
I gotta ask you this – who did you grow up with? Mario or Sonic The Hedgehog? For me, It’s Sonic
Oct 22nd, 2010 at 2:31 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
I grew up with both Mario and Sonic! 😀 Still can’t forget those good ol’ days. 🙂
Oct 22nd, 2010 at 3:33 pm
I grew up play sega megadrive aka Sonic
but i still have my utmost respect for the legendary mario even though i didnt play games starring mario 😥
Oct 22nd, 2010 at 3:34 pm
Oct 22nd, 2010 at 6:46 pm
My first ever console was the Sega Megadrive! Back then I used to play Sonic The Hedgehog on it.
I still have the console (Sega Megadrive)though, but it’s dead now. 😥
Oct 22nd, 2010 at 9:19 pm
yup my first one was the sega megadrive as well
loved those days of sonic the hedgehog on the megadrive 😉 its nothing but a memory now 🙁 do u play fifa 11 pc on gameranger we could play multiplayer if u want 😳
Oct 22nd, 2010 at 10:14 pm
@sng425 and Rabbi
Yup, mine too! Sonic was awesome. Played that everyday. I remember Sonic didn’t have a save function (even if it did, I didn’t know how to save then :P) so turning off the console was hard after finishing a lot of levels.
And there was also this Outrun game on Sega. Best racing game in my opinion – every car had its unique characteristics.
But yeah, respects to Mario too
Oct 23rd, 2010 at 1:10 am
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
“I remember Sonic didn’t have a save function (even if it did, I didn’t know how to save then 😛 ) so turning off the console was hard after finishing a lot of levels.”
No, as far as I remember it really didn’t have a save function, and that’s why it was really hard to turn off the console after finishing a number of levels. In my childhood, I spent a lot of time playing both Sonic and Mario, so it’ll never be as easy for me to forget them.:P
Yeah, I would like to.:P But the problem is, I still don’t have the PC version of Fifa 11, so I’m afraid that you might have to wait till I get it. What’s your nickname in there anyway? thought I might add you as a friend…
Oct 23rd, 2010 at 6:40 am
Yeah the lack of save function was a negative side of that console but still it was fun and challenging to try to complete the whole game at one go
Yeah that racing game outrun was one of my favorite game at that time still floating in my mind heck that was some good times
I am just thinking how much we have evolved since then 🙁 And think how much we may evolve in the next decade since now 🙄 Bro,do u play in gameranger ❓
i was thinking of doing the same thing
my nick in gameranger is (nh_rabbi) hope to see u there
Oct 23rd, 2010 at 3:20 pm
I still haven’t signed up for a profile yet on Gameranger. What games do you play on it? If it’s worthwhile I’ll get an account today.
Oct 23rd, 2010 at 10:37 pm
i used to play call of duty 4 modern warfare on it now i play fifa 11 only.You can see the list of supported games here
If it supports ur favorite games its worth to create an account but u will face some NAT issues though.You can find lots of people with good pings there