Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Xbox 360 Version Leaked Online
The Xbox 360 version of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood has been leaked online, three days ahead of its official release.
[Update] The game is also the second known title to have AP 2.5, the latest anti-piracy measure introduced with the Kinect Dahsboard update. The other being Fable 3.
This continues the trend of high profile games like Call of Duty: Black Ops and Halo: Reach being leaked on the Xbox 360, days before its release date.
Support the developers by buying the genuine version of Brotherhood on November 16 2010 in the US and November 19 2010 in the UK
Thanks to Gamersworldbd reader Rabbi for the tip.
Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:41 pm
“[Update] The game is also the second known title to have AP 2.5, the latest anti-piracy measure introduced with the Kinect Dahsboard update. The other being Fable 3.”
๐ฏ ๐ฏ WTF? Looks like I Have to Jailbreak my PS3 ASAP!
Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:55 pm
XBOX 360 gamers are doomed only way is to get the genuine version ๐ PS3 is the way to move forward ๐ ๐ ๐
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:00 pm
C’mon, where’s the Extreme Lt+ firmware! Oh wait, I’m getting the original on PS3. Along with Gran Turismo 5. And NFS: Hot Pursuit. Don’t forget I also want to get Fable 3 original on Xbox 360. Now, I only have to choose which one ………..
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:00 pm
“XBOX 360 gamers are doomed” Looks like we have a new PS3 fanboy on Gamersworldbd! ๐
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:23 pm
man its looks like MS wants us to buy PS3’s…..i am gettin 1 this December……. s@9\ u MICROSOFT with ur AP 2.5 ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ ๐ก ……………….
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:41 pm
will there be any contest for AC:brotherhood on gwbd?? lookin forward to it ๐
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:45 pm
“Looks like we have a new PS3 fanboy on Gamersworldbd! ๐ ”
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:49 pm
@ Rabbi n G Wiz…..
call qubee and ask for a real ip…….i t may solve the issues i have a fixed IP…wireless networks us many different ip’s……
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:50 pm
That is also what I did last month. Called them up and they told me they’d send me an application for a Real IP. Haven’t received any such application yet.
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:52 pm
i had mine…..i first had a 256kbps n couldnt play so my uncle told me ineed a real IP……i talked to them n they told me i need a 512 connection or above so iswitched to 512 n had to pay n extra 800 for the IP………..
Nov 13th, 2010 at 4:29 pm
do i have to pay extra for the real ip per month or its just a one time fee in qubee?
Nov 13th, 2010 at 4:50 pm
@ Rabbi
u have to pay it once……….
Nov 13th, 2010 at 5:12 pm
On the contrary, they told me “no fees” were required for the real IP. Maybe because I’m on a 1Mbps line? However, I haven’t received the application yet.
Nov 13th, 2010 at 5:21 pm
Thanks guys i will try to get a static ip from qubee
Nov 13th, 2010 at 7:10 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
“Cโmon, whereโs the Extreme Lt+ firmware!”
I heard Team Jungle is already working on that. It will be soon releasing for the required drives with SSv3 and the anti AP 2.5! To know more about it, you can follow them in their official twitter account – . I hope the iExtreme LT+ releases soon, this is getting really harder.
Currently, I have the iXtreme LT Lite Touch Firmware for my Lite on dvd drive on my 360(Upgraded it almost 5 months ago from the iExtreme 1.6 firmware). Which one do you have? And what’s your dvd drive’s manufacturer? Lite on?
Nov 13th, 2010 at 9:12 pm
nope it doesnt ask for 3.5 firmware ๐ณ i even played fifa 11 online ๐ then again its the newest update and i had to flash it in my jailbreak so without unupgradeable jailbreaks its harder to stay on the ps3 scene.PSN was hacked 3 days ago but my ps3 break updated their site with latest firmware today morning
so i could update and log into psn today.I could have done extensive testing but my isp [QUBEE] is having problems just disconnects every now and then ๐ฟ
For more info check this out:
Nov 13th, 2010 at 9:13 pm
sorry i just replied your question in another article my bad its for this internet disconnection i got fazed ๐
Nov 14th, 2010 at 12:24 am
My launch model 360 had the Samsung DVD drive. Think about it! No AP2.5 ๐ Sadly, it RRoD’d, sent to MS, got a replacement with BenQ/Phillips drive and this is the one I modded. So, yeah ๐ฅ
Anyway, C4Eva and Team Jungle will surely have the firmware in no time!
Nov 15th, 2010 at 7:56 am
Do you guys know any shops in BD where they upgrade the xbox 360 drive firmware? When LT+ does come out I need to take it somewhere to update it for me.
Nov 15th, 2010 at 7:58 am
Why don’t you use BTCL Adsl internet instead of qubee? At the same price of qubee 512Kbps you get a 1mbps line from BTCL. Thats what I do.
Nov 15th, 2010 at 10:54 am
i can get a 1mbps package with limited bandwidth at the price i am paying for 512kbps unlimited package.But i need unlimited data bandwidth cuz my last month data usage was 84gigs.And i dont like old standards like adsl plus lot of cables and other hassles i like it wireless thats why i am using qubee for a year now
Nov 15th, 2010 at 12:54 pm
Don’t know the ETA on LT+ firmware. When it comes out, you can try SOF at Banani, UAE market (which I recommend) or other shops such as Games Source at Bashundhara City.
Nov 15th, 2010 at 1:49 pm
@h2dude69,tell me about btcl , are the speeds dedicated?
Nov 15th, 2010 at 2:15 pm
he’s takin bout BTCL broadband…its shared not dedicated its monthly bill is 2530tk……N if u want dedicated u can also get that @ 14900tk per month !!!!!!!!!!!! ๐ฏ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
Nov 15th, 2010 at 2:20 pm
ooooo i forgot 2 mention…….i was takin about 1mbps connection………
Nov 15th, 2010 at 3:28 pm
My BTCL Package is TK.2200 (+15% VAT) UNLIMITED DATA PACKAGE. Qubee has a Fair Usage policy but BTCL Does NOT even have that. I’m constantly downloading movies and tv shows day and night.
And you don’t need extra wires. Only your phone wire nothing else and I bought a Linksys router and connect my PC/Ps3 wirelessly.
Nov 15th, 2010 at 3:37 pm
Its shared like Qubee. But it does not matter. Since BTCL is not so popular and they have HUGE bandwidth I get great speeds.
When I had Qubee I used to get constant 64Kb/s but after 2 months it dropped to around 45-50Kb/s so I quit Qubee.
But BTCL is giving me 150-180KB/s always and I’m using for 8 months. So I’m happy with that and Ping is also better than Qubee so I’m getting more kills in MW2.
Nov 15th, 2010 at 3:38 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
Thanks, I’ll go to SOF. That’s where I buy my games but I didn’t know they flash 360 drives there.
I read in a forum that C4eva said we can expect LT+ before Christmas. “Fingers Crossed” ๐
Nov 15th, 2010 at 3:42 pm
@fahim_sinister,h2dude69 lol, i know the prices i checked the website btw thanks and you can get 50 mbps dedicated line from them! My question is the speed how much do u get from your 512kbps line? Does it support all the telephones!
Nov 15th, 2010 at 4:24 pm
U get like 60-70 Kb/s…my cousin has it….n not all telephones suppot it…u need to call them from ur telephone and they run a check and will tell u if it will do the work or not………
Nov 15th, 2010 at 4:24 pm
“Qubee has a Fair Usage policy but BTCL Does NOT even have that.”
I’m on a 1 Mbps Sky package. I downloaded 137 GB in one month, 108 GB the next month and don’t have any problems whatsoever.
Nov 15th, 2010 at 4:28 pm
theres no fair usage policy in unlimited ones I download like 100 Gig or somethin…i neva had any probs……
Thers a fair usage policy on limited 1’s like 10GB or 20gb packages……
Nov 15th, 2010 at 4:29 pm
@ Wiz
did u find a solution to ur NAT issue…….
Nov 15th, 2010 at 4:30 pm
That is INCORRECT information. Please check your sources carefully. ๐ Fair Usage Policy is ONLY on Sky/Unlimited packages. Check Qubee’s website. If they limit you to download 10 GB or 20 GB, why on earth would they need a fair usage policy on those packages?
Nov 15th, 2010 at 4:32 pm
Got the real IP application today. I’ll send it to Qubee after eid. Will keep you guys posted. Also, stay tuned for Qubee’s review on Gamersworldbd.
Nov 15th, 2010 at 4:32 pm
i dnt know about qubeee………..i use blion………
Nov 15th, 2010 at 7:19 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
LoL. When I took the qubee connection, the guy that came to my house spent 30 mins lecturing me about fair usage so I was nervous about that.
Another thing about Qubee was that my Playstation Nat type was always 3 and I couldn’t fix that, although now a friend of mine said he phoned Qubee customer support and somehow managed to open a port on the modem a get it to NAT 2.
Anyway, BTCL doesn’t have any such probs and its always NAT 2 and COD MW2 shows Open.
And one more thing. Before you guys start thinking that I work for BTCL or something, let me just say this. I’m only trying to get BTCL some more customers as their marketing sucks! I’m a student of economics and so I’m trying to increase competition so that these ISPs bring down the prices. Don’t want a monopoly lol. ๐
Nov 15th, 2010 at 7:28 pm
“And one more thing. Before you guys start thinking that I work for BTCL or something”
Nope, bro. We at Gamersworldbd refrain from such stereotypes and appreciate your effort! Now if you could spread the word about Gamersworldbd ๐
“Another thing about Qubee was that my Playstation Nat type was always 3 and I couldnโt fix that”
I also called them but they said they don’t block ports yadda yadda. Don’t think they understood my problem though. Got the Real IP application which I’ll send them to after Eid. Hoping for the best! ๐
Nov 15th, 2010 at 9:35 pm
@Mushfiqur Rahman
The friend of mine I was telling you about in an earlier post had a One Hour phone conversation with Qubee technicians and finally got them to understand the concept of port forwarding. Then they gave him a password (admin pass i think it was called) which he used to get full access to the modem and forward ports.
Hopefully you’ll get your ports open too. Goodluch ๐
Nov 16th, 2010 at 12:06 am
[This comment has been moved here]
Rabbi says:
Assassins Creed Brotherhood ps3 version leaked ๐
Nov 16th, 2010 at 12:10 am
Thanks for the tip. What modem does your friend use? I have the SX682 modem and it has no option to forward ports. I have tried it before. ๐ฟ Read a lot of times online and even on MS and Sony’s official page that port forwarding will solve this.
We all know who is downloading the PS3 version of Brotherhood ๐
Nov 16th, 2010 at 12:35 am
i am also downloading racquet sports for ps move ๐ณ whatever i have seen of ps move its just so responsive and almost 1:1 ๐ The only game i have tested is Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 btw…
To say the truth i am having so much fun using move that i have lost 90% interest about assassins creed brotherhood ๐
Nov 16th, 2010 at 9:22 am
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
My friend uses that large one. Gigaset i think SX682.
It has options to forward ports but in the internet section which we can’t access with a normal password. My friend said he got an admin pass from the Qubee techs and went inside that section where you forward ports.
Nov 16th, 2010 at 9:40 am
to access the modem configuration settings, you need an username and password……previously my friend used banglalion so he told me that the username and password both are ”admin” ….you should try and their is a option to enable or disable NAT……..
Nov 16th, 2010 at 9:41 am
previously my friend useb qubee************
Nov 16th, 2010 at 10:23 am
@h2dude69 & fahim_sinister
But there is no option to enter our password in the modem, except for our account password under Wimax configuration. Plus, it doesn’t ask for any password when I access the modem using http;//
I had that experience when I first got the Wii. Played that thing exclusively for a week. But then got bored and returned to the real games
Then again, the Wii is not HD and its motion controls are not that precise. Now you’ve got me excited about Move!
Nov 16th, 2010 at 11:38 am
If u like to play golf and want better experience i would recommend you john daly’s prostoke golf not tiger woods pga tour 11 only if u want to use the motion controller but for dualshock 3 its vice versa.For a complete move experience you must get two move controller one navigation controller and ps eye is must.The dualshock controller can be used as a substitute of one motion controller and navigation controller though but it depends on games.I will update heavy rain after this disconnection problem is sorted out cuz the update is over 1gigs ๐ Cant wait to use move to play Killzone 3,The Fight Lights Out,Virtua Tennis 4,Sports Champions just to name a few awesome titles
Nov 16th, 2010 at 12:54 pm
Wait, where’d you get the Playstation Move? Game Source(just a guess, as you’ve said before that you buy all of your gaming related stuff from there)? How much did it cost btw? I’m also planning to get PS move as well as Kinect. ๐ not to forget about Jailbreaking my PS3 also(at least not after all this sufferings from that AP 2.5 lol)! how’s your experience of motion controlled gaming? and last but not the least, did you get the Navigation controller as well?(Sorry for asking so many questions at once, ๐ณ but as you can see I’m very excited about PS move and I’ve told you about that before!)
Nov 16th, 2010 at 1:08 pm
Sorry for asking this questions so forthrightly, ๐ณ all of this came out due to my overrated enthusiasm and excitement!
Nov 16th, 2010 at 1:34 pm
i got it from SOF for @6700TK
It included the ps eye toy the move controller and one original game [Beat Sketch] and the packaging was intact btw.I didnt get the navigation controller cuz i can use the dualshock controller as the supplement.Experience is awesome i forgot about Assassins Creed Brotherhood ๐ cuz i think i have turned into a casual gamer ๐ ๐ ๐ณ You can ask me as many question as you like i wont mind 
Nov 16th, 2010 at 2:33 pm
“It included the ps eye toy the move controller and one original game [Beat Sketch] and the packaging was intact btw.”
Are you sure that it came with an EyeToy? ๐ why would they package an old PS2 mechanic with the Playstation Move? ๐ Or have you mistakenly called it the EyeToy instead of the PS eye(which tracks the motion controller’s position and it’s inertial sensors to detect its motion)? By the way, you got it quite cheaply whereas the other gaming shops in Dhaka were demanding 9-10 grands for it ๐ (although I don’t know whether their bundles have the navigation controller or not).
“I didnt get the navigation controller cuz i can use the dualshock controller as the supplement.”
You did a good thing by replacing your dualshock controller as the navigation controller’s(aka sub controller) supplement instead of buying it as it isn’t necessary. ๐ btw, I didn’t know that you can use your dualshock controller as a replacement for the navigation controller. ๐ฎ
“i think i have turned into a casual gamer ๐ ๐ :oops:”
Don’t say you’ve turned into a casual gamer as the Playstation Move doesn’t assert only for the casual gamers like the Wii. It’s been also made for the Hardcore gamers like us. And maybe that’s why the developers are enabling support for the Playstation Move in their games. Games like Killzone 3, Socom 4 etc. are already been conformed for the PS Move. ๐ the patch for Heavy Rain can also enable the support to play it with the Motion Controller. Then why are you calling it a casual gaming stuff? ๐
Nov 16th, 2010 at 2:55 pm
i didnt actually meant i have turned into a casual gamer but i wanted to mean how much the move has dragged me into it
so i have sarcastically told that i have turned to a casual gamer at least for now ๐ i actually mixed up ps eyetoy with the ps eye ๐ณ its the ps eye that came with the packaging.And the other bundles that sells for 9-10k’s doesnt include a subcontroller.There are games like The Fight Lights Out where 2 motion controller are needed there u can only sub a single dualshock controller for a single motion controller the other one have to be the motion controller though.The only thing better about that 9-10k’s package is it contains a better original game like kung fu rider or sports champions inside [best game for move] 
Nov 16th, 2010 at 3:24 pm
*There are games like The Fight Lights Out where 2 motion controller are needed there u can only sub a single dualshock controller for a single motion controller the other one have to be the motion controller though.
[Only applicable if u dont have two motion controller other games use other mechanic to replace the second motion controller]
Oh i almost forgot you can play MAG! with the move
but what i’ve heard of its tough to play with cuz maybe we need military training ๐
Nov 16th, 2010 at 5:22 pm
Did the game came out on market yet???
Nov 16th, 2010 at 5:26 pm
Brotherhood actually releases in the US today. Since all shops are closed on account of Eid, it is not possible to say so. Expect the game to hit stores right after Eid. And, if you have the Kinect dashboard update for Xbox 360, don’t run Brotherhood as it contains AP 2.5 checks. Your Xbox 360 will be banned.
Nov 16th, 2010 at 5:39 pm
Thanks bro for informing.
i thought i would play within the holiday… but Alas ๐
Nov 16th, 2010 at 6:40 pm
Thanks for the heads up! Can’t wait to Jailbreak and get the PS Move for my PS3! ๐ ๐ Who knows I just might become a typical PS3 fanyboy like you!
Nov 16th, 2010 at 7:24 pm
Gna buy jailbreak the day i buy PS3….gna buy it this decmbr……..Do u guys MOVE toooo…………
Nov 16th, 2010 at 7:40 pm
” I just might become a typical PS3 fanyboy like you!
๐ ๐ ๐
You are open to join the club anytime ๐ ๐
Nov 16th, 2010 at 9:43 pm
does this shit AP 2.5 affect jtagged xbox 360s too?
Nov 16th, 2010 at 9:58 pm
@ xlivnt
it affects nearly all xboxs excpt sammy drive 1’s and vry old models…..its gna affect j-tgged 1’s tooo……
Nov 16th, 2010 at 10:03 pm
thanks…check this article out
Nov 16th, 2010 at 10:08 pm
@ xlivnt
dont mention it………..
Nov 16th, 2010 at 10:19 pm
Don’t know about Jtag though, do you know any gaming shop where I can jtag my console? Lately, I’ve been thinking to jtag my current Xbox 360 but I don’t know any shop that can jtag xbox 360 consoles. ๐
“You are open to join the club anytime ๐ :cool:”
No, thanks. I was just kidding! I don’t like it to be a fanboy and neither I intend to support it!
Nov 16th, 2010 at 10:24 pm
@ sng425
u can do it urself
tutorial @
Nov 16th, 2010 at 10:41 pm
@ rabbi..
hw long do u think sony is gna let u play onlyn with jailbreak under their nose…i think they will follow the MS therapy banning strategy soon……………
Nov 17th, 2010 at 12:38 am
Bro, it isn’t as easy as it seems. It’s quite difficult and complicated. And that’s why I wanted to give it to a renowned gaming shop that has successfully done it before and can do it for me.
Nov 17th, 2010 at 12:43 am
Can’t believe I’m missing out my most anticipated game for this year Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood for that god damned AP 2.5! ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ก ๐ก ๐ก
Nov 17th, 2010 at 12:44 am
@ sng
u can try takin to SOF or other shops in UAE market…….
Nov 17th, 2010 at 1:02 am
“u can try takin to SOF or other shops in UAE marketโฆโฆ.”
Thanks for the tip, maybe I’ll talk to them when I get to Dhaka next time. ‘Cause it’s very hard to discuss over the phone and sometimes they don’t even understand what I’m talking about.
Nov 17th, 2010 at 1:07 am
i am not an xbox 360 expert but has seen some patch thing like assassins creed brotherhood ap 2.5 to ap 2.0 something like that on the torrents site when i was searching for the ps3 version ๐
Nov 17th, 2010 at 2:02 am
Thanks for the tip. ๐ I’ll look onto it.
Nov 17th, 2010 at 9:23 am
Yah you can contact SOF. I read on the internet that AP 2.5 doesn’t affect jtagged xbox 360s, but i’m not willing to take the risk..Cause i really don’t wanna get banned..Plus how can i be sure if my xbox 360 is jtagged or flashed? I think its jtagged, cause SOF took 3.5k ….
” sometimes they donโt even understand what Iโm talking about.”
Nov 17th, 2010 at 9:25 am
i just hope nfs hot pursuit 3 doesn’t have this AP2.5 shit!!!
keep us informed about all the games that has AP2.5 โ โ โ
Nov 17th, 2010 at 10:20 am
“Plus how can i be sure if my xbox 360 is jtagged or flashed?”
If you can run homebrew applications on your console, play games without discs and can run all the premium dlcs for free without spending MS points than your console is jtagged. And if not, than it’s only flashed not jtagged.
Nov 17th, 2010 at 10:40 am
“If you can run homebrew applications on your console, play games without discs and can run all the premium dlcs for free without spending MS points than your console is jtagged. And if not, than itโs only flashed not jtagged.”
Woo, jtagged xbox 360s can do a lots of stuff. But then why not earth SOF took 3500tk to flash my console?? i wanna get my console jtagged.
“and can run all the premium dlcs for free without spending MS points”
what do you actually mean!
Nov 17th, 2010 at 11:30 am
@ sng
i will call SOF afta a few days and ask them abt jtagging my console…..i’ll giv otha info afta that..
@ everybody
can anyone arrange a list of games wid ap 2.5…..
Nov 17th, 2010 at 4:20 pm
โand can run all the premium dlcs for free without spending MS pointsโ
what do you actually mean!
It means that you can play all those premium dlcs for free(you can download them for free and play on your jtagged console without spending any MS Points) that were put into Xbox live marketplace for sale in exchange of MS Points.
“Woo, jtagged xbox 360s can do a lots of stuff.”
Yup, it can do a lot of stuff. In fact, it can even fake region codes (I mean the regional lockout) and play games from another region even if it’s normally not supported in the region you live)I.e In a jtagged console you can play even PAL games on a NTSC console which is not possible in a normal flashed 360.
“i wanna get my console jtagged.”
This is where all the problems come in. Firstly, I don’t know any gaming shop in Bangladesh that can jtag console. And then only a few people know about the jtag. Besides, in Bangladesh most of the Xbox 360 gamers only flash their consoles and that’s why it is still uncommon here. In fact, most of the gaming shop don’t even know about jtag. I’ve previously called SOF and Game Source over the phone to know whether they jtag consoles or not and it was very surprising that they couldn’t even answer my question. And the guy at Game Source wasn’t even understanding what’s jtag….
“can anyone arrange a list of games wid ap 2.5โฆ..”
We can’t arrange a list yet(I guess we should be happy about it, shouldn’t we?)as there are only two games out there that are integrated with the AP 2.5 and these games are the Fable III and Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood…
Nov 17th, 2010 at 4:32 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
Bro, can you please check SOF out next time when you visit the shop about whether they jtag Xbox 360 consoles or not and post it up here on Gwb as an article? like you did before with these two articles –
It would be very helpful for me if you could do that. ๐
Nov 17th, 2010 at 5:25 pm
Sure, no problem
Nov 18th, 2010 at 2:07 pm
“Bro, can you please check SOF out next time when you visit the shop about whether they jtag Xbox 360 consoles or not and post it up here on Gwb as an article? like you did before with these two articles โ”
Indeed ,do it bro!
Nov 18th, 2010 at 11:30 pm
As i am new to xbox gamer , i’m pretty much unconcern about this AP 2.5 .And mine are offline alwz.. But eagerly want to play these game , Could you help me out how i’m gonna play it ??
Nov 19th, 2010 at 12:13 am
@ maestro…
not only u we all want to play these games…… ๐ฅ ๐ฅ ๐ :sad:……but MS’s shit AP 2.5 got in da way…………