Don’t Play Fable 3 On Your Modded Xbox 360 With Kinect Dashboard Update
The newest Kinect Dashboard update (Fall 2010) for Xbox 360 has new anti-piracy measures, specifically AP 2.5
What it does is as we’ve said earlier, stops “backup” games from booting on your modded Xbox 360.
Right now the only game affected is Fable 3. If you insert a “backup” copy of Fable 3 on your modded Xbox 360 with the Kinect Dashboard update, it will show the game just fine in the Xbox’s game/disc channel. However, once you boot the game you will get an “Unreadable Disc Error” and you’ll be thrown back to the dashboard.
And that’s a one way ticket to bans-ville. Your console will almost certainly be flagged for a ban. Even more so, some are reporting that their game profile gets corrupted. You can play with the profile on the modded Xbox 360 but if you transfer it to another Xbox 360, it will come up as corrupted and won’t work.
Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Gamersworldbd is strictly anti-piracy and encourages Bangladeshi gamers to support developers by purchasing original games.
Nov 9th, 2010 at 3:23 pm
will this affect offline as well?
Nov 9th, 2010 at 3:54 pm
“Stops “backup” games from booting on your modded Xbox 360.” So, yes, affects offline as well if you have the latest Kinect dashboard. Only Fable 3 is affected at the moment.
Nov 9th, 2010 at 5:17 pm
shit…why did i upgrade.. i guess this security will be applied in other games in the future.. but then again, they can hack it…
Plus just a heads up to you online gamers ,
My friend played fifa 11 online after updating his dashboard and he didnt get the dirty disk error.
Nov 9th, 2010 at 6:41 pm
i am not someone with lot of intel and experience about xbox 360 but i think flashing the xbox 360 hd-dvd drive with new firmware designed specifically for this new kinect dashboard can only fix this problem ➡
Nov 9th, 2010 at 7:00 pm
Yup, you’re correct. But it might also require a new mod chip if the reports I’m reading are correct.
Nov 9th, 2010 at 8:00 pm

so happy i hadnt updated…i even downloaded it on my pendrive…whew! that was close 😉
Nov 9th, 2010 at 11:53 pm
You’re really lucky as it is difficult, if not impossible, to downgrade the firmware. However, a flash/mod will be coming soon.
Nov 10th, 2010 at 12:14 am
@ mushfiq n xlivnt
man i asked u guys bout it u said it was OK…!!!!!!!!!
but i am not worried as fable 3 is not a good game at all…i played it….n before we know it someones gna get a new mod for it…n as i heard team Xecuter is working on it and has had mush success…….so FINGERS CROSSED…………..
Nov 10th, 2010 at 12:17 am
Just wish the read dead redemption pack has no AP 2.5 security
Nov 10th, 2010 at 2:07 am
“but i am not worried as fable 3 is not a good game at all…”
😯 😯 😯 You’re certainly not into rpg then…
Nov 10th, 2010 at 11:15 am
You’re not alone on that one. I too upgraded my firmware 😛 My fingers crossed too! And as sng425 said, You don’t like Fable 3? 😯 😯 😯
Nov 10th, 2010 at 11:19 am
“Just wish the read dead redemption pack has no AP 2.5 security” Me too 😈
Nov 12th, 2010 at 2:13 pm
i didnt like fable 3 at all…because accordin to me it was too childish…..wateva fable 3 is not good @ all acordin 2 me….
Nov 12th, 2010 at 2:16 pm
im v. excited about L.A. Noire………..
Nov 12th, 2010 at 2:51 pm
Fable 3 seems “childish” to you? 😯 How come a game seems childish to you when it’s rated “M” for mature? ❗ 😆
Nov 12th, 2010 at 3:43 pm
wateva ‘M’ or ‘F’…….i didnt like it it is not at the same level as rdr, gta , COD ,
Nov 12th, 2010 at 5:48 pm
@sng425 and fahim_sinister
I guess he is referring to Fable 3’s art style – it is casual and charming, not gritty and mature. But that is the reason I adore Fable 3
Now only if Fable 3 worked on my flashed 360. Oh well, getting the original one next month 😎
Nov 12th, 2010 at 7:18 pm
@ gaming wiz
u go tit rite…..did utry playing backup fable 3…i played it on my kinect dashboard it was alright 😕 😛 ….i suggest u try it……and dnt waste 40 – 50 dolaars on that thing…i u can save ur cash for AB brotherhood or RDR pack or sumthin good………….. 😮 😉
Nov 12th, 2010 at 8:31 pm
You’re one of the luck ones, as I wrote previously: “not all Xbox 360s support the AP 2.5 checks. Really older models and those with specific DVD drives (I forget which) don’t support the AP 2.5 check. Plus, there has been reliability issues with these checks, resulting in some false positives.”
Nov 12th, 2010 at 10:04 pm
i have a Samsung DVD XBOX 360 drive….i bought it from us myself n fitted it i bd….they did sumotha things 2 on my arcade….i bought it this year afta my previous arcade RROD’d…..i also have a unmodded falcon Elite……which i bought previous year on novem/dec
Nov 12th, 2010 at 10:06 pm
You must be into those games that represent or show grittier art style and graphics and maybe that’s why you didn’t like it!
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
Ain’t the casual art style of Fable is it’s specialty? To say the truth, I like the series because of it’s exceptional art style. Although it seemed quite cartoon-ish to me when I first played the original Fable on PC 4 or 5 years ago. But later on, after playing for a while I was kinda used to it and started to like it!
Unfortunately, I’ve also updated to the new Kinect dashboard and now I can’t play it! 😡
Nov 12th, 2010 at 11:36 pm
Why’d you replace your 360’s DVD drive? As far as I know each 360’s DVD drive has a unique code. If it mismatches your 360 won’t recognize it. So, how did you manage it? The DVD drive in my modded 360 is showing signs of aging 😥
“Unfortunately, I’ve also updated to the new Kinect dashboard and now I can’t play it! :x”
Welcome to the club 😈
Truth be told I’m getting sick of all gritty first-person-shooters. Thought Fable 3’s charming style would be a breath of fresh air and now I can’t play it. 😡 Why don’t shops in BD sell original 360 games, some do but they don’t have quite a big selection.
Nov 12th, 2010 at 11:45 pm
“Unfortunately, I’ve also updated to the new Kinect dashboard and now I can’t play it! 😡 ”
too bad as i know ur a expert in the xbox scene u just need to flash it with newer firmware just hope that it releases soon.I have a good news for you.PS3 firmware 3.42 and 3.5 is now downgradeable starting from 3.41 to lower firmwares to enable jailbreak mode as u have probably heard psn is now available for jailbreaker after the newest update
Nov 12th, 2010 at 11:48 pm
@ mushfiq
i bought it from xecuter web site…i ordered it with shipment in U.S…and mine code is NTSC i saw PAL NTSC is better…n its unique drive n u can play all modded games on it n it has no AP 2.5……i also saw some HITACHi drives like mine which i heard are also gud……
@ sng
yaaaa man, ever1 has different choices…..
Nov 13th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Hmmm …. PAL/NTSC is just a region code. That’s not the one I’m talking about. I mean every 360 DVD drive has a unique code in its firmware to prevent swapping the drives at large. You cannot use another code, you have to use the code that was with your previous drive. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check this link @ to refresh your memory.
Nov 13th, 2010 at 12:01 am
“I have a good news for you.PS3 firmware 3.42 and 3.5 is now downgradeable”
Whoa, where did you get that piece of info? 😯 Gimme the link! Gimmme! 😛
Nov 13th, 2010 at 12:03 am
mayb bt as i told it i didn’t put it together sum1 else 1 did it…….
Nov 13th, 2010 at 12:08 am
here it is 😀
Nov 13th, 2010 at 12:32 am
Thanks for the info. 😛 I’ll be Jailbreaking my PS3 shortly! Just can’t decide where to jailbreak it as all the Jailbreak dongles in the shops are not genuine and upgradable. 😡 👿
Nov 13th, 2010 at 12:37 am
you should check this out
Cuz i bought my genuine and upgradeable ps3 break v1.2 [latest] from there so i can say he is a trusted source.He will import a jailbreak [PS3 Break v1.2]
for you but as ur not living in dhaka the negotiation can be little tougher for u 🙁
Nov 13th, 2010 at 12:39 am
Nov 13th, 2010 at 11:27 am
whats ur PSN id? just want to add you thats all
Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:38 pm
Thanks for the info. My PSN ID is – Chromaticsng425, same as my XBL gamertag. You can add me if you want but the problem is, I can’t accept you as I can’t head over to PSN due to some ISP issues(My ISP is blocking me from going online in my PS3). 👿 In fact, I’ve never gone online on my PS3 for the same reason. And for that I may not be able accept your request. 🙁
Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:39 pm
And for the same reason I can’t even update my Gamerscore on Xbox Live as well! 😡 (right now I can’t go online on XBL and PSN)I’m still waiting for Qubee to launch in Chittagong. But it seems like they don’t seem to do it anytime soon. 👿 But I don’t have any choices left either but to wait! 👿 I hope they do it soon. Btw, I heard Qubee has NAT issues, is it true?
Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:49 pm
yeah qubee has NAT issues is NAT Type 3 still playable not totally blocked btw.BTCL\SMILE is your best bet if u are an avid online gamer
Banglalion can be free from NAT issues though u better consult with someone who uses banglalion.
Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:57 pm
NAT issues?! NAT! WTF! 😈 😡
Okay I’ve calmed down now. My NAT is type 3 on PS3 and Strict on Xbox 360, just like Rabbi said. So, anytime I go to play games online it shows the whole server room as empty. So, unless every last person on earth stopped playing Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 online, it is a NAT issue! 😈
Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:58 pm
i am a 512kbps banglalion user..i am now playing mw2 legit online without any major lags…and my NAT shows: OPEN..however i had to open some ports i guess NAT is not an issue with Banglalion…
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:02 pm
How did you open the ports? I called Qubee and told them to open the ports. But they don’t know what ports are! They told me they don’t block any ports on their side, but when I check online, it shows the ports are still blocked. Any NAT issues can be solved if you open the ports, so it is not limited to Qubee.
You’re lucky with Banglalion. Aside from NAT issues, Qubee’s connectivity is giving me nightmares. It just disconnects every other minute. I just might switch to Banglalion 😈
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:15 pm
@ Gaming Wiz
i also use banglalion 512 n i play rdr online with my unmddod elite…its not bad with less lags n i havnt had a line drop from the day i took it except when the submarine cables were repaired or something like that………… i dnt hav a ps3 i cant help u about that…bt i use it on psp with wifi n i hav the blion modem with wifi………so u would be able to connect ur ps3 with out the consequences of cablessss…………
And can u guys tell me the price of PS3 Phat 150gb , 250gb , 320gb n the slim models…….im thinking about buyin 1…….
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:20 pm
and 1 thing blion has a slow n not soo good mangement…they send u the billssss late…..n sumimes afta u pay da billl……..
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:39 pm
@the gamin wiz
hope i helped..i will try to give more accuarte info next time i turn on my pc… 😉 far as i remember ( i am browsing on my laptop now)..i had to use a third party software for opening the ports..also i fiddled with the router’s menu in the browser..think i enabled DMZ..and NAT of can also try opening the ports from the control panel in the network options>advanced>firewall>exclusions>add your ports was easy for me as i got it from the net that UDP 28960 had to be opened for mw2..
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:45 pm
please be more detailed.And what software did u use?
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:46 pm
also enable UPnP so the program can open ports automatically in some cases
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:50 pm
@ Rabbi n G Wiz…..
call qubee and ask for a real ip…….i t may solve the issues i have a fixed IP…wireless networks us many different ip’s……
u hav to have a connection of 512 or above to do this and an extra 1000tk
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:53 pm
Opening ports on PC has no effect whatsoever on PS3s and Xbox 360s. But yes, if you can open the port from your router, that works. I’ve also read that setting your router to a De-Militarized-Zone (DMZ, why’d they call it that?) also works but is highly unsafe as all ports are opened. Sadly, my Qubee modem has no option to open ports 🙄 😈 Does Bangalion give you a modem where you can change these settings? I see in my Qubee’s Modem that NAT is enabled – it is tempting me – there is no way to disable it! 👿
Nov 13th, 2010 at 3:08 pm
i meant the routers menu..that you get from the browser after you type in .. i have not tried this with my xbox 360 as it is flashed so i cant help you with that..but for mw2 certain ports need to be opened…
i am not currently on my PC so i will be more detailed as soon as possible but listen- try googling worked for me but there are some utterly crap ones as beaware..
@gamin wiz
do u use the USB modem?..i use the indoor unit from banglalion with wi-fi it cost tk 2950..i would not recommend the usb one or wifi as it increases the ping and you may have latency issues.
Nov 13th, 2010 at 3:15 pm
one more thing turn of firewall..coz it is practically nothing..its more psychological than in reality..and yes turning on DMZ reduces privacy
Nov 13th, 2010 at 3:31 pm
I don’t have problems playing PC games online, and no matter what setting you use on the PC, it isn’t going to affect the PS3 or Xbox 360. Moreover, it is plain silly to turn off firewall – trust me. If you know your way around a firewall, you can get everything to work without having to turn it off. That said, Windows Firewall is a bit too basic and I recommend using a paid one with the antivirus that is included, or ZoneAlarm. But thanks for your tips.
Nov 13th, 2010 at 3:45 pm
wait! doesnt xbox 360 or ps3 have an option to enable NAT! i read somewhere that there is an option to do that case it shouldnt be so complex..should it?
Nov 13th, 2010 at 3:47 pm
can anyone help me? i really need bad company 2 pc legit version to play it available in BD..if not can someone import it for me> i will pay for the shipping and everythin..dont recommend steam as it took 1 whole day to only update mw2 with latest patches!
Nov 13th, 2010 at 4:17 pm
Nope, no such option in PS3 or Xbox 360. NAT is used on the ISP level, due to a shortage of “real” IP address. IPv6 will hopefully eliminate that problem.
I can download at full speed from Steam. If you can fix Steam problems, it’ll be best because you’re gonna have a hard time importing original Bad Company 2.
Nov 19th, 2010 at 2:51 pm
Bro, do you get full speed on your 512 Kbps connection from Banglalion all the time?
Nov 19th, 2010 at 2:52 pm
By “full speed” I meant do you get 64 KB download speed all the time? I’ve been thinking to get a connection(512 kbps) from them as Qubee didn’t show up in Chittagong lately.
Nov 19th, 2010 at 3:02 pm
@ sng
i also use blion 512….i usually get around 55-64……..its depends on the place u put ur modem and the number of lights flashing on it……..
Jan 3rd, 2011 at 4:16 pm
yes i get good speed…55-64KB as fahim_sinister has said…and yes it depends on the position of the modem and signal quality (CINR)..
Jan 3rd, 2011 at 4:19 pm
Thanks, I’d rather keep it on mind! 🙂
Jan 3rd, 2011 at 9:49 pm