Gamersworldbd Contest: Win 2 Copies Of Call Of Duty: Black Ops
Still haven’t picked up Black Ops? No worries! Because Gamersworldbd is giving away two free copies of Black Ops (1 on PC and the other on Xbox 360) to lucky readers.
Here’s what you have to do to enter:
1. Sign up for a Gamersworldbd account and like our Facebook page
2. Email us the following details:
Full Name:
House Mailing Address:
Gamersworldbd username:
PC/Xbox 360 version:
3. Youβre done!
Contest winner will be announced on Sunday, 14th November 2010. Your game will be sent to you via courier mail.
Keep an eye out for even more free games in the future.
Open to Bangladeshi residents only.
Nov 12th, 2010 at 8:12 pm
hey in the 1st step “sign up for a Gamersworldbd account” doesn’t work.I have done other steps.Is it okay for me or do I have to “sign up for a Gamersworldbd account”?
Nov 12th, 2010 at 8:35 pm
If you couldn’t sign up for a Gamersworldbd account, you couldn’t post in the comments section. π So, yes, you do have a Gamersworldbd account and can enter.
Nov 13th, 2010 at 11:23 am
bro today my ps3 break team updated their site with latest firmware hex so now i could log into psn
i think ur id is TUSHAR451 i sent u a add request in psn dont forget to accept it π³ everything runs fine i even played fifa 11 online π but the experience is a bit buggy anyway happy times 
Nov 13th, 2010 at 11:54 am
Man, I’ve been eyeing that PS3 firmware downgrader. Waiting for more info and others’ experience and then gonna get it and also post it on Gamersworldbd. Thanks for the request, sad to say my PS3’s power converter is busted. π‘ Only 360 at the moment πΏ
Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:19 pm
thats bad π and i told u something by mistake that its buggy actually psn isnt buggy its qubee for the last 2 days disconnecting every now and then i thought it was psn but when i watched the modem leds everything became clear πΏ i did see ur trophies really good 117 probably at level 4 π i am at level 4 as well but behind with 97 trophies π i think u should wait a bit before other cloners reverse engineer that ps downgrader tech and release it at lower price maybe a open source port may be on the cards π
Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:27 pm
Bad luck, yeah and all shops are closing on account of Eid. π Anyway, yeah, just got off the phone from Qubee. At first, I couldn’t access Gamersworldbd and then now it disconnects every minute or so. They told they are working on a fix.
About the trophies – don’t care about them much π When I first had the 360, I was obsessed with Gamerscores and achievements but on PS3 not so much anymore. I will at once add u one I get my power converter fixed and can access online.
[Edit] At first I thought it was only me with the connection problems, and now other Qubee customers are facing as well. Just to think, I finished my Qubee review and was going to post it online this week. I have a good mind to give them a low rating. But to be fair, I’ll delay and see how this turns out. One thing is sure – their customer service is really courteous.
Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:57 pm
i hope qubee sorts out the problems soon and i agree the customer service is very friendly and polite
I hope u get ur ps3 fixed ASAP! anyway here is a teaser π
the funniest thing is we both sport the same avatar π³ π
Nov 13th, 2010 at 2:05 pm
Yup, AC fan all the way!
Another, the PS3 itself is fine (thank God!). Just the power converter. Not the power adapter of the PS3. I’ll send it to IDB today and see if they can return it before Eid. Wish me luck!
Nov 13th, 2010 at 3:12 pm
Just finished 007 Blood Stone. [SPOILER] After you take down RAK, there is this amazing chase sequence between a DB9 and a Koenigsegg (hope I spelt that right) CCRX.
Nov 13th, 2010 at 7:10 pm
@The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman
“[SPOILER] After you take down RAK, there is this amazing chase sequence between a DB9 and a Koenigsegg (hope I spelt that right) CCRX. :mrgreen:”
I ain’t reading it this time! π π
“bro today my ps3 break team updated their site with latest firmware hex so now i could log into psn”
Isn’t PSN telling you to upgrade to the 3.5 firmware?
Nov 13th, 2010 at 8:59 pm
@The Gaming Wiz
“Just finished 007 Blood Stone. [SPOILER] After you take down RAK, there is this amazing chase sequence between a DB9 and a Koenigsegg (hope I spelt that right) CCRX.”
Yeah the ending was dramatic! π―
Nov 14th, 2010 at 12:26 am
Yup, ending was awesome. I’ve replayed that part again.
The game doesn’t hide the fact that a sequel is on the way. Just wish the gameplay isn’t as repetitive next time around.
Nov 14th, 2010 at 12:35 am
@The Gaming Wiz
I just hope the next one isn’t a fps because I think the series is better off with the 3rd person setting π
Nov 14th, 2010 at 12:37 am
@ Gaming Wiz……..
When r u gonna name the winners of this contest…..???????
Nov 14th, 2010 at 12:44 am
Patience is a virtue!
Anyway, some readers forgot to mention whether they want the PC/360 version. Emailed them and gonna wait till morning for their reply. Will announce result tomorrow regardless of their replies.
Nov 14th, 2010 at 9:13 am
@ Wiz…….
Yaa man………..waitin waitin waitin waitin……………… π π π β
Nov 14th, 2010 at 11:51 am
@the gamin wiz
hey .. i need to know more about the mail forwarding service that you use (MyUSABox) .. can you give a bit more details…coz i really need to purchase some legit pc games..