Hardcore Games On Wii? Nintendo Believes It’s Possible

Prepare to drop the old archetype that most Wii gamers are either too-young-to-be-serious-gamers or too-old-to-be-serious-gamers. Nintendo believes that Wii is not only a casual gaming console, but hardcore games can enjoy success on its platform.

This comes after the critical and commercial success of GoldenEye 007 on the Wii which is a remake of the original under the same name. (not to be confused with 007: BloodStone).

Nintendo head of communications Rob Saunders recently said, “The sales of GoldenEye show that these titles can and do perform well on Wii,” said Nintendo’s UK head of communications Rob Saunders.

“The idea that Wii owners are only after smaller mini-game compilations or first-party titles isn’t true.

“A good quality title, supported well by both publisher and retail, has just as much chance of performing well as any Nintendo title.”

via TVGB

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Written By on November 18th, 2010 Categories: News, Wii Tags:

5 Responses to “Hardcore Games On Wii? Nintendo Believes It’s Possible”

  1. Although I have a Wii(biggest mistake of my life and now it’s gathering dust in the basement) I don’t think it’ll ever have an attraction for hardcore gamers 🙁

  2. ”hardore games” cant go with anything else otha than xbox or ps3…….wii is just a underdog…..its not worth buying…i had bt sold it while it was in good shape……. 😕 😕

  3. guyz can u tell me where to buy wii games in dhaka around gulshan

  4. @ ayat.ahmed95
    u can buy em at shops like SOF, nadim and gamesource……….and if ur takin about pirated 1’s then they’r available at bashundhara…………..

  5. Can Anyone Tell me The Price Of Wii Remote And Nunchuks In Bashundhora City ?..Thanks 😀

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