PS3 Not Powerful Enough To Handle The Real Gran Tursimo

Gran Turismo 5 creator and Polyphony boss Kaz Yamauchi believes that the PS3 is not powerful enough to handle the Gran Turismo game he wanted to make. Infact he believes that every PlayStation he has worked on has “restricted” him.

“Software has to be created under the restriction of the hardware,” he told the latest issue of Esquire UK. “With each new PlayStation, the vessel has become bigger, but its still not enough.

“With Gran Turismo 5 we’ve made it as clean and beautiful as possible within the confines of the space we’re given – but of course there’s a lot more that we want to put in.”

Gran Turismo 5 has gone gold and a release date is expected soon.

via CVG

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Written By on November 7th, 2010 Categories: Hardware News, News, PS3 Tags:

6 Responses to “PS3 Not Powerful Enough To Handle The Real Gran Tursimo”

  1. wow and I thought it could do everything 😆

  2. @gamerkid69

    there are graphical boundaries thats not even touched and the producer is meaning that he wanted to create GT5 with maximum graphics possible but if this was the PS3 that could handle that then there wouldnt be any PS4 right? at least its more versaitile than xbox 360 😛

  3. @Rabbi

    I am aware of that, I just wanted to pull the PS3’s legs 😛 and lets hope the next gen xbox is not as unreliable as the 360 is 👿 I just pray that my Reach Slim won’t give up on me 🙁

  4. @gamerkid69

    thats awesome dude the controllers the body finish of the halo reach xbox 360 slim is simply fantastic have fun! :mrgreen: And i hope the same as you but its Micro$oft 👿 u never know 😕

  5. @Rabbi
    I AM having fun! :mrgreen: I guess time will tell 🙄

  6. PS3: It Does Everything :mrgreen:

    Yup, I’d agree. Spec wise, PS3 has advantage and don’t forget the Cell processor. Its good that developers are not satisfied with current hardware, if they were, we wouldn’t have much innovation.

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