Sony Revealing New PS3 Exclusive Title Next Month

Sony has announced that it will reveal a new PS3 exclusive this month.

It isn’t clear what sort of game the new exclusive will be.

The revelation of the new PS3 exclusive is scheduled to take place on December 12. It is planned to be revealed a day after the Spike TV Video Game Awards 2010.

So stay tuned with Gamersworldbd as we will keep you informed about the upcoming PS3 exclusive.

This news post has been sent in by Fahim Hossain and edited by me.

via IGN

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Written By on November 20th, 2010 Categories: News, PS3 Tags:

4 Responses to “Sony Revealing New PS3 Exclusive Title Next Month”


  2. This is interesting indeed 🙂

  3. Sounds interesting, 😛 but why are they planning to reveal it right after the day of Spike VGA 2010? It would be far more better if they reveal it on Spike VGA 2010 instead. :mrgreen:

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