EA: Blu-Ray’s Advantage “Resonating” With Gamers

EA CEO John Riccitiello has said that Blu-Ray’s higher capacity advantage is finally starting to “resonate” with gamers.

Speaking with Kotaku, he said:

“Interestingly enough I don’t think Blu-ray resonated much with consumers when it was first part of the package,” Riccitiello told Kotaku.

“I think [Blu-ray] is resonating now in a pretty big way, because a consumer doesn’t have to buy two devices when they can get one and it’s not multiple discs for a large game, it’s one disc and the fidelity is higher. Sometimes the competitive advantage requires games to show it off to prove it’s compelling.”

On a side note, Microsoft currently has no plans to adopt the technology for Xbox 360.

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Written By on December 8th, 2010 Categories: Hardware News, Industry News, News, PS3 Tags:

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