Microsoft: Kinect Shortages Are “Absolutely Not” Fake
Microsoft has defended that Kinect shortages are “absolutely not” fake and has not been designed to spur demand.
This comes after gaming industry Michael Pachter stated that both Microsoft and Sony are telling ‘this’ in order to ‘spur demand’.
However, Microsoft attributes the shortages to a logistical issue involved with supplying a new product to a global market.
Neil Thompson, the general manager for Xbox in the UK and Ireland told
“Anyone who actually works in the business of producing new technology, especially hardware technology, will know that these things are never managed. Everyone else loves to think that they’re managed, but they will know it’s not. It’s a function of coming to market with a brand new innovation and you have to scale up.”
Indeed, Tony Bartel, President of GameStop said that Kinect will be in short supply this holiday season and will create a “Wii” like phenomenon, which also faced shortages in its early years.
Microsoft had revealed that Kinect sold 2.5 million units in its first 25 days with an expected sales of 5 million by year’s end.
The “higher priced Kinect” is outselling PlayStation Move, even though it had a rough start in Japan.
Dec 6th, 2010 at 6:09 pm
well, either way, Kinect is awesome >.>b
Improved gaming from my point of view, I even enjoyed the family games! Can’t wait for more serious stuff. I am so glad I got this instead of the PS3 Move 😀 😀
Dec 6th, 2010 at 6:17 pm
And, I played the Joy Ride demo, and it is just awesome. It is marvelous game for the Kinect, and I don’t know why it got some bad reviews. I really liked the driving, especially for casual sake. It’s obviously not GT 5 or Forza, but its fun nonetheless.
I think once the Kinect gets some awesome games soon, people will be buying them like hotcakes!
Dec 6th, 2010 at 6:43 pm
Bro, since you’ve had hands on time with Kinect, does it lag? I’m planning to get it.
Should I wait till the games are more robust ad has better support? Currently I’m waiting for that Kinect Star Wars game and Child of Eden.
Dec 6th, 2010 at 7:50 pm
Today was my first day using Kinect and I must admit, the wow you feel when you control the game with no controller is just something else.
I remember when I first played the Wii, I felt really amazed. Now times that by 100 and you get the Kinect, lol.
Not only the controller free controls, but the voice controls are really great. I mean, I am used to having my phone mistake my speech when I say things, but the Kinect got it right on the get go.
My younger relative summarized it all quite nicely, it felt MAGICAL(like wizard magical not Apple :P)
There is the slightest bit of lag, but, I actually find it as more as a part of the game rather than a gimmick. It hindered my gameplay in no way and i would never not recommend it based on that factor alone. i was able to see my actions upon completing them myself, on the screen, which felt more comfortable to me as I could play better that way. Just as any game takes some time to get used to the controls, so too does the Kinect, and it does so pretty easily, if not the easiest, if I say so myself.
Games are obviously very few at the moment. I think just seven. And, I do admit that you will probably enjoy more robust games that will last longer than the current ones (unless you like to dance of course 🙂 there are some pretty good dance games :D). Though, I find the Kinect less of an add-on and more of a part two of the XBOX 360. You can buy it now or later but you won’t regret it either way. The current games aren’t bad, as i was able to play a few from the demo’s on the 360. Actually, the bundled game Kinect Adventures was more of a game that let you see some of the capabilities of the Kinect, and less of a serious game, although it could be one. You my get bored by yourself though, more of a multiplayer thing, especially good at wowing mama’s and khala’s and siblings and friends though :).
Once you play the other games, or their demos, you realize that the Kinect has so much potential and current ability that a purchase now wouldn’t be meaningless. The menus and games in the other games are really intuitive as well.
The move really feels like a Wii Motion PLus+ and the Kinect the next big thing.
Dec 7th, 2010 at 11:06 pm
Thanks for sharing your experience with us bro! I’ve been holding off to get info from people who had hand-on experience with Kinect. And after reading your comment, and even though there aren’t hardcore games on it (yet), I just might get Kinect paired with Harmonix’s Dance Central
Btw, mind if I post your comment as an article on GWB?
Dec 9th, 2010 at 1:39 pm
Nope don’t mind at all, I’ll be honored really 🙂
Dec 10th, 2010 at 8:34 pm
Might as well add that the initial setup of the Kinect is paramount and the Kinect needs to be able to see you, even if you don’t follow that 2-6 feet above ground rule. But, you need to follow the 6-8 feet rule which just really depends on how much space you have.
Also, set it up on your own, as it needs to be quiet at that time, for calibration, and so that it looks much smoother when you show it to someone else :).
If your TV is mounted on the wall, either buy a small stand,place a table, or stack of books to keep the kinect above the ground, which will enable it to see you better.
For those in BD with normal TV’s, I think that setting up Kinect is easier, as you can easily place it on top of the TV.
Also, make sure YOU are the one standing nearest to the Kinect, or else it may detect the other person as the controller.
Also, in general, the person standing the nearest to the Kinect is the controller.
For voice control setup, minimal background noise is required, even ceiling fans must be turned off!
Close the curtains and turn on the lights so that the Kinect can see you!
So, all in all, I am just emphasizing that an initial good calibration in a a quiet environment will help ensure you have a successful and entertaining Kinect experience 🙂