Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Gameplay Footage Is On Its Way

Bethesda has launched a countdown on their website in anticipation of the first in-game footage of ‘Skyrim,’ set to be released tomorrow morning.

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Written By on February 24th, 2011 Categories: News, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 Tags:

5 Responses to “Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Gameplay Footage Is On Its Way”

  1. About time! if this sequel’s graphics and animation is anywhere near Oblivion I’ll definitely pass this one 🙄

  2. @GamerKid

    You honestly didn’t like the graphics and the sprawling vistas, greenery and forests in Oblivion? Granted the animation was a bit stiff (same in Fallout 3 and NV) but the graphics in Oblivion was breathtaking. 😯

  3. I didn’t like the animations, sorry not the graphics 🙄

  4. @GamerKid

    Yup, that’s one of the gaping faults of the engines. It’s simply not smooth enough. However, if the recent Skyrim trailer is any indication of things to come, it’ll look and play amazing. :mrgreen:

  5. @The Gaming Wiz

    I sure hope so! :mrgreen: I haven’t played any classic RPG for some time

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