New PS3 Jailbreak Allows Gamers To Undo PSN Bans

Following Sony’s move to block PS3 hackers from the console’s online functions, a new jailbreak has been released which reportedly allows users to unban themselves on PSN.

Reports of the platform holder banning jailbreak users began appearing on Thursday, after Sony released a warning to anyone taking advantage of hacks.

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Written By on February 20th, 2011 Categories: Hardware News, News, PS3 Tags:

3 Responses to “New PS3 Jailbreak Allows Gamers To Undo PSN Bans”

  1. No matter how many times you beat them down, the hackers and pirates can’t seem to give up 🙄

  2. 😀

  3. well EA is fighting pretty hard against the hackers and pirates. Every effing EA games needs a code to activate online after the seven day trial.but you can still buy the code for 800MS if you don’t have a legit copy. But in this way every few ppl will buy used ea games.

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