Everything about the PS3. News, Reviews, Previews, Opinions, Next-gen Console Wars

Bethesda Confirms More New Vegas DLC For This Year, Remains Coy On Dead Money For PS3, PC

Bethesda’s Peter Hines has said that they will be releasing more DLC packs for Fallout: New Vegas this year. “Oh absolutely,” said the company’s VP of PR and marketing when asked if we could expect more packs in 2011. “I don’t think we’ve ever had a product where we said, ‘Yeah, we’re just gonna do […]

Test Drive Unlimited 2 Goes Gold

Word is just in that Test Drive Unlimited 2 has gone gold, the game is done and is now being stamped into retail discs. Test Drive Unlimited 2 is set for release on February 8 2011 (US) and February 11 2011 (EU) on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. via PSLS

Modern Warfare 3 Beta Picture Proof

A leaked photo shows an unnamed player participating in the Modern Warfare 3 private beta. According to this unnamed player, the game is being developed by Sledgehammer games and will, obviously, succeed the previous Modern Warfare. Click here to see the shot.

Core Portal 2 Game Is The Same “Whether You Buy It On PS3 Or 360″, Says Valve

Valve’s Chet Faliszek has said this Portal 2 on PS3 was the first 100 percent internally created product for the firm, because it had external help with The Orange Box on the platform. Speaking with The Gaming Liberty, Faliszek that this time around “it’s just us and it’s us working with Sony” which he described […]

FIFA 12: EA details Improved AI, Set Pieces

EA Sports is hard at work on FIFA 12, and has detailed some of the improvements you can expect to see when the game releases later this year. “I think we did a great job with the Personality Plus feature in FIFA 11,” EA Canada producer David Rutter said, “but the the teams [AI] doesn’t […]

Guerrilla Games Promises Many Improvements In Killzone 3

Guerrilla Games promises that not only does ‘Killzone 3? squash any controller lag, but it will include more unique environments. Read more here.

Activision In Legal Trouble Because Of Black Ops PS3 Bugs

The PS3 and PC versions of Call of Duty: Black Ops are bug-ridden, and U.K. gaming pressure group GamersVoice have been hearing the cries of angry gamers for far too long. So much so that it wrote an open letter to Activision, asking the firm to reply within one month. Well Activision didn’t reply, forcing […]

Crysis 2 “Better On PC” Due To Console’s Limitations

The President and Creative Director for Crysis 2, Cevat Yerli, speaks about how their upcoming New York-based first person shooter and how the traditional PC version is actually benefiting from its multiplatform development. Read More here

Dedicated Servers For All Versions Of Homefront “Means Everything Is Bigger”

Homefront senior designer Brian Holinka has said dedicated servers for all versions of the shooter will allow the game to support more airstrikes, weapons, and vehicles. Speaking with Joystiq, Holinka said having dedicated servers for not only PC but consoles as well, helped the firm “offload” some of the work. “You have to think about […]

IGN Reviews Dead Space 2, Scores 9/10

IGN has reviewed the upcoming survival horror Dead Space 2 and gave it a 9/10 overall. It reports that combat its more “satisfying” than it was in the original game, and that a vast number of rewards and unlocks attract repeat plays. Both factors, says IGN, help make it the “best haunted house attraction ever”. […]

Killzone 4: Guerrilla Already Has A ‘Lot Of Ideas’ For Next Instalment

Killzone 4 might not be as far away as you think: Guerrilla Games has admitted that it already has “a lot of ideas” for its next game in the FPS series. “We’re looking at new projects,” game director Mathijs de Jonge confirmed in the latest issue of the UK Official PlayStation Magazine. “There’s a lot […]

View New Homefront Multiplayer Screenshots

THQ has sent over a batch of new multiplayer screens for upcoming shooter Homefront. Grab them here.

Latest Shift 2 Trailer Details Pre-Order Bonuses

EA has released a new NFS Shift 2: Unleashed trailer detailing what you’ll get if you pre-order the game. The extras include 40 new tracks, an Alfa, a Nissan and a Lamborghini plus 40 exclusive events. Watch it below:

Killzone 3 Clocks In At 41.5GB, Biggest PS3 Title

JPS reports that the total size of Killzone 3 is 41.5GB, making it slightly bigger than the behemoth that is Final Fantasy XIII. This also makes it the biggest PS3 game in terms of sheer size. For comparison, Killzone 2 was 12GB in size.

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