Everything about the PS3. News, Reviews, Previews, Opinions, Next-gen Console Wars

Uncharted 3’s New Villain(ess) Revealed

Naught Dog has released a new trailer showing a glimpse from the Uncharted 3 story campaign. The star of the show is the new villainess. Watch it below:

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gets Aug 23 Release Date

Square Enix has finally revealed an official release date for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. August 23 2011. Mark your calendar folks. Human Revolution had been pushed back so that Square/Eidos could further polish the game. Read more here.

Battlefield 3 PS3 Leads The Console Version

The PC is the home of Battlefield. But consoles aren’t getting sidelined, especially not the PS3. EA has said the the PS3 version currently leads the console race. Read more here.

LA Noire Gets “Naked City” Trailer

Rockstar has released a new “Naked City” trailer for LA Noire. Watch it below:

Challenge Tower Mode Shown Off In New Mortal Kombat Trailer

Warner’s released a new trailer for Mortal Kombat’s Challenge Tower, which gives you a look at the mode’s 300 levels. Watch the trailer below and read more on the Challenge Tower.

THQ Confirms Homefront Goes Gold

THQ’s just confirmed that Kaos shooter Homefront has gone Gold. “Homefront is set to become one of THQ’s most successful original IP launches,” core games EVP Danny Bilson. Read more here.

Dragon Age 2 Unboxing Video Shows Mass Effect 3 “Arrival” DLC

The Dragon Age 2 boxart is pretty sweet and even sweeter is the fact that it includes info on the “Arrival” DLC. It reads “The ARRIVAL has begun” which will bridge the gap between Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. But this isn’t about Mass Effect, is it? Watch the unboxing below:

PS3 Getting Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo On March 15

A short update. Crytek has said that the Crysis 2 multiplayer demo (which has already been released on PC and XBL) will come to PS3 users on March 15.

LA Noire Gets 12 New Screens

Rockstar has released a dozen new screenshots for LA Noire which you can check out here.

Battlefield 3 Utilises Madden, FIFA Tech

In what may come as a surprise, EA has revealed that it is using part of Madden and FIFA’s tech to make Battlefield 3. Read more here.

Watch The inFamous 2 Content Creation Suite

We already know that inFamous 2 will allow players to create and share their own missions. Now you can watch it below:

Crytek: Crysis 2 Is Not The Best Fit For PlayStation Move

Crytek thinks that PlayStation Move and Crysis 2 wouldn’t get along really well. Read more here.

Homefront Gets Live Action Trailer

You know those live action trailers, where they employ real-life actors? Well, Homefront’s got the live action treatment and you can watch the trailer below:

inFamous 2 Allows Players To Create Own Missions, Public Beta Coming April 2011

Sucker Punch has revealed that players will be able to create their own missions in inFamous 2 and share them with the community. A public beta for inFamous 2 will be released early April 2011. Read more about creating your own inFamous 2 missions. GameInformer also has A First Look At Infamous 2’s User-Generated Missions.

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