Everything about the PS3. News, Reviews, Previews, Opinions, Next-gen Console Wars

LA Noire Gets Retailer-Exclusive Missions

Customers who preorder Rockstar’s latest at GameStop and Wal-Mart will get codes to download new cases; Best Buy and Amazon offering attribute-enhancing in-game suits. Read more here.

Watch The First Hour Of Bulletstorm In Action

GameInformer has a two part video showing of the first hour of Bulletstorm. Watch it here.

Beyond Good & Evil Producer Says to ‘Keep Faith’ For Sequel

The producer for ‘Beyond Good & Evil HD’ says that gamers should keep the faith for a sequel – especially if the HD remake does well on XBLA and PSN. Read more here.

First Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Gameplay Trailer Released

Bethesda has released the first ever gameplay trailer for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim showing the beautiful landscapes and killing a dragon. Give it a watch below:

Sony Asks In-House Developers To Use 3D, PS Move

Although Sony doesn’t require in-house developers to support its latest technologies, the platform holder unsurprisingly admits it does make the request. PlayStation software senior brand manager Scott McCarthy told Industry Gamers that Sony tries to take advantage of brand synergy. Read more here.

Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Gameplay Footage Is On Its Way

Bethesda has launched a countdown on their website in anticipation of the first in-game footage of ‘Skyrim,’ set to be released tomorrow morning. Read more here.

The New Look For Portal 2’s Heroine Explained

The New Look For Portal 2’s Heroine ExplainedOne of the stars of Portal 2, the human heroine Chell, has undergone a few changes during her centuries-long sleep. And during the last year, she’s been given a new makeover by Valve’s art team, ditching her “dressed by machines” look for something more familiar. Read more here.

Fallout New Vegas ‘Dead Money’ DLC Now On PC And PS3

The previously Xbox 360-exclusive Fallout: New Vegas “Dead Money” DLC is now available for download on PC (Steam) and PS3 (PSN). It’ll cost you $9.99 via Joystiq

Official L.A. Noire Box Art Revealed

The box art for ‘L.A. Noire,’ Rockstar’s upcoming detective thriller, has been officially released as of today. The design perfectly captures the game’s cinematic feel. View it here.

Sony: We’re Not Done With Killzone

Sony India chief Atindriya Bose has said Killzone 3 is likely not the end of the franchise, leaving us exactly as informed as we were ten minutes ago. Read more here.

New Crysis 2 Trailer Shows Prophet’s Journey

Crytek has released a new trailer for Crysis 2 showing Prophet’s journey. Watch it below:

10 New Battlefield 3 Screenshots

German site has put up 10 new screenshots of Battlefield 3. View them here.

Battlefield 3 Will Bring Next-Gen Gaming to Current Consoles

DICE has laid it all on the line, stating that their intention with ‘Battlefield 3? is to break shooters out of their current slump and show what modern consoles are capable of. Read more here.

Bulletstorm Tips From People Can Fly

People Can Fly game designer and community manager Arcade Berg has offered a few tips to help players kill with skill in new first-person shooter Bulletstorm. Read more here.

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