Don Mattrick: Xbox 360 Has Better Titles Than PS3 And Wii Combined, No Seriously
It seems the new Xbox boss Don Mattrick is being flanked left and right. He had been brought to the limelight saying that 360 rivals (namely Sony and Nintendo) was on an “extended vacation”. Also insisting that Bungie had wholeheartedly accepted his decision to pull the plug on Halo Wars in this year’s E3. Bungie totally denied though, saying “Keeping things clean, I certainly didn’t agree with the decision to delay our news until sometime after E3.” More on that in Eurogamer’s chat with him.
So, we decided to put the new Xbox boss to the test. Although claims like “Yes. absolutely [Xbox 360 will beat the PS3 worldwide]” and “[Rival Devs] have been slacking off” can’t be proven, but how true is his words declaring “You go onto Metacritic – and count the number of 90-rated titles on our platform, compare that to Wii, compare that to PlayStation 3: there is no comparison”?
We did just that. Jumped straight into Metacritic and did some simple statisitcs. Believe it or not, his statement actually holds out to be true (it’s not a matter of Halo vs Gears vs Metal Gear Solid, folks). To be precise, the Xbox 360 has a total of 12 90+ rated titles. Compared to the PS3 and Wii tying together for a total of 5 each. But the 360 has the highest library of games, 427 to be exact with the Wii trailing in at 234 titles and the PS3 a 186. If all these number crunching hurts (numbers not my thing too), I’ve compiled the results into an easy-to-understand pie-chart (it beats having to type).
Number of A+ Titles
Total Games Library
The 360 has the greatest library of games (including the Xbox Live arcade games) at a staggering 427 titles. That’s almost 50% of the titles released for these three consoles combined. This also accounts for the greater number of titles that has scored 90+ on Metacritic. The Wii trails at 234 titles and the PS3 has a total of 186 titles.
A+ Titles As A Percentage Of Total Games Library
Even the 360 has the greatest number of killer A+ titles (Metacritic score 90 and up) in relation to the total number of games released for it, but the PS3 is hot on the heels with a small difference of 0.12%. Once again, bear in mind that the 360 has the greatest library of games and hence it’s lead.
Low Scoring Games
Sadly, the Wii has the largest number of low scoring games (Metacritic Score 50 and below) with 52 titles. The 360 is close though, at 46. But that also includes all the Xbox Live Arcade titles. Only the PS3 has the lowest number of crappy games, scoring only 13.
Low Scoring Games As A Percentage Of Total Games Library
It’s no surprise that the Wii leads the chart with 22.22%. This also signifies that the PS3 has a solid library of games, only 7% of which can be classified as bad. The Xbox 360 is in between with 10.8% of it’s title scoring below 50 on Metacritic.
In A Nutshell
Here are all the results for the Xbox 360 compiled in a table format. Everything points out that the 360 has a solid and the most extensive library of games.
Metric |
Data |
Remarks |
Number of Titles in Library |
427 |
Including Xbox Live Arcade |
Games Library (% of titles released on the three platforms combined) |
50% |
Number of games released/Total number of games released on the 360, PS3 and Wii |
Number of A+ Titles |
12 |
Metacritic Score 90 and up |
Percentage of A+ Titles As of Total Games Library |
2.81% |
Number of A+ Titles/Total number of games released on the 360 |
Number of Crappy Games |
46 |
Metacritic Score 50 and less |
Low Scoring Games As a Percentage of Total Games Library |
10.80% |
Number of crappy games (Metacritic score 50 and less)/Total number of games released on the 360 |
Jul 27th, 2008 at 7:44 pm
yeah they can really pride themselves on a year lead and don’t really have much to show for it. Wii out sold them and soon the Playstation 3 will too. What a difference a year makes, isn’t that right Microsoft?
Jul 27th, 2008 at 7:55 pm
You are a f***ng douchebag. PS3 rules. 360 sucks. PS3 has the best games ever! MGS4 is the BEST game EVER made.
Jul 27th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
Well no shit they are going to have more games and higher rating ones. Microsoft has been BUYING Exclusiveness of companies, if microsoft didnt do that then it would be even. Stop pointing out the Obvious captain stupid.
Jul 27th, 2008 at 8:15 pm
@ Your math is horrible son go back to school
Yep, I know. 😀 To quote my article, “It’s not a matter of Halo vs Gears vs Metal Gear Solid, folks”. 😛
Jul 27th, 2008 at 8:16 pm
what does this prove? nothing, to be honest with you. statistics don’t mean a thing because its not counting every single person in the entire worlds opinion. just what some people think. Don Mattrick, i believe, is an idiot. he makes so many claims and yet alot of them are false when asked by another person. nobody should even pay attention to him because he HAS to make those claims. he works for microsoft, of course he’s gonna say the 360 is better. what else is new? there is no such thing as a company saying that their rival is doing better than them. that is why i believe Don Mattrick and everything about him is a waste of time.
Jul 27th, 2008 at 8:25 pm
Interesting if you look at Metacritic and say compare the exclusive titles for consoles rated 80+ you see more amusing figures. For example the Xbox 360 only has 8 exclusives rated 80+ on Metacritic compared to the Playstation 3 which has 16 exclusive games rated 80+, double the amount of the Xbox 360. The Nintendo Wii also has 16 exclusives rated 80+.
Jul 27th, 2008 at 8:43 pm
PS3 is outselling 360 and should overtake it by mid next year if it goes on like this. Xbox 360 has the advantage of some premium third party exclusives, while PS3 has a bucket load of awesome first party titles. Two different directions..
Jul 27th, 2008 at 8:46 pm
@ Alexi
I too don’t hang on to every word of Don Mattrick. To be frank, most of his comments make me laugh. I just delved into Metcritic TO PROVE HIM WRONG, but I too was in a for a nasty surprise. 😆
Jul 27th, 2008 at 8:57 pm
@ james conny
Thanks for the heads up bro, will look into it.
Jul 27th, 2008 at 8:59 pm
@ Adnan
Well said.
Jul 27th, 2008 at 9:22 pm
You damn kids just don’t understand anything when it comes to gaming, now do you? Who cares about review scores, hardware sells and if online play is free or costs almost less than 5 dollars a month. If the games are worth playing to you, that is what makes the system count. The only people that need to worry about sales and reviews are the people whos got big money on the line.
I own an XBox 360, I bought it in april of this year and I love it! Can’t wait for Mercenaries 2 and RAGE!
Jul 27th, 2008 at 10:00 pm
Wow, this place is a PS3 fanboy paradise. There are problems with the information delivered in these comments. Such as…
So what if Microsoft is buying exclusives? That’s BUSINESS. That’s what it’s all about. Sony buys exclusives too, Microsoft just has more moolah to spread around. And, if a company doesn’t buy an exclusive, then the ones they do have are made by companies that they aquired anyway, so they still paid for them.You gotta spend money to make money.
If companies didn’t buy exclusives, then they would have to make the money up by going cross-platform on most titles to make up for it.
Also, people always discuss the “year lead” the 360 has, but when you line it up, the 360 has been out for around 2 3/4 years, and the PS3/Wii has been out for 1 3/4 years. It’s not like the 360 has been out for DOUBLE the amount of time, so the fact that it has 240% more titles with a score of 90 or more is inexcusable. The PS3 should have at least 3 more by now.
Believe it or not, Microsoft has a good strategy and some real killer apps coming up. So does the PS3, but not really until next year. However, the PS3 is selling neck and neck with the 360, and the next 6 months will really help dictate the rest of the console war. Damn, this was a long comment.
Just so everyone knows, I’m not an MS fanboy. I love the Wii and PS3 also. Things just are what they are.
Jul 27th, 2008 at 10:02 pm
pie charts make no sense in this comparison and create an inaccurate representation of the available data. Pie charts represent percentages equaling 100 in most cases, then showing what percentages each of the slices controls; literally how much pie they each have. There is no fixed number of 90+ games on metacritic, so it’s a comparison of gross numbers, not of percentages.
Jul 27th, 2008 at 10:09 pm
Stfu you stupid fanboys. Yes all the systems have their pros/cons. But numbers don’t lie. And I don’t see this site sending out false information. So at the current moment, saying “PS3 is the best!” doesn’t hold much credibility agaisn’t the numbers microsoft is currently handing out. Would you trust evidence more? Or some 12 year old fanboy flamming online with only his word of “360 sucks and PS3 is better!”
Jul 27th, 2008 at 10:19 pm
@ jam in nyc
True, but I made the pie charts just to make the information easy to grasp. All the data can be found at the table at the end of the article.
Jul 27th, 2008 at 10:19 pm
all the comments here make nosense….360 has the most and best games…Sony let’s his users wait for 5 years on 2 exclusive games that actually are good games…Uncharted and MGS4…in the mean time 360 owners played dozens of games and almost all are good, too many to play actually…people who believe the PS3 is the games console to buy or own a Ps3 are misinformed or brand believers and they have missed out on a generation of gaming..
Jul 27th, 2008 at 10:36 pm
@ Davey Jay
Well, I can’t moderate comments. I would get hate mails about “free speech” and stuff like that. 😐 I don’t like the word fanboy though, although commentators are free to express themselves.
Jul 27th, 2008 at 11:04 pm
Okay, so this proves that…the xbox 360 has more titles…and in turn more better quality titles. Now let’s think here, where did the majority of those good titles come from? Oh yeah…Sony. lol “Here’s the plan, we’ll take majority of their good games…then WE’LL have good games!” Now see where that gets you lol. Now let’s look at it from a different perspective…the XBOX 360 was out for longer, allowing for more developers to adapt to the console, and how it works. So, of course the 360 will have more titles, and in turn more titles that it claims are better on 360. So then, we have even more things to discuss…the Wii. Yes, we know the Wii has MANY bad games, but this chart accounts for all the bad games released, but what about Wii’s download service? Did no one count all the good games there? What about those games, they were released on there, just as the Live Arcade games were, so why not count them? I can’t count on my hand the amount of good games that have been released on the Wii shop. AND, those games aren’t being stolen by the Live Arcade! I think we all should look at 360 vs. Wii, considering that these two consoles are more similar :]
Jul 27th, 2008 at 11:13 pm
Regardless of what anyone here, or anywhere else in the world says…Don Mattrick should be fired, simply because he’s a
|= uc|<ING DIC|<. His voice makes we wonder if he trains it to sound like all these annoying new ‘modern’ bands that couldn’t make music on WiiMUSIC if their life depended on it. So, essentially listening to that guys voice for almost 2 hours is like listening to a newly released double album from Fallout Boy but worse, because there isn’t any rhythm and SOMEHOW Mattrick found a way to jog while doing it. But come on that movies game looks like someone SH|+ and then posted a dead baby for sale on my great 1080p HD tv screen! So what was the fucking point ANYWAY! D4MN I hate that guy!
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:01 am
all this shows is that ps3 games have more quality than quantity, most of the 360 stuff is crap, and almost all of wii games are shit.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:09 am
Many multi-platform games are rated on the 360 and when later released on the PS3 received no second review. This alters the results. Secondly, I’m not sure where you’re getting you data but it’s wrong by most respected accounts. Lastly, there was a strong bias against the PS3 for a long time. Now the tables are turning but it’s a flaw in this industry. EGM/1UP, Gamespot, and other are all well known to not be objective sources yet they are the primary source of data. I would say to some extent Gamepro has showed some favoritism toward Sony.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:19 am
I like how ps3 fanboys say that statistics don’t matter and then turn arround and state statistics like the Ps3 is outselling the 360 in different countries. I have a message to you guys. GET OFF SONY’S DICK YOU HYPOCRITES.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:44 am
Kinda old news… I remember first seeing it here:
Nonetheless, nice to see all the raw data too.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:57 am
@james conney
the xbox has more than 8 exclusives over 80. Maybe you want to count again
Jul 28th, 2008 at 1:46 am
man. you gotta love the ignorance of the people who replied. that just cracks me up. I am no fanboy (I have and love my xbox1,xbox360,ps2, and ps3) but I found that everyone here seems to be going off on a rant and saying “oh my god, your a FREAKING IDIOT, PS3 IS THE BESTEST SYSTEM OF ALL TIMES!!!11!”.
stop it.
by his statement, and his stats, he is right technically.
Yes, we all can (hopefully) agree that MGS4 is an amazing game, but that’s one game. these stats are by the NUMBER of games, and by overall quality in those numbers.
Do I think Don Mattrick made his point? yes.
Do I think Don Mattrick will come out and NOT be bias to the company he heads? no.
I just find it said that flame wars still go on.
Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft throw mud like presidential candidates, but it’s constant, and incredibly irritating.
Bottom line is that Microsoft’s one year lead did many things for them.
It brought them a boost in AAA franchises, and some nice qualifications for the consumer, and the birth of RROD.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 1:54 am
well since Bioshock(soon to be), Orange Box, Guitar Hero aren’t exclusives…
then all MS has is Gears, Mass Effect, Halo.
Sony only has MGS, Resistance, Uncharted, R&C.
Nintendo only has Mario, Zelda, Samus, SSBB.
and there’s much more exclusives but since the 80’s range is now considered “shovelware” and cannot be consisdered a whorthy game anymore, then I say the video game industry is F**ked, this Don Mattrick is idiot(+90’s scores aren’t the only good games), (and i can’t believe I’m going to say this) I miss peter moore being at MS, at least he had fun with his comments…
Jul 28th, 2008 at 3:19 am
4 of the 5 titles on the PS3 that have a 90% or higher are multi-platform. 1 exclusive. Come on, tell me the PS3 doesn’t suck.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 5:13 am
actually they are right in the fact that microsoft does pay for games since they themselfs dont actually have the means to create games themselfs with only like i think 3 first party developers so they have to use alot of money to persuade third party developers to create games for there console. 😆
Jul 28th, 2008 at 5:15 am
I am a “Sony fan”, but the difference is that I do not like companies that buy up other companies, if it is the only way to win over another, this is what I call” The American way “.
“I like when the” WAR (country VS country) played on a level playing field, then both sides have the same technology but to them have different approaches, thats what I call a honest war, but not when you mix in to “who has the most money, wins”, for then it will not be honest fight against each other.
You could say that it is the only reason why I dislike Microsoft, it did much the same ugly thing against Apple about 20 years back, the did BS! them to believe that they were honest, and thus won the personal computer market and thats what they are trying to do to the gaming industry, but in a different way, it´s the “buying up all” bussiness.
I really hope Sony and Nintendo wins over Microsoft, just because of their ways to do business.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 5:55 am
@pete so tell me what are these amazing games that the 360 is just soaked in, mass effect? bioshock? i beat both of those on my fucking pc. O NOS I FORGOT HALO, yea its a good game but what else do you have, there are just as many good games on each system, get the fuck over it, fanboy.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 6:18 am
Jul 28th, 2008 at 7:23 am
Is anyone baffled by the animosity that goes around when anyone mentions anything about the console they don’t have?
This article is an article about statistics, not about how much ps3 or wii suck. None of the consoles suck, it’s the hardcore and ignorant fans of the consoles who suck. If you want to defend the quality of your favourite console, do it with a bit of class.
Keep your ignorant comments to yourself, it makes yourself look stupid to start stating utter nonsense as fact.
Instead of blasting useless insults at consoles and owners of a console you don’t have, smile at the fact that it’s ALWAYS the other console which keeps the competition of the companies alive, and in turn, the quality driving upwards.
If Koby Bryant had to play basketball with a paralyzed person, how well would he play?
I have both systems (360 and PS3). I favour my 360, I’m a 360 fanboy admittedly, but I don’t hate anyone for owning or supporting the ps3, it rocks as well. My love for my 360 is not more justified than your love for the PS3 or wii. So for that reason alone, I will respect your opinions about the ps3 and I won’t make myself and other ps3 fans look like retards by freaking out everytime something good is said about the ps3. In fact, I’ll even cheer you on for every strength the system has.
This is called good sportsmanship.
Caid Johnson.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:51 am
@ The Gaming Wiz
I didn’t mean “fanboy” in a rude way. More “fanboy” in a everyone-so-far-is-dissing-the-360-and-praising-the-PS3 kind of way. I will make sure to watch it next time. 😛
Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:53 am
OMG I can’t believe how defensive PS3 fans get when someone challenges their belief that the PS3 is god. You kids are some sick freaks, it should not hurt your feelings that much to hear the truth about a game console.
To the author, good job actually putting this together, too few journalists have the balls to print anything these days unless it is pro Sony or anti MS, they are too busy trying to appease the vulgar PS3 fanbase, to point that it impairs their journalistic integrity.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 9:54 am
@ Whitney
Shut up, wh**e.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 9:59 am
Well, I wouldn’t say it has better games, but it does have more games than the PS3 and Wii. You would think Microsoft could use their endless amounts of money to hire their own first party devs, but they’d rather steal PS3 exclusives and pay a shit load of money for extra content on the multiplatform games.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 10:14 am
I thought this was an interesting statistics view into the console war and while everyone argues about it, I would like to say…
thanks for the math
Jul 28th, 2008 at 10:43 am
@ Andrew
Hey, thanks for the compliment.
You’re the first guy to actually thank me in this post. 😀
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:01 pm
@ Davey Jay
honey… honey.. honey. you shouldnt go calling people names its quite rude and you and i both know i was speaking the truth so just play with your c**k instead of posting irrelevant comments ks
can i get a hallelujah
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:02 pm
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:08 pm
@ Whitney
How can I start playing with my c**k when I was doing so from the beginning? You don’t speak the truth at all, you are just a dirty, lying, stupid slut.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:18 pm
Don’t feed the troll.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:41 pm
@ Davey Jay
umm.. if you notice i didnt say start.. i just said play with your c**k and i was trying to give you advice so you can do something with your hands then to post comments not having to do with anything with this article really honey there is no need for stupidity now is there. (sorry to everyone that had to listen to our rebuttal this is my last comment on this article)
Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:52 pm
“Sadly, the Wii has the largest number of low scoring games (Metacritic Score 50 and below) with 52 titles.”
Sadly? You’re a huge fag if you did this because “GOGO NINTENDO! ^______^!”
Jul 28th, 2008 at 2:15 pm
@ Darkie
Hey thanks for your comment
Jul 28th, 2008 at 2:18 pm
@ Everyone,
If you’re going to post vulgar comments, please do so by censoring. ❗
Jul 28th, 2008 at 2:27 pm
@Caid Johnson
➡ This article is an article about statistics, not about how much ps3 or wii suck. None of the consoles suck, it’s the hardcore and ignorant fans of the consoles who suck. If you want to defend the quality of your favourite console, do it with a bit of class.
Pretty much sums up my feeling.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 3:50 pm
What games does the 360 has? actually all games developers brought to the 360 first…they later published on the PS3 and all games got better ratings on the 360(don’t tell me they were all ports cause in fact most version were build seperately on the PS3)…some 360 classics are DeadRising/DeadorAlive4/Graw1/Condemned/Kameo(Rare)/Crackdown/Gears1+2/PGR3+4/NinjaGaiden2/Naruto(Ubisoft)amazingly fun to play/VivaPinata/JustCause…Multiplatform games that were 1st on 360 and were better than their Ps3 versions are Graw2/Cod3+4/OrangeBox/LostPlanet/FightNight3/Armyof2/The darkness and there is much more coming Alan Wake for instance and all multiplatform games.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 4:00 pm
@ pete
You took the words right out of my mind. 😉
Jul 28th, 2008 at 4:29 pm
Thank you for digging out these facts and for presenting them in such an elegant manner.
As ever the Sony fanboys are out in force with their stupid abuse. They cannot accept that facts are facts.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 5:25 pm
Very interesting read. Perspective really is everything. As an owner of all three consoles, I do have to admit that the XBOX360 seems to continuously be keeping me busy while the PS3 and Wii remain idle.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 5:44 pm
[…] Mattrick over at Gamer’s World has posted some interesting stats (and charts) on current generation console releases. To sum it […]
Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:28 pm
In a perfect world, all the devs would have invested on both platforms to get the game running, utitilizing on the strenghts of individual platforms. We see alot of lazy ports ,it just makes PS3 look bad. For e.g: Burnout Paradise is build for PS3, and ported to 360. PS3 version has the edge on faster frame rate and higher resolution textures in some areas. Call of Duty 4 should be applaud, all 3 platforms PC, 360, PS3 look awesome. Although it falls out of the topic, just felt I needed to say this.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:47 pm
@ Bruceongames
Hey Bruce, thanks for stopping by my site. Yep, as you can see, Sony boys came out in full force at the beginning.
Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:49 pm
@ Steelfrog
That’s not to say the PS3 doesn’t have great games 😛
Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:51 pm
@ Adnan
A lot of reputation is ruined just because of a bad port. I believe the PC is the worst example of this, as bad console ports seem to hit one after another. But kudos to Infinity Ward for making COD 4 the same across all platforms, quality wise. I’m not looking forward to COD 5 though. They did COD 3 and it s**ked
Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:52 pm
😯 wow! what an article…we’ll i dont really have anything witty to add.. great stuff Mush 🙂
Seriously…fanboys give me the creeps. they need to grow up, cuz at the end of it, gaming wins and true gamers know that. It don’t matter if its the 360, wii or the ps3..or even the PC. 😎
Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:54 pm
@ The Game Druid
Jul 29th, 2008 at 12:14 am
“It seems the new Xbox boss Don Mattrick is being flanked left and right. He had been brought to the limelight saying that 360 rivals (namely Sony and Nintendo) was on an “extended vacation”.”
No, it seems the Xbox test team were on a extended 3yr vacation, as even after all this time, the Xbox is still a big white turd in terms to reliability… What good are great games, when you have to have your console sent away every couple of months for repair?
Jul 29th, 2008 at 12:55 am
I have no faith in Treyarch either, I am waiting for COD 6!
Jul 29th, 2008 at 12:59 am
@ The Wiz
Have you ever though the fact that bad ports ruins a platform’s stance in the “so called war”. A string of lazy ports can make one platform look better from the other. In fact, if there was no lazy port, we would never got any kind of console war to begin with. I think u just found ur next killer article… 😉
Jul 29th, 2008 at 1:03 am
at least the war could have been minimized….
Jul 29th, 2008 at 2:45 am
The Console wars are futile. The Pc comes out on top for everything except maby socializing.
Jul 29th, 2008 at 2:59 am
A good read and all but I can’t help but know that it was sort of biased. Not only from the article but from the further comments he’s made in reply 😐
Love the pie charts though 😛 Everything rocks with pie charts.
Jul 29th, 2008 at 3:39 am
I think the problem with the wii is that a bunch of developers are creating crappy “casual” games to cash in on thed old people and family demographics.
Jul 29th, 2008 at 4:02 am
The PC has a much larger games library (a staggering 2615 titles)… and 3.1% has a Metacritic score of 90+ 😈
So stop this stupid console bashing. Just play the games you like!
Jul 29th, 2008 at 4:46 am
I’m wondering how good Metacritic scores are as a proxy for game quality – I’m sure we’ve all seen good games get reviews below what they deserve, and lousy games get reviews well about what they deserve.
Going out on a limb here, but I’d also guess that the review scores are biased in favour of “hardcore” games, and against the “casual” games that Nintendo is raking in money on.
Reviews are great, but they aren’t the definitive word on whether a game is good or crappy…
Jul 29th, 2008 at 9:48 am
@ Adnan
Oh crap dude. Did you think others reading this site just MIGHT steal my next killer article? 😛
Jul 29th, 2008 at 9:51 am
@ Theguyman
Let me reassure you, although I might be biased in my comments but the stats are totally unbiased. Although I would like to remind everyone. Xbox 360 rocks! PS3>Xbox 360.
Jul 29th, 2008 at 1:08 pm
@ harryiet
Aka “shovelware”. I’m looking forward to getting a Wii though.
Jul 29th, 2008 at 1:08 pm
@ Jeroen Brattinga
Agreed. PC rocks! 😀
Jul 29th, 2008 at 1:11 pm
@ Matt
Well, Metacritic is an aggregate of most industry reviews. Although no one review is necessarily wrong, neither correct, because it is an expression of a particular individual. Hypothetically speaking, Halo 3 might not appeal to me while I’m sure almost all will think the opposite.
But, as I said, Metacritic is a good score considering it is an average of the reviews published online and disparities will be canceled out.
Jul 30th, 2008 at 1:01 am
PS2 rocks!
with 63 titles ranked 90 or above – nearly 3 times as many as Xbox360 PS3 and Wii combined!
Jul 30th, 2008 at 2:17 am
I think thats the most ridiculous thing ive heard. 360 had a yrs lead. ovi it will have more 90% rating. but if u notice, PS3 is catching up. MGS4 is amazing and is the highest rating exclusive game ever. and thats just the beginning. by the end of the Fiscal Year (upto to April 2009), PS3 will have Killzone 2, Resistance @, Little Big Planet, Motorstorm Pacific Rift(all exclusive) and ofcourse with theres God of War 3 and Gran Tourismo 5 on the horizon as well as multiplatform titles lyk Resident Evil 5 and Bionic Commander. These games are all 90% rating. in comparision in the same time period 30 only has 1 confirmed AAA+ game in Gears of Wars 2. By the time the fiscal yr is over, PS3 will have more 90% games than 360!
Btw everyone who has PS3 in Bangladesh, do u guys us PSN? if so how? and any chance of PS3 games getting pirated in future?
Jul 30th, 2008 at 3:33 am
(via stumbleupon)
Want a real competition go for games with a score of over 95.
If you do that, PS3 and 360 share GTAIV’s score of 98, but have no other games that score that high.
Wii has two games, zelda and mario galaxy.
PC has six, HL2, out of the park baseball, orange box, half life, bioshock and baldur’s gate II: shadows of amn. Of course, going by the old 90+ routine PC has a whopping 79 90+ titles(out of 1817 titles listed), which means that for PC games, 4.35% of the library listed on metacritic scores over 90. Subsequently, there are 180 titles that score 50 or less. (9.91%)
So in the end, PC easily wins out with the most titles, and the top number(90+) of titles, but as percentage barely beats out the 360 for number of crappy titles out of total game library.
For curiosity, number of green ranked games.
PS3 – 84 or -(50.00%)
Wii – 42 or -(17.64%)
360 – 166 or (38.69%)
PC — 749 or (41.22%)
PC almost has more Green ranked games than all three consoles have in their entire combined game libraries.
Aug 1st, 2008 at 6:44 am
Numbers,numbers, numbers. Interesting thoughts, and whether true or not, I don’t think they matter.
What are consoles about? FUN. Entertainment. Personally, I have more fun playing my Xbox 360 than I do while playing my Nintendo Wii (I have played the PS3 before, but do not own it and can’t weigh in.) There’s no sense in arguing which is better, because as long as you personally enjoy your console specific experience, who cares what anyone else says?
If someone comes up to me and says ” The Ps3 is the best console out there 360 sucks”, what do I say? “Glad, you like your console I like mine too.”
I don’t understand why people become ” fanboys” for a console. as long as you enjoy yourself, it does not matter.
Aug 1st, 2008 at 7:57 am
I am pretty sure this will hurt some feelings, but… These are consoles (360, ps3, wii) for GAMES. Games are intended for enjoyment and relaxation. Just because somebody discovered some FUN facts about the 360 does not require proof of who has a better console. If you people are really that concerned about proving other people wrong than buy all 3 consoles and decide for yourself before bashing others… if you can’t afford that, then you really don’t have the power to say ridiculous comments… good job author, I was informed and entertained while reading.
Aug 1st, 2008 at 4:01 pm
try adding pc to this ^^
battening the hatches i would rather own a xbox but i think PS3 and WII would be great fun but short lasted but thats just me.
pc 4 life
Aug 4th, 2008 at 11:40 am
@ TK
➡ Facts are facts. 😀
Aug 6th, 2008 at 11:40 pm
Good article but the fanboy comments make me sad…..
How can people be so ignorant… 😐
May 8th, 2009 at 12:43 am
Oh common u god dam fanboys,u dont know anything about upcoming games on xbox 360…yes ps3 has given sum huge xclusives and sum are cuming like infamous and uncharted 2,but u should know that sony has alredy anounced their xclusiv line up for 2009 and its realy small abt 20 games.but microsoft dint anounc yet but game devs have given out names of games coming out in 2009 only for xbox 360 and pc umm almost 70!!!cummon dont waste ur money on buying a console that dosnt hav games.
May 8th, 2009 at 12:51 am
The god damn fanboys will say ps3 has ‘potential’ coz it haz 8core cpu..cummon get out of ur pantys n see how this game is working on a pc with single core cpu?
Games are specialy designed for each platform..
May 8th, 2009 at 12:58 am
And for the bluray vs dvd…ps3 fanboys wil say omg how can a dvd hold a game that is on a bluray?thats because u r an illitrate..think if u have enough knwledge abt what u r talking abt..the games on a dvd r made with ‘procedual synthesis’ which makes a bluray uzles for games.ps3 dosnt support this thing and it needs the the way games get over a terabyte b4 porting them for difrent platforms.
May 8th, 2009 at 1:03 am
And if u know ,the game developers r very unsatisfied with ps3 coz games that are already on 360 n pc cannot be eazily ported to the takes few munths to port a game to the ps3,coz of its difrent cell shader,format now developers create al the games for 360 or pc 1st then port it to the ps3.
May 8th, 2009 at 1:11 am
And a ps3 game flows easily into the 360…about the graphics the ps3 had to lose again like the ps2 did wid the xbox 1…(dont forget im talking abt grafix).game developers try to take full advantage of the 360 grafix processor..but when it has to be ported to the ps3 the graphics quality of the game has to be reduced coz the ps3 has a low powerd grafix procesor (thats painfull)…
May 8th, 2009 at 1:15 am
Small game developers are also coming up with games as good as any establishd game cmpany…and they r able to make better games for the 360 coz games r very easily ported to the 360 just like the pc….so u can assume the list of ps3 xclusives vs the 360 exclusives…
May 8th, 2009 at 1:19 am
To prove that,i wil advice u to download a free software called ‘xna’ and see that u urself can make games for 360 and releaz them via xbox live (even though u hav to releaz it for free)but there is nothing u do for ps3.the ps3 dooms the game devs and they dnt want to create games for it.
May 8th, 2009 at 1:24 am
Even though the ps3 has almost caught up with 360 in sales(this is proved by the number of members in xbox live vs psn home)…more than half of the ps3 owners also own a 360 so try to know their opinions they know which is for me i say the 360 is better coz i spend more time wid my 360 than my ps3..but i love mgs4 and i finished it twice:D
Sep 3rd, 2009 at 7:31 am
Here’s the real truth playstation has been the king and will always be. Why before all of you were arguing about xbox this and that you were playing your playstation1 and 2’s. Yeah look in your house okay then, and the playstation2 game inventory is and still is considering they are still making games the biggest library around. When it comes to system sales wii is kicking everyones butt, why most people have a ps3 or xbox360. The thing is majority of those same gamers got a wii right next to it. The xbox coming out first did make a difference because if your any kind of serious gamer you want to play next gen stuff. So alot couldn’t wait and bought the 360, and a bunch of games. They also got the ps3 later because it was the better choice. Exclusives: i love socom nothing touches it, socom 2 was one of the highest played ever! Killzone, mgs1-4, god of war, gta used to be exclusive, & watch out for M.A.G also good.
Sep 3rd, 2009 at 7:51 am
Farhan i don’t care about what is easily ported from pc or not. if i want to play computer game guess what i’ll play it on my computer. Hd discs are nearly outdated to this point, and the system you rave about cost you as much as mine or more. Why?, its poorly made look at the fan that sounds like your cutting grass, the red rings of death comes from poor manufacturing. Oh! thats why they’re being sued by companies selling there product due to all the returns. My bad and all the additional equipment you have to buy just to do the same things the ps3 already does from jump street. Oh! and a blue ray discs hold way more information then any cd on the market today. I choose not to pay for xbox live and feel it to be outrage especially when your already make the consumer pay for all the extra equipment plus games. Then to top it off isn’t he one of the richest people on the planet, why should you pay for anything?
Sep 3rd, 2009 at 8:05 am
Don’t get me wrong i don’t want to come off as an xbox basher, but i choose to do smart things with my money. i am also a loyal consumer, i have bought several nintendo made systems never had any of the problems you have with xbox. Then i bought a ps2 because i grew up, but also have a wii. My ps2 still works to this day and is about 6-7 years old. The xbox change systems how long after coming out? This man has so much money and you have have to purchase so much extra stuff that the ps3 already gives you for what? Just because games are easy to port now makes no just argument, why? because just like operating systems, computers, and all electrical devices. What we use today is outdated tomorrow, so it only smart to make something that is already ahead of its time to keep up. In reality i’ll be playing the same system, and you’ll be buying something just to keep up as time goes on.
Dec 1st, 2009 at 5:50 pm
Im under the impression the ps3 has more 90+ rated titles now on the ps3 than on the 360. i mean. true exclusives. those are the only ones that matter to a console.. atleast to me. because the only game im aware of having a 90+ rating and only on 360 is halo 3. im not sure if theres another game with 90+ thats not on pc. as for Sony. i could name a number of AAA titles only exclusive and 90+ rated. I havent gone to metacritic to validate my claims but here goes… Valkyria Chronicles, demons souls, uncharted , uncharted 2, metal gear solid 4, killzone 2 , ratched and clank future games, little big planet , resistance 2 . And the only game i can think of thats 90+ on meta for 360 is halo 3 and gears of war 2. gears 1 is on pc and gears 2 will prlly get on pc in the following year because its EPIC games. lol. Games like ninja gaiden and tales of vesperia and many other jrpgs are gettin the version that should have been the release version for the 360 for the ps3. And the rest of the titles are all multiplatform .
Dec 1st, 2009 at 5:54 pm
but frankly … to true gamers a review score means jack shit. this don mattrick guy isnt even a gamer.. numbers matter to him more because hes a businessman. the larger the number the better in his eyes. but for true gamers its either we love it or like it or we dont.. its all mostly upto individual taste. ive played games rated 4.5\10 that ive liked more than 9\10 rated games like halo 3 odst. which ripped me off. now saying that would be justified if i actually owned the real copy. :P. :)) but i know many whod justify that statement because they do own the retail copy. :)) and soon returned it for something else :))
Dec 1st, 2009 at 10:16 pm
@ James
Ah, nicely said, this article was written a long time ago when most of the games you mentioned wasn’t released. At that time, the 360 actually DID have more 90+ AAA titles than the PS3. But its a reversal of trends now and MS should better wake up. 😀
Feb 11th, 2010 at 9:14 am
hey gaming wiz…..should i get a xbox 360….i have a ps3 but it looks like xbox will be quite the big thing this year cos of natal….i love my ps3 but im missin out on a lotta good games like gw 2 fable and watever title comes with natal….. also give me ur psn acc ill add u wen i get wimax
Feb 11th, 2010 at 11:45 am
Hey bro, welcome to the site. Yes, if you are a hardcore gamer I definitely recommend getting an Xbox 360. You simply can’t miss out on these exclusive games @
And my previous ISP (Zipbd) didn’t allow internet connection sharing. So, haven’t got around to hooking up Wimax to PS3 yet. You can add me on Xbox Live (when you get a 360), Gamertag TUSHAR451.
After I’ve got set up into PSN, I’ll let you know. 😀
Mar 22nd, 2010 at 7:31 am
i own both consoles , both bought at the same date , the date of the ps3 release , ive played the same game on both consoles and played games only outfor each console , xbox360 dominates the ps3 in ever was possible , the ps3 has better hardware yet the 360’s hardware is still better and faster. the game graphics on the 360 are a lot smother and dont stress your eyes as much as the ps3.
and as for big title games no game ever made is as big as the halo series for 360 even to this day its still the biggest selling game.
i will still allways play ps3 games they are good but dont compare to the 360 so sory all you hardcore ps3 fans u will never feel the true power of gameing if u stick with the ps3.
dont belive it buy both consoles and see for your self
Apr 6th, 2010 at 12:26 am
Compare to XBOX or PS, PC Games sell hight in number, right?
May 14th, 2010 at 2:32 pm
Even Though Xbox 360 Hv Many Games But 90 Percent OF Those Games Sucks!!!!!
Jul 13th, 2013 at 5:50 pm
Ahh, so PS3 fanboys have been trolling the shit out of xbox articles forever.
Lol, owning a PS3 is going to quickly become terrible when everyone has a head set. Their community is horrible.