New Assassin’s Creed Game To Be Announced In May

The next Assassin’s Creed game will be announced in May, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has just confirmed.

Speaking to investors on a conference call this afternoon, Guillemot said the new game will be released this year.

“We will have an Assassin’s Creed this year… We are going to give you more details in May,” he said, confirming that it’s a “packaged title”.

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Written By on February 15th, 2011 Categories: News, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 Tags: , ,

19 Responses to “New Assassin’s Creed Game To Be Announced In May”

  1. I’m a sucker for AC as well :mrgreen:

  2. @Gamerkid

    Liar Liar pants for hire 😛 ooops fire 😀

  3. @Rabbi

    Vice Versa 😛

  4. AC is good…lookin forward to it……………

  5. @ rabbi
    gamerkid only sucks in 1 game and that is the most hyped but worst game in the History i.e. ME2…….

  6. after the ending of AC:B i’m curious to know what happens to Desmond. I really hope they feature a new assassin.

  7. @ xlivnt
    same here………

  8. Yup we all had enough of Ezio.

  9. I want subjest 16………not desmond….

  10. @Fahim

    😆 Assassins Creed III will boast a new assassin but the root was and will be desmond no matter what, unless they literally reboots the series.

  11. @ rabbi
    but subject 16 sounds very interesting……

  12. @Fahim

    maybe in ACIII we will know some vital repressed truths about subject 16. But subject 16 aint gonna be a protagonist cuz he died long back in the assassins creed story.

  13. @ rabbi
    i know that too but a flash back would be cool……..

  14. Another ! This yr !! I m dieing for AC !! plzz soon !! 😀

    @ Fahim .. me too..subject 16… will b interestingg….letss c..

  15. subject 16 will be interesting..but a whole new thing would be good.

  16. Ubisoft would be bonkers for having Ezio a third time around but I wouldn’t mind – that guy has a lot of character 😉

    That said, an entirely new AC game should have an entirely new character. But I’m guessing Desmond Miles is here to stay since it’s his DNA memories we’re re-living.

  17. @ maestro
    yess u got it….thats wat i want to c…..desmond and ezio are getting OLD……well variety iz the spice of life…….

  18. @ wiz
    yes desmond is quite permanent in AC…but a new exciting and thrilling character would be great…and this time in further future from ezio’s time…so that we can enjoy a bit modernistic tools…i mean killing equipments……..

  19. i would like it if the new dialogue after assassination is ”RASQUET DE PACE suckers”……..LOL….

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